Конспект урока в 6 классе Across the Curriculum: Literature. Through the Looking Glass
план-конспект урока (6 класс)

Конспект урока по английскому языку УМК Spjtlight. МОДУЛЬ 5. ПРАЗДНИКИ. FEASTS

Тема: Extensive Reading. Across the Curriculum: Literature. Through the Looking Glass (В Зазеркалье) Межпредметные связи с уроком Литературы


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Конспект урока по английскому языку в 6 классе

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Тема: Extensive Reading. Across the Curriculum: Literature. Through the Looking Glass (В Зазеркалье) Межпредметные связи с уроком Литературы

Планируемые образовательные результаты:


Активизировать изученный лексический материал в устной и письменной речи учащихся. Изучить словообразование прилагательных-антонимов суффиксальным способом (с помощью префикса un-/in-). Развивать компетенции поискового чтения и техники чтения вслух, а также аудирования, письменной и устной речи учащихся.


Формировать социокультурную и коммуникативную компетентности учащихся.

Воспитывать познавательный интерес к изучению культурного наследия страны изучаемого языка.

Развивать умения логически рассуждать, устанавливать причинно-следственные связи при чтении текста и выполнении упражнений.


Осуществлять регулятивные действия самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке.

Формулировать собственное мнение и позицию, аргументировать и координировать их с мнением и позициями партнеров в сотрудничестве при выработке общего решения в совместной деятельности.

Формировать уважительное отношение друг к другу, ответственное отношение к учению, чтению книг, саморазвитию и самообразованию.

ЦЕЛЬ урока:

Повторить и закрепить активный языковой материал модуля

Мотивация каждого учащегося к изучению предмета и чтению книг, в том числе на английском языке.

Основные понятия, изучаемые на уроке:

прилагательные, образование прилагательных с противоположным значением, сложные числительные

Средства ИКТ, используемые на уроке

Компьютер, мультимедийный проектор

Ресурсы, используемые на уроке


Книга для учителя

Раздаточный материал

Звуковое приложение (аудиофайл); видео


Тип урока: обобщение и систематизация изученного материала после прочтения книги для чтения «Алиса в стране чудес» (к УМК «Английский в фокусе»)

Методы обучения: проблемно-поисковый, дифференцированный, дедуктивный, наглядный, практический.

Приёмы обучения: прослушивание аудиозаписей, просмотр видео, работа с текстом, ответы на вопросы, построение речевого высказывания в устной и письменной речи на основе прочитанной и уже имеющейся информации.

Формы работы: фронтальный опрос, групповая, парная, индивидуальная.



1. Организационный момент урока:

  1. приветствие:

T: Hello, boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning, teacher!

T: Sit down, please. Let’s start our today’s lesson!

T: What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? What time is it now?

S1: Today is …. .

2. Вхождение в тему урока и создание условий для осознанного восприятия нового материала

T: I hope you’re fine and ready to work. I know you’re very good students! I wish you good luck! So, let’s watch a short video and guess what we are going to talk about today!

1. Мотивационный этап (просмотр видео фрагмента из фильма Тима Бертона «Алиса в Зазеркалье»)

Can you predict the topic of our today’s lesson? What story is it? Who is the main character? Who is she? Have you read books about Alice? Have you watched films or cartoons about her?

(Ответы учеников) (слайд1)

You’re right. We’re going to talk about the famous girl Alice and her adventures in an unusual country.

  1. Речевая зарядка:

T: What other characters of this book do you know? (слайд 2)

Can you describe this character? (the Hatter) (слайд 3)

Is he nice or angry? ( Ss: He is mad)

(Cheshire Cat (слайд 4), the Queen of Hearts (слайд 5), the White Rabbit (слайд 6), the students describe them)

T: Each of these characters has tasks for you today! Let’s be friendly and do them all!

3. Введение в англоязычную атмосферу:

  1. фонетическая зарядка:

T: Look at the board, listen and repeat!

  • отработка произношения сложных слов
  • A cravat
  • Through
  • Glass
  • Adventures
  • Humpty Dumpty
  • Birthday
  • Certainly
  • Lewis
  • Dodgson

  • Daresbury
  • Daughter
  • Photography
  • Photographs (Photos)
  • Photographer
  • Math(s)
  • Mathematics
  • A mathematician


1. Активизация изученного лексического материала в устной речи.

