Конспект открытого урока по теме «Hobby»
план-конспект урока (6 класс)
Данный урок построен в рамках реализации социально-коммуникативной компетенции, как итоговый урок по теме «Хобби» в 6 классе. Целями урока являются развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся в форме диалогической и монологической речи, их творческих способностей. Форма урока - презентация проектов позволяет обобщить и систематизировать изученный материал. На этапе подготовки проектов учащиеся отработка языкового материала, консультирование по теме… учащиеся проявляли навыки самост работы, творческий подход
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект открытого урока
по теме «Hobby»
учителя английского языка
гимназии №14
Галиахметова Э.С.
Данный урок построен в рамках реализации социально-коммуникативной компетенции, как итоговый урок по теме «Хобби» в 6 классе. Использовано учебно-методическое пособие УМК М.З.Биболетова. Целями урока являются развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся в форме диалогической и монологической речи, их творческих способностей. Форма урока - презентация проектов позволяет обобщить и систематизировать изученный материал. На этапе подготовки проектов учащиеся отработка языкового материала, консультирование по теме… учащиеся проявляли навыки самост работы, творческий подход
Использованная литература: УМК «Enjoy English» М.З. Биболетова 5-6, unit 8, упр 3 стр 162 (письменно), ресурсы интернета, журнал «Иностранные языки» №6, книга для учителя
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент.
№ | Ход урока | Формы, средства выполнения |
1 2 | Т: Good morning, children Good morning, dear guests P: Good morning, teacher T: Now I see you’re ready to start working. : Boys and girls today we’re going to revise the material concerning hobbies and interests. Аудирование T We shall watch the video; check your project works for fun. I suggest you to watch the video. People of different nationalities are interviewed. Try to catch the information and answer the questions. (видео Hobby) T: Please look at the names of students on the board and say what they are interested in. T: Very well.
Презентация проектов Dear guests, our pupils have done the projects of their hobbies and today they’ll present their presentations to you. This task was given to pupils 2 month ago. They divided into 4 groups and every group had their own individual project. So their aim was to make up presentations concerning their hobbies and interests. And now Let me introduce our experts, who will estimate our work. They are: Ahmetgarieva Farida, Tazeev Damir, Grin Ilya. They are 11 form students. And now, dear guests, I invite you to penetrate into the world of computer show. Project 1 P: Hello, dear guests. We are young photographers. We take funny and unusual pictures. Today we present you our computer show. And we want to tell you the history how we became photographers. My name is Karina. When I was 11, my parents presented me a camera. I decided to use it immediately. First of all I took pictures all members of my family, then my lovely pets, beautiful views, but I wasn’t very satisfied with them and didn’t understand why. But one day I suddenly saw a cat, which was standing on its back paws and was clapping. It was fantastic I took photo and I was so pleased with it, that I couldn’t keep in my feelings. So since then I enjoy photographing. And we’re ready to present you some of our photos. Now we want you to work in pairs and try to give the best title to this photo. We’ll give you only 1 minute. Thank you for your attention. Have you any questions? T: Next group is young collectors. P: Good morning. We are collectors and can you imagine that we have our own collections. They are different but all of them are unique. Collecting is a very interesting kind of hobby. You can collect books and pens, stamps and stickers, disks and toys. Then you can show your collection to your family and friends. And we want to show you our collections. Hello, my name is Olga. I collect coins. My collection consists of coins from different countries and they were minted in different years. I have coins of 1887. It was bought by my father and he is very proud of it. Also there are a lot of other coins from different countries, for example from the USA, England, Australia. I’m Adelina. I collect souvenirs from different countries. My family always buys them to remember the place where we have been and enjoyed with the tour. There you can see zebra’s skin from Australia, elephant from the Thailand. Good morning, we’re glad to see you. We have some unusual collection. We collect cards. You can use these cards when you play the Cherepashki-nindzya”. This game is more for boys than for girls and teenagers of everyday life play it with pleasure. Do you know