Конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе по теме: Money in my life.
методическая разработка (10 класс)
Конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе по теме: Money in my life. Авторы УМК О.В.Афанасьева, Д. Дули. Прилагается презентация и приложение к уроку
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе.
Тема урока: Money in my life.
Проблема урока: Where to get and How to spend?
Цель урока: Дальнейшее развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции при обсуждении проблемы «Что могут деньги дать человеку?». Практиковать в написании коротких сообщений.
- Речевая компетенция: тренировка навыков говорения о способах получения денег и возможностях их потратить, автоматизация навыков аудирования, чтения с пониманием основной мысли и поиском нужной информации о роли денег в жизни подростков.
- Языковая: активизация лексики по теме «Деньги».
- Социокультурная: реализация диалога культур на материале по теме «Деньги в жизни подростков», ознакомление с отношением к деньгам в Британии и России, реалиями повседневной жизни; расширение кругозора учащихся, развитие интереса к изучаемому предмету.
- Компенсаторная: совершенствование умений выходить из положения в условиях дефицита языковых средств в ситуации обмена мнениями о способах получения денег и возможностях их потратить, о роли денег в жизни подростка.
- Учебно-познавательная: содействовать развитию критического мышления учащихся, умению выделять главное в потоке информации, анализировать и обобщать, умения высказывать свои суждения об отношении к деньгам; способствовать совершенствованию умений и навыков написания коротких личных сообщений, в использовании электронной почты, воспитание толерантности к обычаям и традициям других стран, любви и уважения к родной стране.
Учебник, компьютер, проектор, раздаточный материал с планом работы и заданиями на урок, презентация .
Ход урока
Ι. Организационный момент.
T – Hello, my friends! I’m very glad to see you today. I hope you are all OK and ready to continue our talking about money.
ΙΙ.Речевая зарядка. Активизация лексического материала по теме. Введение в проблему урока.
T – But first let us warm up a little bit.
- Remember the meaning of the words connected with money and group them into 2 categories: those that refer to getting money and those that refer to giving it.
To pay, bill, to spend, to borrow, fine, to earn, to lend, debts, grant, to save, to waste, currency, cash, to economise
IN | OUT |
T – All right, your time is up. Now check yourself with the key.
T – Well, now the work that you have done is closely connected with the problem of our lesson. Can you guess what it is?
S – Where can we get their money and how we spend it.
T – Right you are.
- What ways of getting money do you know?
What ways of spending money do you know?
Here are the facts about teens in Great Britain.
The ways to earn money:
Being a waiter or a waitress
Working at a store
Being a baby-sitter
Saturday jobs
Taking money from relatives
Birthday money and Christmas presents
Taking care of old people
Washing cars
Helping parents
Selling self-made things
Walking dogs and cats
Selling newspapers
Working in gardens and lawns
Ways of spending money:
Expensive things
Eating out
Amusement parks, fairs, festivals
Car insurance
Magazines and newspapers
Going out
Summer trips
- What about teens in Russia? Your homework was to answer the questions of a survey. Later we’ll learn if it is the same or it differs in your life. Give me your answers, please.
ΙΙΙ. Развитие навыков чтения.
T – There are many ways of getting money and even more ways to spend it. Read the texts in your worksheets to find it out. Fill in the table according to the information given by your heroes. Pay attention to what you are to find out. Then you should report your results to other groups.
Групповая работа. Учащиеся читают тексты и заполняют таблицы в соответствии с полученной информацией (чтение с поиском определенной информации).
Post-reading activity
Name | gets money | spends money | Attitude to money |
T – Are you done? Now report the results of your investigation for the whole group.
(один спикер от группы сообщает итоги их поисковой деятельности)
IV. A music pause. The students sing the song “Money, Money” (ABBA)
What is the song about?
V. Практическая работа. Написание коротких сообщений.
- Let’s remember the rules.
- At previous lessons we learnt to write short messages. Do you remember the rules of writing messages?
Yes you are right. When we write a short message, we can omit:
- Personal pronouns
- Articles
- Parts of verbs
We can use:
- Short forms
- informal linkers
- abbreviations
- We must remember one more thing. Before writing we should think of the reason of our message. What kind of messages can there be?
(a thank-you message, e-mail, an apology message, reminder, a postcard)
- Now you will work in groups. (Класс делится на группы. Каждая получает свое задание.)
The first group. Two students must exchange messages in Whats App. One of you wants to borrow some money from another.
The second group. You must make a conclusion about the results of a survey you had made.
The third group. I give you a message. Read it attentively and rewrite it using the rules we have just spoken about.
The fourth group. I asked you to find and share with us abbreviations used in Net. So called Net Slang.
The fifth group. I received an e-mail from my friend. I would like you to answer her letter.
- Presentations of the job done. Each group shows the results. The students take part in the discussion. (Whats App переписка, электронное письмо демонстрируются на экране)
- Рефлексия
T – My friends, you have done a great work today. We’ve tried to write messages. I hope you’ll do it in English since this lesson. We’ve spoken about how teens get and spend money in GB and how you do it. To draw a conclusion I’d like you to think about this problem, be critical to yourself and choose the idea which suits you best.
(На карточках - высказывания, ребята выбирают то, что ближе их взгляду на роль денег в их жизни)
- Money rules the world. I need money to do anything in my life.
- Money is very important for me but my life is not centered around it.
- Money is not happiness. I can give it up for more important things in my life: family, love, friendship.