1) новые факты об авторе Л. Кэрролле и его творчестве:

Т: So, we have a lot to do today. First of all, look, do you know this person? (портрет Л.Кэролла)

Let’s speak about the author of the books about Alice. You have a lot of question in the task, work in pairs and try to answer them, then we’ll check and see who is the best! (работа в парах актуализация знаний об авторе, раздаточный материал cм. Приложение 1)

Let’s check who is fantastic! Who is the best?

Read aloud what text we have. (один ученик зачитывает весь текст вслух)

2. Распознавание и использование в речи суффиксального способа словообразования (прилагательные-антонимы с префиксами un-, in-, im- ):

(cлайд 7) T: Look we have a task from the Cheshire Cat here!

As you know, it can be visible and invisible. Look there is only a smile in the second picture. There is no cat here, it is invisible! Well, open your books and find the rule, p.53 ex. 2 (the students read the task and do the exercise)

What unusual word do we have in the dialogue? (Unbirthday) What is Unbirthday? (It’s the opposite to Birthday, Un- is a negative prefix.) Look at the blackboard and try to explain, also answer the question: What can you do on such a day?

упр. 2, с. 53 (учащиеся объясняют значение префикса un-).

Now do a grammar exercise, write down the words with new prefixes, it should be opposites!

(ученики выполняют упражнение в тетрадях, обращая внимание на то, что приставка не- в русском языке представлена в разных вариантах в английском)

How many words can you write correctly? (индивидуальная работа у доски – подписать соответствующую приставку) We check!

So, we have such negative prefixes as un-, in-, im- in English and in Russian we have only one variant «НЕ-» Try to remember all these words.

And there is a TEST from the Cheshire Cat here: What is correct: impossible or unpossible? (слайд 8)

  1. Физкультминутка

T: And we are going on: the next task is from the Hatter! He likes to be a bit mad (you know!)

So, let’s be actors now and play jokes. Stand up, please! Listen to the story and mime! All together!

(Учащиеся вспоминают о том, как Алиса попала в страну чудес, и изображают ее действия)

Let`s remember how Alice got to the Wonderland. Show, please. First, Alice runs after the White Rabbit. Then she falls into a hole where she sees a cake, she eats a piece of cake and becomes very tall. She drinks a glass of water and becomes very small. She closes her eyes, opens them and now she is in the Wonderland!

The Story:

All people in the Wonderland are funny and relaxed, let’s sing a song, dance and have a rest, too.

(Ученики выполняют упражнения физкультминутки, поют песню из книги для чтения «Алиса в стране чудес» к УМК «Английский в фокусе» - “A World of Magic”.)

Great! You are good actors! Sit down, please.

We are ready to do the task from Alice now. Open your books p. 53 ex. 3, read the task and try to do it well.

4 Развитие навыков чтения:

  1. Поисковое чтение – упр. 3, с. 53.
  2. Работа над фонетической стороной речи по диалогу.

(учащиеся слушают диалог, отвечают на вопросы, отрабатывают произносительные компетенции, 2 учащихся зачитывают диалог вслух)

5. Составление синквейна. (дополнительное задание)

T: Now I want you to be poets. Let’s use such plan and write a poem.

(Развитие эмоционально-чувственной сферы: ученики выражают своё отношение к прочитанному, используя пятистишье.)

«Синквейн» (“A Cinquain” )

  • 1 существительное; 1 noun
  • 2 прилагательных; 2 adjectives
  • 3 глагола; 3 verbs
  • 4 слова, выражающих собственное отношение к теме; 4 words on the topic
  • 1 слово, ассоциирующееся со словом №1. 1 word-association to the1st word

6. Развитие навыков письменной речи.

T: Find ex. 4 p. 53, read the task. (ученики читают задание)

(Написание списка подарков ко дню рождения. Учитель указывает, что для составления списка записываются краткие незаконченные предложения. Учащиеся письменно заканчивают выполнение упражнения дома.)

The White Rabbit and the March Hare are going to show you how to do the task. Read the task and look at the board: to write the List you need short forms and no full sentences. The List has only main ideas for the presents: read the example! (читают примеры с карточек раздаточного материала) I think you can do this task at home it’s easy. Do you agree?


  1. Рефлексия:

T: And now we have a task from the Queen of Hearts. What do you think it can be?

It’s a TEST, are you afraid? You needn’t I’m sure you know the answers, choose the best variant, you can work in pairs.

