Резюме на английском языке
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
New words and expressions: to submit – предоставить an employer – работодатель an employee – служащий an experience - опыт a salary – зарплата за месяц a wage – зарплата за неделю to emphasize – подчеркнуть an objective – цель, задача relevant – уместный to target – нацелиться to vouch – поручиться available – доступный
What is a resume ? When do we need it ? What should be in a resume?
A resume is the employer`s tool for choosing among candidates and the employee`s tool to get into a company. should tell about your successes, achieve- ments and strengths. is organized in one or two pages and should cover your past and future.
What shouldn`t be in your resume? DON`T: 1 .- include personal information such as age, race, gender, height, weight, religion, origin, marital status, children, health, physical appearance; 2.- handwrite your resume, but use a computer and printer; 3.- tell an employer what you want from a job but only what you can contribute; 4.- touch on salary or wage questions; 5.- forget to put your name on the second page if you have two-page resume; 6.- use cheap paper, bright colours ; 7.- submit a resume longer two pages and never write on two sides of the same paper.
Three resume formats: A chronological resume A functional resume A chrono -functional resume.
I Contact Information: - tells about who you are, where you live, what your phone number and e-mail are, and how your employer can reach your. II Statements of Objective: - are most useful and necessary when you submit for a specific position; - write an objective that is clear in a person`s mind.
III Professional Summary: - briefly lists not just what you have done, but what else you can do; - shows your personal and professional characteristics, the skills, talents and achievements you can offer a company; - emphasizes your marketable skills and abilities which relate to the job you are seeking.
IV Employment History 1. It should follow the principle of « problem-solution - results ». 2. Never write it using `` I`` - statements. 3. Use active verbs such as ``managed``, ``provided``, ``coordinated``, maintained``, ``directed``, ``encouraged``,`` increased`` and ``conducted``. 4. Round off dates to years (2001-2003 instead of 6 / 2001-2003).
V Education : - give your educational first if it has the greatest importance for the position you are applying for; - list only degree, school, location and date if you have more than two years of experience; - emphasize your strengths: awards and honours , courses, studies, extracurricular activities and educational program- mes you took part in if you are a recent college or university graduate.
VI Other Information of Interest: List hobbies and outside activities, volunteer work and project participation only if they are directly relevant to the position you are targeting. * * * List any organisations of which you`re a member if they have some value for the position you`re applying for.
VII References It is the last element of your resume with a list of people who can vouch for you experience, education and abilities. * * * Former employers and teachers are the best to give you references. * * * Be sure to ask permission of each referee before you include him or her into your resume. * * * Under the heading of ``references`` you may write: ``Available on request``.
Test : true or false 1 . A resume is for those who enter the university. 2 . Your resume should tell about your past performances and future capabilities. 3 . You don`t handwrite your resume. 4 . You must touch on salary and wage questions in your resume. 5 . A resume should have no more than two pages. 6 . The contact information is not important for your employer. 7 . Statements of objective are most necessary when you submit your resume. 8 . It`s better to write in the resume what you want from a job. 9 . There are two resume formats: chronological and functional. 10 . A resume helps employers to choose the best candidates for a job.
Read the sample resume
Write a resume of your own.
The literature list: Вводный курс делового письма. 10-11 кл . : учебн . пособие/ Т.О. Догаева . – М. : Дрофа, 2005. – 91, I5I c . – (Элективные курсы).
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Пример резюме на английском языке
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Алгоритм составления резюме на английском языке
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