Вводная контрольная работа для 5 класса
рабочие листы (5 класс)

Чугур Вероника Александровна

Контрольная работа состоит из трех заданий. 

  1. Выберите лишнее слово
  2. Текст и задание 
  3. Составление предлодложений 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Входной контроль по английскому языку в 5 классе

1 variant

  1. Лексико-грамматический тест

Выбрать лишнее слово

  1. Sunday, Tuesday, January, Friday, Monday
  2. English, P.E., Handicraft, Art, museum
  3. pen, rubber, lesson, desk, pencil
  4. late, difficult, easy, blackboard, famous
  5. spent, left, met, laugh, learn

Прочти текст “The Vet’s Day” и выполни задание.

The Vet’s Day

Michael Peterson is a vet (ветеринар). He works in a small town in England.

Michael’s day begins very early at six o’clock. He gets up, has a breakfast, then gets into his car. In the mornings, he drives on the local farms to check (проверить) on the animals – cows, sheep and horses. At eleven o’clock, he goes to his surgery(больницу) in the town. People bring their pets for Michael to look at(осматривает). Most of the time, they only need an injection (прививки) or some medicine, but sometimes they need an operation(операции).

Michael usually has lunch – a sandwich! In the afternoons, Michael often goes to schools to talk to the students about looking after their pets. Michael’s evenings are very quiet(спокойно). When he gets home, he cooks dinner and usually reads or watches TV. He goes to bed early, ready to face the next busy(напряженый) day. In his free time, Michael likes going to the cinema or taking long walks(длинные прогулки) in the country(деревне) with his two dogs, Sheba and Nell.

Верно (true) или неверно (false)? Отметь в таблице: true false

  1. Michael gets up at 7 o’clock.
  2. After breakfast he goes to the farms to see the animals: cats and dogs.
  3.   Michael gives the animals some medicine or injections.

  1. Michael never has lunch.
  2. Michael often tells the students how to take care of their pets.
  3. Michael has his dinner at the restaurant.

 Составьте предложения из данных слов (предложение начинается со слова с заглавной буквы):

  1. went, year, to Moscow, last, They.

  1. sentences, in the lessons, from, Russian, We, translate, English, into.

  1. our, visit, next, grandparents, We, summer, will.

Входной контроль по английскому языку в 5 классе

2 variant

  1. Лексико-грамматический тест

Выберите лишнее слово

  1. June Tuesday, January, September, April
  2. Russian, English, Math, Reading, Moscow
  3. book, ruler, pencil, dog, rubber
  4. tall, nice, desk, long, strong
  5. went, saw, helped, wrote, did

Прочти текст “An Unusual Holiday” и выполни задание.

An Unusual(необычный) Holiday

Julie and Johnny were on holiday in Cornwall with their parents. It was the sunniest day, so they decided(решили) to go and play on the beach. They were very excited(восхищены), so they ran all the way there.

At the beach, they unpacked (выложили) their things(вещи) . “Let’s play tennis!” said Johnny. They got out their racquets(они взяли ракетки) and a ball and started to play. Johnny hit the ball so hard that it went behind(сзади) some rocks(скалы). Julie ran off (побежала)to find(найти) it. As she looked for the ball, she saw something strange behind the rocks. It was an old wooden(деревянная) box. She opened it and found (нашла) an old map(карту) inside (внутри).

Julie took the map to Johnny. He couldn’t believe(не поверил) his eyes(глазам). “This is the most exciting thing (крутая вещь) in the world! Let’s take it to the local (местный) museum”, he said. The man at the museum was very pleased(польщен) . He said that it was the oldest map in the country. It showed where to find a lot of treasure(сокровище).

The next day, the local newspaper(газета) interviewed (взчла интервью) Julie and Johnny about their exciting discovery(о прекрасном открытии). They were very proud(горды). “We are going to be the most famous children in our school!” they said. “This was the best holiday we’ve ever had!”

Верно (True) или неверно (False)? Отметь в таблице: T \ F 

1 Julie’s and Johnny’s parents were on a business trip(командировка) in Cornwall.

 2 The children played volleyball on the beach.

3.They took the map to their parents.

4.The local newspaper wrote about the children’s discovery.

5.  The children didn’t like their holidays.

 Составьте предложения из данных слов (предложение начинается со слова с заглавной буквы):

  1. holidays, enjoy, you, summer, Did, your?

  1. English, favourite, are, my, subjects(предметы), Music, Arts, and.

  1. in , our, Kate, the best, is, class, student.

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