( Раздаточный материал: ученики зачитывают пункты теста и выбирают правильный вариант из списка. Задания составлены на основе пройденного на уроке)

T: Let’s check! What score do you have?

What is your progress today? Let’s vote: what smiley is right for you? Red? Yellow? Green? You can tick your colour on the card.

(самоанализ по типу светофора: красный- справился плохо, желтый - 50Х50, зеленый- молодец! Ученики на карточках отмечают свой цвет, общий вывод) We can count the smileys! Good job!

Be proud of yourself and write down your own mark for the lesson. Who is amazing, awesome, outstanding? You can also write just “Nice work” or “Wow!” (самооценка работы на уроке)

2. Подведение итогов.

T: Let’s sum up! What have you learned today? What do you know now? You can read aloud the prompts from the slide or use your own ideas.

Упражнение “Now I know … ”. (Ученики говорят о том, что узнали на уроке, используя начальную фразу-клише на доске)

What task was the most difficult for you today? What was the easiest?

3. Домашнее задание и инструкция по его выполнению.

T: OK, be ready to write your home task. You should read the dialogue in pairs and do a writing task: you can choose to write a list of presents for your family or write a story about your Unbirthday.

4. Оценивание работы учащихся.

T: You worked very well today. I’m very proud of you! And your marks for the lesson are: ____________________________________________________________________________


___________________________________________________________________________ .

5. Окончание урока.

T: Our lesson’s over. Thank you for your work! Stand up, please. Goodbye, students!

Ss: Goodbye, teacher!

Приложение 1

Тексты о биографии писателя для работы в парах

1. Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) was a famous English writer. He is the author of

«Alice's adventures in wonderland» (1865) and «Through the looking glass» (1872), children's books that are among the most popular of all time. Lewis Carroll wasn`t his real name. It was the pen-name of Charles Dodgson.

  1. Lewis Carroll was born in….. ..and died in……
  2. His real name was….
  3. Lewis Carroll was the…. ……….child in his family.
  4. He studied at….
  5. Lewis Carol was very good at….
  6. He was also a famous…..
  7. Lewis Carroll wrote….
  8. His book « Alice's adventures in wonderland» was for Alice Liddell. She was a daughter of….

1. author-автор

2. pen-name – псевдоним

3. was born-родился

2. Lewis Carroll was born on the 27 of January in 1832. He was born in the small place at Daresbury in Cheshire near the towns of Warrington and Runcorn. He was the third child and the eldest son of eleven children. Carroll’s family was mainly northern English with Irish connections. His father was a priest[1]. His mother died in 1851, soon after he entered university.

  1. Lewis Carroll was born in….. and died in……
  2. His real name was….
  3. Lewis Carroll was the…. child in his family.
  4. He studied at….
  5. Lewis Carol was very good at….
  6. He was also a famous…..
  7. Lewis Carroll wrote….
  8. His book « Alice's adventures in wonderland» was for Alice Liddell. She was a daughter of….

  1. priest- священник
  2. was born - родился

3. In 1846 Carroll entered Rugby School. It was a public school where he was unhappy and in 1950 he started to study at Oxford. He was a good student .He finished it in 1854, and became at teacher of math at the college.

  1. Lewis Carroll was born in….. and died in……
  2. His real name was….
  3. Lewis Carroll was the…. child in his family.
  4. He studied at….
  5. Lewis Carol was very good at….
  6. He was also a famous…..
  7. Lewis Carroll wrote….
  8. His book « Alice's adventures in wonderland» was for Alice Liddell. She was a daughter of….
  1. was born- родился

4. Among his hobbies was photography, at which he became very professional. His interest began when visiting his uncle in 1855, and at that time he took some photographs with his uncle's equipment. He bought his own camera and started to experiment with pictures of landscapes, architecture, sculptures and, most of all, of people. He had his own studio on the roof of Tom Quad and created around 3000 pictures.

  1. Lewis Carroll was born in….. and died in……
  2. His real name was….
  3. Lewis Carroll was the…. child in his family.
  4. He studied at….
  5. Lewis Carol was very good at….
  6. He was also a famous…..
  7. Lewis Carroll wrote….
  8. His book « Alice's adventures in wonderland» was for Alice Liddell. She was a daughter of….