- Подведение итогов урока
T - I would like to thank you once again for your work today. Your marks …
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Group the words into two categories: in out to pay bill to spend to borrow fine to earn wage to lend grant to save to waste to loose fee currency cash to economise to win
The key in out To borrow To earn Grant To save Currency Cash To economise Wage To win Fee To pay Bill To spend Fine To lend Debts To waste Currency Cash To loose
The ways to earn money Being a waiter or a waitress Working at a store Being a baby-sitter Saturday jobs Taking money from relatives Birthday money and Christmas presents Taking care of old people Washing cars Helping parents Selling self-made things Walking dogs and cats Selling newspapers Working in gardens and lawns The ways to spend money Cinema Expensive things Eating out Amusement parks, fairs, festivals Books CDs Clothes Magazines and newspapers Going out Food Sport Girl/boyfriends Summer trips College
Andrew Money… Hm …m… I fully depend on my parents. They pay for my studies and they are the only source I can get money from. There is no opportunity for me (yet) to earn some extra money by myself. So the only way out is to live from one “Giving Day” to the other “Giving Day”. I don’t splash out my money on anything extraordinary. I spend it just on books, magazines, CDs and computer games. I also spend a great sum of money on eating out , discos and little presents for my friends. As you see, I really like to go on a spending spree , when I’m given quite enough money to spend on whatever I like. Surely, I wish I could have some extra money because I can’t afford so many things I want… But…
Steve People sometimes think that money rules the world . But I can’t say that I agree with it. Surely, people need money to live, to get educated, to have rest, to support their families and to bring up their children. But I don’t think that they should fully depend on money. Now, when I’m married, I have to work hard to support my family, but I don’t want to earn all the money in the world. And if am to choose either to work more to have more money or to spend some time at home with my family, I choose the latter. When I was younger and depended on my parents I dreamt about the time when I’m old enough to earn money on my own and not to ask parents every time I need it. I thought that money was everything. But now I know that I was wrong. I know that money isn’t happiness, it’s the way to make a person happy, because it helps him to get what he wants. Don’t you think so?
Name gets money spends money Attitude to money
When we write a short message we can omit : personal pronouns articles parts of verbs we can use: short forms informal linkers abbreviations
Kinds of messages Before writing we should think of the reason of our message. a thank-you message e-mail an apology message reminder a postcard
Writing E-mail Hi, Rezeda ! I’d like to share my news with you. Just won a lottery… 100,000$ ))))) Wow!!! It’s incredible! Never thought something like that can happen to me. I bought that lottery ticket last week just for fun. Don’t know what to do with it. May be U could help. I need your advice!!! Hope everything is okay with you. Looking forward to your answer. Xxx Alice
My dear grandmother! I was really happy to get such a beautiful dress as a gift for my birthday from you! I always dreamed of such kind of dress. How did you guess the size and colour ?! It suits me so much. I am so thankful to you. I really love you! I hope you are all right. Your granddaughter Ann
Money rules the world. I need money to do anything in my life . Money is very important for me but my life is not centered around it . Money is not happiness. I can give it up for more important things in my life: family, love, friendship.
Предварительный просмотр:
Money in my life. INs and OUTs.
How much pocket money do you get per week?
yes | no | |
100 rubles | ||
500 rubles | ||
More than 500 rubles |
What do you spend your money on?
Ways to spend money | yes | no |
cinema | ||
eating out | ||
clothes | ||
amusement parks | ||
books | ||
going out | ||
girl/boy friends | ||
make up |
Do you earn money? How?
Ways to earn money | yes | no |
being a babysitter | ||
taking money from relatives | ||
birthday money | ||
helping parents | ||
selling self-made things | ||
Saturday job | ||
working in summer |
Do you save money?
yes | no | |
Do you save money? |
Read the text and fill in the table according to the given information
Money… Hm…m…
I fully depend on my parents. They pay for my studies and they are the only source I can get money from. There is no opportunity for me (yet) to earn some extra money by myself. So the only way out is to live from one “Giving Day” to the other “Giving Day”.
I don’t splash out my money on anything extraordinary. I spend it just on books, magazines, CDs and computer games. I also spend a great sum of money on eating out, discos and little presents for my friends.
As you see, I really like to go on a spending spree, when I’m given quite enough money to spend on whatever I like.
Surely, I wish I could have some extra money because I can’t afford so many things I want… But…
splash out – тратить
eating out – обеды в кафе
to go on a spending spree – сорить деньгами
Name | gets money | spends money | Attitude to money |
Read the text and fill in the table according to the given information
People sometimes think that money rules the world. But I can’t say that I agree with it. Surely, people need money to live, to get educated, to have rest, to support their families and to bring up their children. But I don’t think that they should fully depend on money.
Now, when I’m married, I have to work hard to support my family, but I don’t want to earn all the money in the world. And if am to choose either to work more to have more money or to spend some time at home with my family, I choose the latter.
When I was younger and depended on my parents I dreamt about the time when I’m old enough to earn money on my own and not to ask parents every time I need it. I thought that money was everything. But now I know that I was wrong. I know that money isn’t happiness, it’s the way to make a person happy, because it helps him to get what he wants. Don’t you think so?
money rules the world – деньги правят миром
support – содержать
bring up – воспитывать
on my own – самостоятельно
Name | gets money | spends money | Attitude to money |
Now choose the idea which suits you best.
- Money rules the world. I need money to do anything in my life.
- Money is very important for me but my life is not centered around it.
- Money is not happiness. I can give it up for more important things in my
life: family, love, friendship.
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