the rules of this game? Well, we’ll introduce you the rules. You should collect 7 cards and make a stake. Every card has its own number of adroitness, intellect and strengths. And winnerwill be who has the most numbers of these categoriesin his card It’s very easy. Hello, I’m Sabina. I collect stones. In my collection you can find such stones as agate, granite, tiger’s eye and others. I began to collect them because I think that every stone has its own strengths and majority of them can help to cope with and even protect people from different diseases. Thank you. Have you any questions? (проводится аукцион) (Выходит судья) T: Hello, my dear boys and girls! We are glad to greet you at our auction! All children like to play. That’s why we will play the game “Auction”. At this auction you may not spend more than £500. J: So the 1st lot is “Coin by 1887 year” and the starting price is 10 pounds. Who wants to buy it for 10 pounds? P1: 10 pounds J: 10 pounds one, 10 pounds two P2: 100 pounds. J: 100 pounds one, 100 pounds two P3: 200 pounds J: 200 pounds one, 200 pounds two, 200 pounds … P4: 350 pounds. J: 350 pounds one, 350 pounds two. P5: 500 pounds. J: 500 pounds one, 500 pounds two, 500 pounds three, (going, going, gone) – it is sold. T: Next group is representatives of “The Best Travel Agency” P: We are the best travel Agency. We invite you to our Agency if you want to travel abroad. We suggest you to visit Egypt, its greatest pyramids; Italy, France (Eifel Tower), Switzerland, Greece, Spain and other countries around the world and just now we have developed a wonderful tour to Kazan – the city of Universiade. You’ll enjoy with ancient and modern sights in Kazan. Our tour to Kazan includes journey to Kremlin with visiting the well-known mosque Kul-Sharif. You can enjoy the beauty and riches of it and see the biggest sacred book the Koran. Also you can walk at Baumana and Peterburgskaya Street and of course go shopping. Come up to us and we’ll provide you with the most comprehensive and complete planning travel services. We look forward to showing you the world. Thank you for your attention. T: And the last group is named “Welcome to our supermarket” P: Good morning, dear guests. Today we invite you to our supermarket. (Дети ходят по классу и выкрикивают) P1: Flowers for sale (ученик держит корзину с цветами) P2:Apples for sale (корзина с яблоками) P3: Strawberries for sale (корзина клубники) P4: Pumpkins for sale (держит большую тыкву) (Внезапно появляется корреспондент) Correspondent: Good morning. Today we have an exhibition of delicious and unusual products. Would you like to take part? I invite you. (всесоглашаются) Sellers: we’re agree. Correspondent: Very well, I’ll be waiting for you at our new supermarket at 11 o’clock. Sellers: With pleasure. (Часы бьют 11 часов) Correspondent: Dear boys and girls, today we have an exhibition of unique products. The first will be flowers. Seller1: Hello, I want to present you the new kind of roses. I grew them in my garden. As you can see it is usual red rose, but it smells as it’s from heavenly garden. It includes all the smells of flowers in that perfect garden. Just smell it and you’ll understand. Seller2: I have wonderful apples. They are the most delicious apples in the world. It consists of 2 sides: red and green. If you take a bite of the red side you’ll become wiser, but if you bite green one, you’ll feel yourself happy. Correspondent: Wow, our exhibition consists of magic products, it’s very interesting. Seller3: Hello, I have a very romantic food. It’s a strawberry- the best in the whole world. You can present it to your relatives, friends, your sweetheart or other people and it will be the wonderful present for birthday or another holiday. Just eat it and you’ll feel that you’re lying on the beach and relax without problems. It is a fantastic feeling. Seller4: Good morning, I grew up a pumpkin. It is usual pumpkin, but its size is king’s size. It looks like a carriage for Cinderella. T: Well done, excellent boys and girls and now we’ll ask our experts to announce their decision, concerning your projects. T: Thank you for your attention. Lesson is over. You may be free. Good bye. | Учитель приветствует учащихся, объясняет цели урока Просмотр видеосюжета, где представители различных национальностей представляют свои интересы На экране слайды с именами студентов. Учащиеся работают фронтально, отвечают на вопросы. Учитель сообщает тему и цели проекты, представляет членов экспертной комиссии – учащиеся 11 класса, объявляет критерии оценок проектов Слайды с таблицей Слайды с интересными и смешными картинками Коллекция монет Коллекция сувениров Коллекция игральных карточек Коллекция камней Карта мира, карта Казани, коллаж Буклеты компании |
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