Аудирование 5 кл. The Br Museum
учебно-методический материал (5 класс) на тему

Шитикова Ольга Николаевна
Аудирование 5 кл. The Br Museum


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Предварительный просмотр:

Listening Comprehension

The British Museum

I. Listen to the text and comprehend it. Choose the correct answer (a, b, c)

1. London is the city of ……..

a) music and art                                    b) history and culture           c) industry and science

2. The British Museum is in ……

a)  Great Russell Street                          b) Great Street                   c) London Street

3. The British Museum  is the biggest museum in

a) the English-speaking countries         b) London                           c)  Great Britain

4. Many things came to the museum from

a) France                                                b) Greece                            c) Germany

5. The British Museum is famous for …. , one of the richest in the world.

a) its building                                        b) its collection of coins      c) its library

6. You can also find …………. in the Museum.

a) old films                                            b) old and new  maps           c) old books and maps

7. The Reading room of the Museum  is ……… in shape.

a) circular                                             b) oval                                   c) triangular

8. You can walk through the halls of the Museum making ….

a) nice drawings                                   b) wonderful manuscripts     c) wonderful discoveries

II. Listen to the text again and decide if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Correct the false statements    

  1. There are a lot of museums, galleries and historic buildings in the capital of Great Britain.
  2. The British museum is one of the most famous museums in the world.
  3. The British museum is a large light yellow building.
  4.  There are a lot of beautiful collections of dresses, posters and badges in it.
  5. The most important English coins are kept in the “Manuscript room”
  6. Some great people worked in the library of the museum.

Listening Comprehension

The British Museum

I. Listen to the text and comprehend it. Choose the correct answer (a, b, c)

1. London is the city of ……..

a) music and art                                    b) history and culture           c) industry and science

2. The British Museum is in ……

a)  Great Russell Street                          b) Great Street                   c) London Street

3. The British Museum  is the biggest museum in

a) the English-speaking countries         b) London                           c)  Great Britain

4. Many things came to the museum from

a) France                                                b) Greece                            c) Germany

5. The British Museum is famous for …. , one of the richest in the world.

a) its building                                        b) its collection of coins      c) its library

6. You can also find …………. in the Museum.

a) old films                                            b) old and new  maps           c) old books and maps

7. The Reading room of the Museum  is ……… in shape.

a) circular                                             b) oval                                   c) triangular

8. You can walk through the halls of the Museum making ….

a) nice drawings                                   b) wonderful manuscripts     c) wonderful discoveries

II. Listen to the text again and decide if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Correct the false statements    

  1. There are a lot of museums, galleries and historic buildings in the capital of Great Britain.
  2. The British museum is one of the most famous museums in the world.
  3. The British museum is a large light yellow building.
  4.  There are a lot of beautiful collections of dresses, posters and badges in it.
  5. The most important English coins are kept in the “Manuscript room”
  6. Some great people worked in the library of the museum.

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