Память народа, её виды и значение для последующих поколений.
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Our faithfulness to our Motherland gives us strength, So it was, so it is and so it will always be!
The Great Patriotic War was a difficult test for Soviet people. The enemy captured a large territory of the Soviet Union. The fascists were torn to the heart of our Motherland - Moscow.
Among the major events of the Second World War, the battle near Moscow occupies a special place. It was here, on the outskirts of the capital, that the vaunted Hitlerite army suffered the first serious defeat. With the seizure of Moscow, Hitler attributed decisive success in the war with the Soviet Union. He expected to do so already in the first weeks of his offensive.
On November 7, 1941, a military parade was held on Red Square. Its participants left the front right from the parade.
The defense of Moscow was headed by General Georgy Zhukov.
In the battles near Moscow, the soldiers of the legendary 316th Infantry Division displayed special perseverance, courage and heroism. It was formed in Kazakhstan. By order of the Military Council of the Central Asian Military District, Major-General Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov was appointed commander of the division.
Major-General Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov December 20, 1892 (January 1, 1893), November 18, 1941
In the division there were three rifle regiments, one artillery and special forces. The national composition of the division was the embodiment of friendship and brotherhood of the peoples of the Soviet Union. In all, there were more than 30 nationalities in the division.
On August 26, the division was included in the 52nd Army. In October she arrived in Moscow and was sent to Volokolamsk . It was the fifth month of the war. Fascist hordes were torn to the capital from the west. Moscow was defended by the 16th Army of Rokossovsky , which now included the 316th Division. Here, beginning with October 14, there were fierce battles .
One of the first strikes took over parts of the Panfilov division. At the railroad crossing Dubosekovo , 28 Panfilov heroes fought for four hours with enemy tanks and did not allow them to Moscow.
28 fighters of the division of General IV Panfilov , led by political instructor V . G . Klochkov , committed an immortal feat.
Vasily Georgievich Klochkov ( Deev ) 8 (21) March 1911 - November 16, 1941 (30 years)
November 16, 1941. The 148th day of the war. Sunday. And although there are no days off in the war, even this fact is perceived in a special way . Avalanche tanks were on the Volokolamsk direction. On their way stood 28 soldiers. Fight at the Dubosekovo crossing. It lasted several hours. The history of the war knows fights and is more extensive. But it was from such battles - for the crossing, for the height, for the river - the Great Victory was taking shape.
It was then that the words of the warrior- panfilovtsy Vasily Georgievich Klochkov became known throughout the country: "Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat: Moscow is behind!"
November 19, 1941 during the battle, Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov was killed by a fragment of a mine. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 12 April 1942, Major-General Panfilov IV was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
28 soldiers against 50 tanks. 28 heroes- panfilovtsy stepped into immortality.
By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 24, 1942, all 28 fighters were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Thank you for attention!
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Our faithfulness to our Motherland gives us strength, So it was, so it is and so it will always be!
The Great Patriotic War was a difficult test for Soviet people. The enemy captured a large territory of the Soviet Union. The fascists were torn to the heart of our Motherland - Moscow.
Among the major events of the Second World War, the battle near Moscow occupies a special place. It was here, on the outskirts of the capital, that the vaunted Hitlerite army suffered the first serious defeat. With the seizure of Moscow, Hitler attributed decisive success in the war with the Soviet Union. He expected to do so already in the first weeks of his offensive.
On November 7, 1941, a military parade was held on Red Square. Its participants left the front right from the parade.
The defense of Moscow was headed by General Georgy Zhukov.
In the battles near Moscow, the soldiers of the legendary 316th Infantry Division displayed special perseverance, courage and heroism. It was formed in Kazakhstan. By order of the Military Council of the Central Asian Military District, Major-General Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov was appointed commander of the division.
Major-General Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov December 20, 1892 (January 1, 1893), November 18, 1941
In the division there were three rifle regiments, one artillery and special forces. The national composition of the division was the embodiment of friendship and brotherhood of the peoples of the Soviet Union. In all, there were more than 30 nationalities in the division.
On August 26, the division was included in the 52nd Army. In October she arrived in Moscow and was sent to Volokolamsk . It was the fifth month of the war. Fascist hordes were torn to the capital from the west. Moscow was defended by the 16th Army of Rokossovsky , which now included the 316th Division. Here, beginning with October 14, there were fierce battles .
One of the first strikes took over parts of the Panfilov division. At the railroad crossing Dubosekovo , 28 Panfilov heroes fought for four hours with enemy tanks and did not allow them to Moscow.
28 fighters of the division of General IV Panfilov , led by political instructor V . G . Klochkov , committed an immortal feat.
Vasily Georgievich Klochkov ( Deev ) 8 (21) March 1911 - November 16, 1941 (30 years)
November 16, 1941. The 148th day of the war. Sunday. And although there are no days off in the war, even this fact is perceived in a special way . Avalanche tanks were on the Volokolamsk direction. On their way stood 28 soldiers. Fight at the Dubosekovo crossing. It lasted several hours. The history of the war knows fights and is more extensive. But it was from such battles - for the crossing, for the height, for the river - the Great Victory was taking shape.
It was then that the words of the warrior- panfilovtsy Vasily Georgievich Klochkov became known throughout the country: "Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat: Moscow is behind!"
November 19, 1941 during the battle, Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov was killed by a fragment of a mine. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 12 April 1942, Major-General Panfilov IV was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
28 soldiers against 50 tanks. 28 heroes- panfilovtsy stepped into immortality.
By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 24, 1942, all 28 fighters were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Thank you for attention!
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