Итоговый контрольный тест,4класс

Казакова Ирина Ивановна



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inal test     Form 4

1. Peter is ______ the piano.  

a)  Playing                                b) Watching                c) Beginning

2. My friend has no _______ in his room.

a)  School                                 b) Sport                       c)Television

3. I like to ____ TV with my sister.

a)  Film                                    b) See                          c) Watch

4. Mr. Hoff is Monica’s father. Monica is his _____. 

a)  Daughter                            b)Cousin                      c)Mother

5. We often listen _____ our teacher.

a)  To                                         b) -                            c) Too

6. They are ____ toys.

a)  Children                             b) Children’s               c) Childrens’ 

7. Bob is _____ brother.

a)  Max’s                                 b)Max                          c)Maxs 

8. In the morning Sue dresses and has _____.

a)  Lunch                                 b)Breakfast                  c)Eat

9. My cousin always has eggs ____ breakfast.

a)  For                                     b) At                             c) To

10. I like our two-room _____.  

a)  Flat                                    b)Kitchen                     c)Garden

11. In the _____of the living room we have a carpet.

a)  Middle                              b)Next to                       c)On

12. His room is always _____. He never cleans it.

a)  Messy                               b)Tidy                           c) Clean

13. All Sara’s books are ____. 

a)  The bookcase                    b)Bookcase                   c)In her bookcase

14. Peter is ___ blackboard.  He is ready for the lesson.

a)  At the                                b)On the                        c)To the

15. I’m sorry but I don’t ______ you. 

a)  Understand                       b)Answer                       c)Ask

16. There ___ ten pens on the desk.

a)  Is                                      b)Are                              c) 

17. There ____ a sofa in the teacher’s room. 

a)   Is                                     b)Are                              c) 

18. There ___ a lot of questions after the text for you.

a)  Is                                      b) Are                             c)  

19.  There ____ a long scarf on the bed.

a)  Is                                      b) Are                             c)-

20. A strong wind is _____.

a)  Shining                            b) Going                         c) Blowing

21. The day was beautiful. The sun was shining _____ the sky.

a)  On                                   b) In                                c) Off 

22. Last summer I was on the farm. Paul was in town _____.

a)  When                              b) Than                           c) Then

23. Sam ______ to visit his cousin on holiday.

a)  Decided                           b) Joined                        c) Talked

24. I am going to _______ Spain soon.

a)  Travel                             b) Visit                           c) Join

25.  He tried to _____ the brothers to the party.

a)  Join                                b) Invite                          c) Talk

26. Tom and Jim were in London two weeks ____.

a)  Ago                                b) Before                         c) After

27. Sally ____ very happy yesterday.

a)  Was                                b) Were                           c) Is

28. Bob and Tim _____ in the shop last morning.

a)  Was                               b) Were                            c) Will be

29. Look! The sky ___ dark and cloudy.

a)  Was                               b) Is                                  c) Will be

30. Every day I ____ up at seven o’clock. 

a)  Gets                               b)Get                                c)Will get

31. Tomorrow I _______  dinner.

a)  Have                              b)Will have                     c)Had

32. Ronald ____ going to visit his grandparents.

a)  Is                                    b) Are                             c)Am

33. You _____ going to travel in summer.

a)  Is                                    b)Are                              c)Am

34. I usually _______ my granny on Sunday.

a)  Visit                              b)Visits                            c)Visited

35. My mother _____ tasty dinner yesterday.

a)  Cooked                         b)Cook                             c)Will cook

                                                     Итоговая контрольная работа   4  класс


  1.   Reading – Чтение.
  1. Прочитайте текст и вставьте необходимые по смыслу слова (слова перед текстом)

A. ball

B. meat

C. fox baby

D. mushrooms

E. river

My name is David. Last summer I lived in the village with my granny and grandpa.

There is a big forest and a… (1) near our village.

Every day my friends and I went to the river. We swam and played with a… (2) on the green grass.

One day in July we got up at 6 o’clock in the morning and went to the forest. There were many… (3) and berries in the forest. We picked flowers, gathered berries and mushrooms.

Suddenly one of the boys stopped and said, “Look! What is this?”

We ran up to him and saw a small… (4) under a big tree. It was very nice and funny. “Where is your mother, baby?” we asked him.

We took the fox baby home. We gave him fish and… (5). He grew up quickly. We named him “July”. July liked to play with us. We were friends.

One day when we wanted to play with July we couldn’t find him. He ran away to the forest.

  1. Выберите правильный ответ по тексту

  1. Last summer David lived in … .
  1. town
  2. the village
  3. the forest

      2. Every day the boys went … .

a.    to the forest

b.    to the zoo

c.    to the river

     3. The boys saw a baby fox … .

  1. under a big tree
  2. near the river

in the village

    4. The boys gave July … .

 a.   berries and mushrooms

 b.   meat and fish

 c.   some water

   5. One day July ran away… .

  1. to the village
  2. to the river
  3. to the forest

                        II .    Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения прилагательных

Начальная форма

Сравнительная степень

Превосходная степень






                       III. Лексическое задание.

  1. Укажите правильный перевод слова  “ Среда “ :

a) Thursday            b) Wednesday             с) Monday

  1. Выберите правильную транскрипцию слова “ bathroom “:

a) [ bedroom]  b) [ bæ:Өrum]  c) [ dainiή rum ]  d) [ sitiή rum ]

  1. Как пишется слово “стол “:

a) teble                   b) tabl           c) table          d) tible

  1. Подчеркните глаголы

Dance, ride, parent, animal, read, teacher, do, room, watch, listen

  1. Подчеркните лишнее слово в строке

Banana, porridge, soup, tea, carpet, orange, ice cream, cake

  1. Составь предложения из следующих слов.

plays/ My sister/every day/computer games.

  1. Выпиши лишнее слово в строке.

Monday, Sunday, May, Friday, Thursday


  1. Напиши числительные словами ___  45._________________________

                   IV. Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

  1. London ( was / were) very interesting.  2. Bob ( have/has)  a good  car. 3. We (go/ goes) to meet our friends. 4.It (was/ were) rainy.5.I (am/ is) hungry.

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