Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Путешествие в сказочный мир"
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Путешествие в сказочный мир"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Внеклассное мероприятие
по английскому языку
«Путешествие в сказочный мир»
Учитель высшей категории
МБОУ гимназия
Кошелева Галина Викторовна
г. Сафоново.
Смоленская область
2020 год.
Сценарий праздника «Into the world of fantasy».
Задачи: Совершенствование навыков устной речи; тренировка навыков аудирования; поддержание интереса к изучению иностранного языка.
Оборудование: Декорации и костюмы для инсценировки английских сказок, компьютер, интерактивная доска.
Подготовительная работа: Разучивание слов, организация репетиций, изготовление костюмов и декораций, приглашение родителей, учеников параллельных классов.
Ход праздника:
I. Слайд на экране (Magic English)
II. Ведущие:
1 вед. Good afternoon, dear friends!
2 вед. Good afternoon, dear guests!
1 вед. We are glad to see you at our party “Into the world of fantasy”
2 вед. We hope you will enjoy our party.
You are welcome.
1 вед. Дорогие друзья, дорогие гости. Мы рады видеть вас на нашем празднике «Путешествие в сказочный мир». Мы надеемся, что вы получите удовольствие. Добро пожаловать!
III. Танец (2кл.).
IV. Dear friends! Let’s return to our childhood to the world of toys.
V. (Учащиеся 2-го класса).
Коробка с игрушками. Дети вокруг неё. Тянут игрушки и говорят:
I’ve got a cat
I’ve got a dog
I’ve got a car
I’ve got a plane
I’ve got a train
I’ve got a frog
I’ve got a kitten
I’ve got a puppy
I’ve got a doll
We like to play with toys.
I haven’t got a toy
I haven’t got a toy, too. (Плачут)
Выходит мальчик в костюме с бабочкой в солнечных очках с двумя большими игрушками.
Girls! Don’t cry! Don’t worry! Be happy! и отдает игрушки.
Песня об игрушках. (What have you got?)
1 вед. Do you like to read fairy tales? All children, all parents like to read fairy tales or to listen to them.
2 вед. I am sure it is interesting to meet your favourite fairy tale characters.
1 вед. Вы любите читать сказки? все дети и взрослые любят читать или слушать сказки. Очень интересно встретиться с любимыми сказочными героями.
2 вед. Guess, what the name of this fairy tale is?
1 вед. Догадайтесь как называется эта сказка
The Fairy tale “Turnip” (Слайд на экране)
(Учащиеся 3-го класса).
VII. Появляется папа
Oh, what is this?
Is this a flower?
No, it isn’t,
Is this a small tree?
No, it isn’t
Oh, it’s a turnip!
What a big yellow turnip!
(пытается вытянуть репку из земли)
One, two, three… Mummy, come here!
Mummy: Oh, what’s this? Is this a flower or a turnip?
Daddy: This isn’t a flower. It’s a turnip!
Mummy: Whose turnip is this?
Daddy: It’s Masha’s turnip.
(Пытается вытянуть репку)
One, two, three…
Mummy: Masha, come here!
Masha: Oh, what’s this? Is it my turnip?
Mummy and Daddy: Yes, it is. Help us! One, two, three, four…
Dog come here!
Dog: whose turnip is this?
Masha: It’s my turnip
One, two, three, four…
Cat ,come here!
Cat: Oh, what’s this? Is this a flower or a turnip?
Dog: This isn’t flower. It’s a turnip!
Cat: Is it Masha’s turnip?
Dog: Yes, it is.
One, two, three, four…
Mouse, come here.
Mouse: Is it a flower or a turnip?
Cat: It is a turnip.
Mouse: Is it Masha’s turnip?
Cat: Yes, it is.
One, two, three, four…
Turnip: Here I am
All: What a big yellow turnip!
All pupils sing the song “I can walk”
VII. Ведущие:
1 вед. Do you guess the name of this fairy tale?
Of course, it’s « репка»
2 вед. We’ll continue to travel in the world of fantasy. The weather is fine. The sun is shining.
1 вед. The birds are singing. But who is coming? I wonder!
IX. 2 вед. I think this is Puff-the-Ball (Слайд на экране)
The fairy – tale “Puff-the-Ball wants to have friends” (Учащиеся 5-го класса, слайд на экране).
Story-teller: Hi, everybody! I have a nice tale for you: Puff-the-Ball hasn’t got parents. He wants to have some friends. One day he goes out to look for some friends. (Звучит музыка, выбегает колобок).
Story-teller: He walks on and on. He sees a cat. (Выбегает кошка).