  1. equipment- оборудование
  2. was born- родился

5. Lewis Carroll was a mathematician. He studied mathematics and he became a teacher of math and logic at Oxford University for many years. As a mathematician, Carroll was rather conservative but careful. Many of his works are famous today. He was the author of ten books on mathematical topics.

  1. Lewis Carroll was born in….. and died in……
  2. His real name was….
  3. Lewis Carroll was the…. child in his family.
  4. He studied at….
  5. Lewis Carol was very good at….
  6. He was also a famous…..
  7. Lewis Carroll wrote….
  8. His book « Alice's adventures in wonderland» was for Alice Liddell. She was a daughter of….

  1. was born- родился
  2. author- автор

6. His most famous works are «Alice's Adventures in Wonderland» and «Through the Looking-Glass». But Carroll also wrote other children's books, poems and a book on mathematics. His poem «Jabberwocky», and a poem «The Hunting of the Snark» are the examples of the genre of literary nonsense.

  1. Lewis Carroll was born in….. and died in……
  2. His real name was….
  3. Lewis Carroll was the…. child in his family.
  4. He studied at….
  5. Lewis Carol was very good at….
  6. He was also a famous…..
  7. Lewis Carroll wrote….
  8. His book « Alice's adventures in wonderland» was for Alice Liddell. She was a daughter of….

  1. was born- родился

7. Lewis Carroll loved to tell and write stories, and he found that children loved to listen to his stories. In 1856 Carroll met Alice Liddell, the four-year-old daughter of his friend. He liked visiting this family and spending time with them. Carroll often made up stories for Alice and her sisters. Alice enjoyed the story and asked him to write it down for her. He did so, calling it Alice's adventures in wonderland.

Then Carroll wrote a second story about Alice called Through the Looking-Glass.

  1. Lewis Carroll was born in….. and died in……
  2. His real name was….
  3. Lewis Carroll was the…. child in his family.
  4. He studied at….
  5. Lewis Carol was very good at….
  6. He was also a famous…..
  7. Lewis Carroll wrote….
  8. His book « Alice's adventures in wonderland» was for Alice Liddell. She was a daughter of….

  1. was born- родился

  • …kind
  • …real
  • …correct
  • …happy
  • …active
  • …polite
  • …friendly
  • …popular
  • …lucky
  • …usual

  • unkind
  • unreal
  • incorrect
  • unhappy
  • inactive
  • impolite
  • unfriendly
  • unpopular
  • unlucky
  • unusual


Who was Lewis Carroll?

  1. writer, singer, mathematician
  2. Mathematician, photographer, writer
  3. photographer, writer, musician

Lewis Carroll wrote his books for

  1. his daughter
  2. his student
  3. his friend’s daughter

What presents did Humpty Dumpty get from the White King and Queen?

  1. A cravat
  2. A belt
  3. A pie

Choose the right variant:

  1. unhappy, incorrect, inpolite
  2. unhappy, incorrect, impolite
  3. inhappy, incorrect, impolite

Find the synonym of the word “incorrect”

  1. True
  2. Inactive
  3. False

T: Let’s check! What score do you have?

What is your progress today? Let’s vote: what smiley is right for you? Red? Yellow? Green? You can tick your colour on the card.

(самоанализ по типу светофора: красный- справился плохо, желтый - 50Х50, зеленый- молодец! Ученики на карточках отмечают свой цвет, общий вывод) We can count the smileys! Good job!

Be proud of yourself and write down your own mark for the lesson. Who is amazing, awesome, outstanding? You can also write just “Nice work” or “Wow!” (самооценка работы на уроке)

2. Подведение итогов.

T: Let’s sum up! What have you learned today? What do you know now? You can read aloud the prompts from the slide or use your own ideas.

Упражнение “Now I know … ”. (Ученики говорят о том, что узнали на уроке, используя начальную фразу-клише на доске)

What task was the most difficult for you today? What was the easiest?

3. Домашнее задание и инструкция по его выполнению.

T: OK, be ready to write your home task. You should read the dialogue in pairs and do a writing task: you can choose to write a list of presents for your family or write a story about your Unbirthday.

4. Оценивание работы учащихся.

T: You worked very well today. I’m very proud of you! And your marks for the lesson are: ____________________________________________________________________________


___________________________________________________________________________ .

5. Окончание урока.

T: Our lesson’s over. Thank you for your work! Stand up, please. Goodbye, students!

Ss: Goodbye, teacher!

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