Творческие работы детей-Презентация на тему" Miracle of Vyazma"
творческая работа учащихся
Цели : Сформировать мнение о данной достопримечательности
Задачи : Познакомиться с историей достопримечательности и её особенностями.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Паспорт проекта Цели : Сформировать мнение о данной достопримечательности Задачи : Познакомиться с историей достопримечательности и её особенностями.
Monument to Lieutenant-General Efremov
History of the monument One of the most famous monuments of the city is a monument to Lieutenant-General Efremov . This man made a great contribution to the history of our country during the war years . When the army of General Efremov was displaced to Vyazma , our soldiers were surrounded. Realizing that they can no t get out of here, they continued to fight to destroy the German soldiers . Efremov was wounded and, in order not to be captured by the enemy, he shot himself . After the liberation of Vyazma , it was impossible not to erect a monument that would remember all generations of the heroism of our soldiers. So, in 1946 in Vyazma on the square was erected a monument to General Efremov .
Description of the monument The author of the monument was the sculptor Vuchetich and worked with him Belopolsky . The monument is located in the center of Vyazma square on a small hill. The height of the Central figure about 5 meters. The composition depicts a wounded General, who continues to command the soldiers who are shooting at enemies attacking from all sides.
List of references http://autotravel.ru/excite.php/78/1 https://tropki.ru/rossiya/smolenskaya-oblast/vyazma/pamyatnik-generalu-efremovu http://wikimapia.org/14842009/ru/ Памятник-генералу-Ефремову
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МБОУ СШ №2 г.Вязьмы Смоленской области
«Papanov monument - a small miracle of Vyazma»
Проект выполнил: Седельников Сергей Алексеевич, ученик 10 Б класса.
Преподаватель: Казарян Карина Гарниковна, учитель английского языка.
ВЯЗЬМА – 2021
Паспорт проекта:
- Название проекта
- Кто подготовил данный проект
- Преподаватель
- Образовательное учреждение
- Актуальность выбранной темы
- Цели и задачи
- Биография Папанова
- Памятник Папанова в Вязьме
- Вывод
Project title | Papanov monument - a small miracle of Vyazma |
Who prepared this project | Sedelnikov Sergey Alexeevich |
Teacher | Kazaryan Karina Hornikova |
Educational institution | secondary school № 6 |
The relevance of the selected topic | In today's world, in this era of political instability, every citizen of the Russian Federation should feel the spirit of patriotism, and for this we need to know the history of his country and its attractions. As residents of Vyazma, we should know its history and its attraction. And this is the relevance of my chosen topic. |
Goals and objectives |
Biography Papanov | Earlier year Anatoly Papanov was born in Vyazma on October 31, 1922. His father Dmitry Filippovich was a soldier, and his mother was a fashion designer (manufacturer of fashionable suits for ladies). Nationality Elena Boleslavovna Roszkowska was Polish and professed the Catholic religion, however, has secretly converted to Orthodoxy. His father was not only a soldier, he was actively engaged in Amateur performance and played in a semi-Amateur theater. The organizers and leaders of the theater were Nikolai Plotnikov, who later became a famous actor (among other things famous for playing the role of Lenin in various films and plays), and the Imperial actress Luchezarskaya. They noted the talent of Dmitry Papanov. It was then that Tolya Papanov began to appear on the stage – where in the play it was necessary to involve the child. In 1930 the Papanov family moved to Moscow. There Anatoly grew up and got a job at a ball-bearing factory. In parallel with the work he was engaged in a theatrical Studio of the plant "Kauchuk", who had some fame among the public. At the age of fifteen Papanov first starred in the movie – played a small role in the film "Lenin in October". Of course, he like other performers episodic roles, in the credits indicated it was not. But it was also a solid experience-the film, which was personally supervised by Stalin, received a prestigious award and even became known in the West, despite the ideological content. Defender of Fatherland When the war began, Anatoly Papanov went to the front. He commanded an anti-aircraft artillery platoon and carried the rank of Sergeant. In 1942 Papanov got near Kharkiv seriously wounded – he mutilated the leg and severed two fingers. He spent many months in hospital and was discharged as a third-group disabled person; after that, he had to walk with a cane for a few more years. GITIS However, Papanov did not lose courage, and entered the acting Department of GITIS. There he was nothing special among the other students, so his performance in the state examinations became for teachers a real surprise. The exams were held in 1946, where he played Constantine, the character of "Vanyushin's Children" – a hero younger than Papanov himself, and a deep old man in the Comedy"don Gil-Green Pants." Both roles him perfectly succeeded, so Papanov gained some fame in acting and directing circles. He has been invited to the Maly theatre and the Moscow art theatre, but chose to go to Klaipeda, where along with fellow students has opened a new theater. His first role in the theater was Tulenin of the "Young guard". Subsequently Papanov returned to Moscow and entered the Theater of satire, which in the future played for forty years – until his death. Performances with the participation of Papanova starred including for television. In 1969, the TV project "Schweik in the Second world war" based on the work of B. Brecht was staged. It Papanov played very Adolf Hitler. The leader of Nazi Germany tried to find out what ordinary people think about him, for which he sent his agents to occupied Czechoslovakia. Alas, the play was never shown in the first years after the production: after the invasion of Soviet troops in Czechoslovakia, the theme of the occupation of this country looked too ambiguous. In films In addition to the theater, Papanov, of course, starred in the movie. In total, he starred in dozens of films. His the most known roles have become: Kutaisi – Deputy Director of restaurant "the Dandelion" ("Give me a complaints book", 1965); Petr Bondarenko, doctor ("children of don Quixote 1965); Jon dough ("12 chairs", 1971); Smuggler ("the diamond arm" 1968); H. P. Starobogatov ("Cold summer of fifty-third" 1987). Papanov is better known as a Comedy actor, but he managed to play deep and dramatic roles – as, for example, in the last of these films. The last years of his life Anatoly Papanov died in 1987 on August 5 from a heart attack when he took a cold shower. Until the very last day he continued to study art and taught in GITIS. His latest film and the last production in the theater was to some extent prophetic. |
Papanov monument in Vyazma | Monument to Anatoly Papanov in Vyazma is located in the historic center of the city, on the street October 25, in front of the post office. Nearby there is a memorial sign in honor of stay in Vyazma of Tsar Alexey Mikhaylovich. The sculptor who created this monument is Igor Chumakov. Papanov monument was installed in Vyazma to the 90th anniversary of the great actor-October 31, 2012. Bronze Anatoly Papanov examines high-rise buildings, sitting on a bench with a back in the form of films. Next to him are the Greek masks of tragedy and Comedy. The inscription "Great actor Anatoly Papanov"is placed on the red granite base of the monument. Vyazma associated with the childhood of the artist. Here he was born and lived to 8 years, when his family decided to move to Moscow. |
Conclusion | in my opinion, I did a great job:
Literature |
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