Puff-the-Ball: hello, Pussy. I’m looking for a friend. Do you want to be my friend?
Pussy-the-Cat: Of course. Please, take me with you.
Puff-the-Ball: With great pleasure. I want to have a friend. Come with me.
Story-teller: So Puff-the-Ball and Pussy-the-Cat walk on and on. Then they see a little Dog. (Выбегает собака).
Dog: Hi! Are you looking for a friend? You are two and I’m alone. Please, take me with you.
Puff-the-Ball: And who are you?
Dog: I’m Rex-the-Dog.
Puff-the-Ball: Ok. Come with us. We want to have a friend, too.
Story-teller: Puff-the-Ball, Pussy-the-Cat and Rex-the-Dog walk on and on. Soon they see a Hare. (Прыгает Заяц).
Hare: Hi! Are you looking for a friend? You are three and I’m alone. Please, take me with you. I want to be your friend.
Puff-the-Ball: And who are you?
Hare: I’m Jack-the-Hare.
Puff-the-Ball: Then come with us. We want to have a friend, too.
Story-teller: So Puff-the-Ball, Pussy-the-Cat, Rex-the-Dog and Jack-the-Hare walk on, and on, and on. Soon they see a Frog. (Прыгает Лягушка).
Frog: Hello! Are you looking for a friend? Please, take me with you. You are four and I’m alone.
Puff-the-Ball: And who are you?
Frog: I am Flop-the-Frog. I want to be your friend, too.
Story-teller: So Puff-the-Ball, Pussy-the-Cat, Rex-the-Dog and Jack-the-Hare and Flop-the-Frog walk on, and on. Soon they come to a nice house.
Puff-the-Ball: Look! What a nice house! The house is very big. We can all live in this house.
Pussy-the-Cat: OK
Rex-the-Dog: Good
Jack-the-Hare: Very good.
Flop-the-Frog: Very, very good.
Story-teller: Now, Puff-the-Ball has got four friends: Pussy-the-Cat, Rex-the-Dog, Jack-the-Hare, Flop-the-Frog and now they are living happily in this nice big house.
The Song “There is a beetle…” (Слайды на экране).
X. Ведущие.
1 вед. Let’s go to the fairy forest. What’s this?
2 вед. This is a house.
1 вед. What house is it?
2 вед. It’s a wood house.
XI. The Fairy tale “The Wood house” (Учащиеся 7-го класса, слайд на экране) .
The Author: The frog is coming.
She looks into the house.
Frog: Croak-croak. What a nice house!
Croak-croak! I like it Croak-croak.
Who lives here? Nobody. Croak-croak.
I want to live in this house.
The Author: And here is mouse coming.
Mouse: What a nice house! Pe, pe, pe.
Who lives here? Pe, pe, pe.
Frog: I am a frog. And who are you?
Mouse: I am a mouse. May I come in?
Frog: Yes, please come in.
Mouse: Thank you.
The Author: The frog and the mouse like to play. And here is a cock coming.
Cock: Cock-a-double-doo! What a nice house. Cock-a-double-doo! Who lives here?
Frog: I am a frog.
Mouse: I am a mouse. And who are you?
Cock: I am a cock.
Frog: And what can I do?
Cock: I like to sing! Cock-a-double-doo! May I come in?
Mouse: Please come in.
Cock: Thank you.
The Author: And here is a hedgehog coming.
Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog
Frog: And what can I do?
Cock: I am a cock. And who are you?
Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog.
Frog: And what can I do?
Hedgehog: I can be on a guard! Fr-fr-fr.
May I come in?
Mouse: Please come in.
Hedgehog: Thank you.
The Author: And here is a dog coming.
Dog: Bow-Bow. What a nice house. Bow-Bow!
Who lives here?
Frog: I am a frog.
Mouse: I am a mouse.
Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog.
And who are you?
Dog: I am a dog.
Frog: And what can I do?
Dog: I can run. I am very strong. May I come in?
Mouse: Please come in.
Dog: Thank you.
The Author: And here is a hare coming.
Hare: Oh, help me! The is chasing me!
Dog: And who are you?
Hare: I am a hare. May I come in?
Mouse: Please come in.
Hare: Thank you.
The Author: And here is a wolf coming.
Wolf: What a nice house. Who lives here?
Frog: I am a frog.
Mouse: I am a mouse.
Cock: I am a cock.
Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog.
Dog: I am a dog. And who are you?
Wolf: I am a wolf. Where is the hare?
The animals (вместе): Go away! Go away!
Wolf: I can open the door. (Стучит)
Oh, I’ve hurt myself. I shall find the bear.
