презентация к уроку
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
1. I was reading a newspaper all evening yesterday. 2. I watched TV yesterday. 3. I was washing the dishes from 5 to 6 yesterday. 4. I bought a dress yesterday. 5. I was listening to music at 7 o`clock yesterday. 6. I ate my favourite cake yesterday. Determine grammar tenses
Present a frame I Had Fun Yesterday I got up early, Jump ed out of bed, I wash ed my hands And stood on my head.
Present a frame Peter Beam was ill the Day Before Yesterday Peter Beam liked ice-cream. But he was in bed the day before yesterday. He didn’t jump , He didn’t sing , He didn’t want to play.
Present a frame Last Summer Did you swim ? Did you run ? Did you lie in the sun? Five Days Ago Where did you go ? What did they know ? Why did she l earn ? How much did he earn ?
Present a frame Yesterday at 8 o’clock p.m. Bill was danc ing , Phil was sing ing , The girls were talk ing , They were joking!
Present a frame When Their Mother Came Home, Was he danc ing ? Was he sing ing ? Were they talk ing ? Were they jok ing ?
Present a frame I wasn’t listen ing to music. I wasn’t watch ing TV. I wasn’t sleep ing in my bed. I wasn’t drink ing my tea. I was learning English in my ear-phones! While the mother was cooking dinner…
Open the brackets and put in the correct form 1. I (to go) to the cinema yesterday. 2. I (to go) to the cinema at four o’clock yesterday. 3. I (to go) to the cinema when you met me. 4. I (to do) my homework the whole evening yesterday. 5. I (to do) my homework when mother came home. 6. I (to do) my homework yesterday. 7. I (to do) my homework from five till eight yesterday. 8. I (to do) my homework at six o’clock yesterday.
Framing Group 1 They were watching TV when I came in. What did they buy yesterday ?
Framing Group 2 The train didn’t come on time so we were late. She was crying because she could’t find her dog.
Framing Group3 How many chairs did you bring to the room? When I phoned her she was having a bath.
Framing Group 4 Mary understood he was not right. What were doing when your mother came back home ?
Make up sentences using: Group 1 1.yesterday - 2. yesterday at 3 o’clock Group 2 1. last Sunday - 2.when the telephone rang Group 3 1. 3 days ago – while I was reading a book Group 4 the day before yesterday – when Liz came home
Circle the correct answer. 1. They … the TV when I came in. a) Watched b) Were watching c) Have watched d) Watch 2. What … last Saturday? a) Were they buying b) They bought c) Did they buy d) They were buying 3. Mary … that he was not right. a) Was understanding b) Have understood c) Understood d) Has understand 4. The train … on time so we were late. a) Didn’t come b) Wasn’t coming c) Wasn’t come d) Didn’t came 5. How many chairs … to the room? a) You have brought b) Have brought you c) You did bring d) Did you bring 6. When I phoned she … a bath. a) Had b) Was having c) Was have d) Has 7. What … when your mother came back home? a) Were you doing b) You did c) You were doing d) Did you 8. What … her about the school ? a) You told b) Did you told c) Told you d) Did you tell 9. She … because she couldn’t find her dog. a) Cried b) Was crying c) Crying d) Cry 10. My parents … in 1970 a) Got married b) Get married c) Were getting married d) Getting married
Ex. 5. p. 99 SB Home Task
Frame Parting
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
План-конспект урока английского языка по теме "Greetings" в 5 классе
Данный урок знакомит учащихся с основными формами приветствия в английском языке. Для сравнения даются слова приветствия в русском и чувашском языках. Урок сопровождаетяс песней "How are you?" и...
Урок во 2 классе...
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1. Greeting. Introduction to the lesson T-CIT. Good morning, dear friends. I\'m glad to see you. How are you today? I think everything is O.K. Are you ready to start our work?2. Warming upT. I want to ...
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План-конспект урока английского языка по теме "Greetings" в 5 классе.
Данный урок знакомит учащихся с основными формами приветствия в английском языке. Для сравнения даются слова-приветствия русского и чувашского языков....
Презентация по теме Greeting
Данный материал можно использовать как презентацию к УМК Вербицкой М.В. Forward 5, а также как самостоятельный материал....