Задания на отработку Present Simple и Present Continuous
тренажёр (5 класс)

Желтикова Светлана Витальевна

Задания на отработку Present Simple и Present Continuous


Предварительный просмотр:

Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1.        I (to read) now.

2.        He (to sleep) every night.

3.        You (to work) now?

4.        We (not to watch) TV in the morning.

5.        Ann (to sleep) in the daytime?

Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1.        They (not to eat) at the  lesson.

2.        Nick (to go) to school every morning.

3.        They (to go) to school now.

4.        We (to drink) tea now?

5.       She (to drink) tea every day?

Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1.        I (to read) now.

2.        He (to sleep) every night.

3.        You (to work) now?

4.        We (not to watch) TV in the morning.

5.        Ann (to sleep) in the daytime?

Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1.        They (not to eat) at the  lesson.

2.        Nick (to go) to school every morning.

3.        They (to go) to school now.

4.        We (to drink) tea now?

5.       She (to drink) tea every day?

Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1.        I (to read) now.

2.        He (to sleep) every night.

3.        You (to work) now?

4.        We (not to watch) TV in the morning.

5.        Ann (to sleep) in the daytime?

Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1.        They (not to eat) at the  lesson.

2.        Nick (to go) to school every morning.

3.        They (to go) to school now.

4.        We (to drink) tea now?

5.       She (to drink) tea every day?

Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1.        I (to read) now.

2.        He (to sleep) every night.

3.        You (to work) now?

4.        We (not to watch) TV in the morning.

5.        Ann (to sleep) in the daytime?

Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1.        They (not to eat) at the  lesson.

2.        Nick (to go) to school every morning.

3.        They (to go) to school now.

4.        We (to drink) tea now?

5.       She (to drink) tea every day?

Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1.        I (to read) now.

2.        He (to sleep) every night.

3.        You (to work) now?

4.        We (not to watch) TV in the morning.

5.        Ann (to sleep) in the daytime?

Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1.        They (not to eat) at the  lesson.

2.        Nick (to go) to school every morning.

3.        They (to go) to school now.

4.        We (to drink) tea now?

5.       She (to drink) tea every day?

Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1.        I (to read) now.

2.        He (to sleep) every night.

3.        You (to work) now?

4.        We (not to watch) TV in the morning.

5.        Ann (to sleep) in the daytime?

Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1.        They (not to eat) at the  lesson.

2.        Nick (to go) to school every morning.

3.        They (to go) to school now.

4.        We (to drink) tea now?

5.       She (to drink) tea every day?

Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1.        I (to read) now.

2.        He (to sleep) every night.

3.        You (to work) now?

4.        We (not to watch) TV in the morning.

5.        Ann (to sleep) in the daytime?

Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1.        They (not to eat) at the  lesson.

2.        Nick (to go) to school every morning.

3.        They (to go) to school now.

4.        We (to drink) tea now?

5.       She (to drink) tea every day?

Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1.        I (to read) now.

2.        He (to sleep) every night.

3.        You (to work) now?

4.        We (not to watch) TV in the morning.

5.        Ann (to sleep) in the daytime?

Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1.        They (not to eat) at the  lesson.

2.        Nick (to go) to school every morning.

3.        They (to go) to school now.

4.        We (to drink) tea now?

5.       She (to drink) tea every day?

  1. .

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