The Author: And here is a bear coming.
Bear: Hello! What’s the matter?
Wolf: Help me!
Bear: All right. Let’s pull the door.
Wolf and Bear: One, two, three!
Wolf: My poor legs! My poor legs!
Bear: I can open the door! (Сунул лапу под дверь, еж уколол его своими иголками). Oh, my paw, my paw (убегает).
The Author: All the animals are happy.
The song “I am happy”
XII. Ведущие:
1 вед. Dear friends! We are going to meet our fairy guests.
2 вед. Look at them. They are three little nice pigs.
1 вед. Everybody knows the story about three little pigs.
2 вед. I hope you are ready to watch our play.
XIII. The Fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”(Учащиеся 8-го класса, слайды на экране).
Storyteller 1. Everybody knows the story about three little piglets. I hope you are ready to watch our play.
Storyteller 2. Once upon a time there lived three little brothers: Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf.
Storyteller 1. One summer day the eldest brother noticed that the weather was cloudy and cool.
Naf-Naf. You see, brothers, autumn is coming. Rain and Wind will be here soon.
Nif-Nif. You are not right. Summer is long.
Nuf-Nuf. It is warm now. There is a lot of food around us. We want to play and have fun.
Naf-Naf. Stop and listen to me, please. Winter will come after autumn. Snow will be falling. Wind will be blowing. It will be cold and snowy.
Nif-Nif. So what are you going to do?
Naf-Naf. I am going to build a good house and I advise you to do the same.
Nuf-Nuf. OK. Let’s build a house at once and go on playing.
Nif-Nif. I will make a house from straw.
Nuf-Nuf. My house will be made of branches of the trees.
Storyteller 2. So they all built the houses for themselves. Nif-Nif built a house from straw, Nuf-Nuf built a house from branches but Naf-Naf was the cleverest because he built his house from stones.
Storyteller 1. Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf built their houses very fast and started playing while the eldest brother was building his house. He was doing it very carefully.
Storyteller 2. But suddenly Wind and Cold came and every piglet went to his own house.
Появляется волк.
Wolf. Oh, how cold it is. How hungry I am! I remember that three little piglets live in this wood. One of them may live here. (волк подходит к дому Ниф-Нифа). I must blow at his house so it will be broken.
Волк дует, стараясь разрушить дом поросенка. Дом рушится, поросенок бежит к дому Нуф-Нуфа.
Nif-Nif. Oh, please, help me, Nuf-Nuf. Let me come in, please. Wolf wants to eat me up. My house is broken.
Поросенок вбегает в дом Нуф-Нуфа, волк бежит за ним.
Wolf. Oh, here they are! There are two of them. I must blow again.
Волк дует, стараясь разрушить дом поросенка. Дом рушится, поросята бегут к дому Наф-Нафа.
Nuf-Nuf. Please, let us in, dear brother Naf-Naf!
Nuf-Nuf. Hurry up, please. Wolf wants to eat us up! Our houses are broken.
Naf-Naf. Come in, please. Let’s close the door.
Волк подходит к дому Наф-Нафа.
Wolf. Oh, there must be all three piglets! What a big dinner I am going to have.
Волк дует, стараясь разрушить дом поросенка, но у него ничего не получается. Волк подходит поближе к дому, наступает на капкан и, прихрамывая, убегает прочь.
Naf-Naf. You see, my dear brothers, how it is important to build a good house!
Nif-Nif. Forgive us, Naf-Naf. You were right.
Nuf-Nuf. We won’t be lazy any more, we will do everything you will say.
Naf-Naf. That is very good. Let’s live together in my house!
Storyteller 1. Three brothers lived very happily together and Wolf never returned to their house.
Storyteller 2. He was afraid of three little piglets and didn’t want to have any problems.
The Song “ What are you wearing?”
XIV. Ведущие:
1 вед. I am sure you know the story about Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends.
2 вед. Now you will see a play about them
XV. The Fairy tale Winnie-the-Pooh (Учащиеся 8-го класса, слайд на экране).
Characters: a storyteller, Winnie-the-Pooh, Piglet, Donkey Eeyore, Owl.
Storyteller. I am sure you know the story about Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends. Now you will see a play about them. One day Donkey Eeyore invited Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet on his birthday.
Winnie-the-Pooh. Hello, Piglet! Look what a good present I have!
Piglet. Hello Winnie! What is it?
Winnie-the-Pooh. It is a pot of honey. Donkey Eeyore will be very happy. And what have you prepared for him?
Piglet. I have prepared this beautiful balloon. You see, it wants to fly to the sky. Don’t let it do this. My present is so beautiful! I hope Donkey Eeyore will like it.
Storyteller. So they started walking, but five minutes later Winnie-the-Pooh felt that he was hungry.
Winnie-the-Pooh. Hey, Piglet! May I eat some more honey from the pot?
Piglet. I don’t know, Winnie.
Winnie-the-Pooh. I think half a pot of honey will be enough for Donkey Eeyore (съедает половину горшка меда).
Storyteller. Winnie-the-Pooh ate the half of honey and they went to donkey. Winnie felt hungry again. He liked honey and he began to eat honey again. He ate all the honey up.
Winnie-the-Pooh. It is not necessary to give Donkey Eeyore honey. He doesn’t like honey very much as I do. (съедает весь мед). He will be happy when I give him just a pot.
Piglet. An empty pot?
Winnie-the-Pooh. Although it is empty now it is very useful. You can everything you want into this pot. For example, your balloon. Oh, no, your balloon is too big (пытается положить шарик в горшок). It can’t go unto my pot.
Storyteller. They went further but suddenly a piglet stumbled on a hummock and fell down. Bang! What loud noise you could hear!
Piglet. Winnie! Winnie! My balloon! You see, it is not a beautiful balloon now, it is just a piece of red rubber. (плачет)
Winnie-the-Pooh. Don’t worry, my friend. It is much better than before. You can see now your balloon can go into my pot and go out of my pot. Into and out, into and out. Can you see? (Опускает и достает шарик из горшка.)
Storyteller. The Piglet stopped crying and they went to Donkey Eeyore. Suddenly they saw a tail with a bow. It was very strange that the tail was hanging on the bush. But Winnie and Piglet didn’t understand that it was a tail.
Winnie-the-Pooh. Piglet! Piglet! What is it?
Piglet. I don’t know, Winnie. I have see it somewhere but I don’t remember where I have seen it.
Winnie-the-Pooh. Let’s take it ,Piglet.
Piglet. OK, maybe it will be useful for somebody.
Storyteller. They took the tail and soon they saw the Owl who was also going to Donkey Eeyore.
Winnie-the-Pooh. Hello, Owl! Are you going to Donkey’s party?
Owl. Hello, Winnie! Hello, Piglet! I want to go to my friend but I don’t know what to give Donkey Eeyore as a present. What is it? I have seen this tail somewhere.
Winnie-the Pooh. Tail? Have you said “tail”? We thought it was just a rope with a bow.
Piglet. We didn’t thought it was a tail.
Owl. I don’t know whose tail it is but I think that Donkey will be happy when I give it to him. It can be rather useful. Can you give the tail to me, Donkey? I haven’t got a present, and you have as I see it. (берет хвост)
Winnie. Of course, you make take this tail as a present to Donkey Eeyore.
Storyteller. They went further and soon came up to Donkey Eeyore. Their friend was standing near the house. He looked very sad.
Winnie-the Pooh. Hello, Donkey Eeyore! Happy birthday to you! Why are you sad? What’s the matter?
Donkey. Hello, Winnie! Hello, Piglet! Hello, Owl! I am very happy to see you, but I have lost my tail, that’s why I am so sad.
Owl. May I give you a present? Please, look at this. Is it your tail?
Donkey. Yes, it is. Thank you very much, dear friends. Where have you found it?
Piglet. We saw it hanging on a bush. At first we didn’t understand that it was a tail.
Winnie-the-Pooh. Then Owl told us that it was a tail and we decided to give it to you. But we have got other presents for you. (Дарит горшок) Do you like it?
Piglet. Sorry, Eeyore, I wanted to give you a beautiful balloon, but you see it is only a oiece of red rubber. It was not a nice balloon now. (Дарит шарик.)
Donkey. Thank you very much, dear Winnie and Piglet! I like your presents very much. I love you, my dear friends!
Winnie-the-Pooh. Happy birthday!
Piglet. Happy birthday!
Owl. Happy birthday to you!
The song “I like spaghetti”
XVI. Ведущие.
1 вед. And now let’s dance a very merry and funny dance “Hokey Pokey”(Слайд на экране).
2 вед. Who would like to dance?
XVII. Ведущие:
1 вед. I am very sorry but our holiday came to an end.
2 вед. That’s all for today. We think you have had a good time today.
1 вед. Thank you for your coming, for your attention.
2 вед. We’ll be glad to see you soon. Good bye.
XVIII. Танец. (Песня «Маленькая страна»).
На экране последний слайд
“Thank you for your attention”.

Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
The bee
The fly
The flea
The stick insect
The ants
The grasshopper
The butterfly

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