Подготовка к Контрольной работе №3 модуль 3 Spotlight 9
методическая разработка (9 класс)

Полак Екатерина Францевна

Обобщение и повторение материала модуля 3 Spotlight 9 


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Подготовка к контрольной работе №3

  1. Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences.

















  1. I only want to see As on your ________________________at the end of term, Daniel.
  2. So kids, today we are going to have a __________________________about poverty.
  3. Claire crashed her instructor's car during her first _________________________ .
  4. All the __________________________________babies lay sleeping in their cots.
  5. Jan is head of the _______________________________that will arrange the graduation ceremony.
  6. Some nurses are so _________________________________ they have to get a second job.
  7. Victor graduated from Durham University with a degree in ________________________.
  8. We will hold a _______________________________ to raise money to build schools in Africa.

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in bold.

1. It is important for students to think 

 and question what they are told.


2. The costume 

 did a very good job in this theatrical production.


3. She was so exhausted she was 

 able to speak.


4. Endangered species need all the 

 they can get.


  1. Fill in:

9-5      overtime     part-time      skills       self-employed

  1.  Did you know that Jim is ________________________ now? He decided he didn't like working for other people.
  2. Mary can only work _____________________________as she has two children to take care of.
  3. William wants to find a ________________________ job after working night shifts for 10 years.
  4. You must have good communication ________________________ to become a nurse.
  5.  "It's 7 o'clock, where's Nick?" "He is working ____________________ today, he'll be back later."

  1. Choose the right answer.

will apply/will have applied beach a new job soon.

We will find/will be finding an alternative decision.

They author will complete/will have completed his book by the end of this week.

The gardener will have planted/will be planting the flowers at 4 o’clock tomorrow.

We will start/will have started our training in two minutes.

He will be lying/will lie on the beach this time tomorrow.

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in bold.

  1. Fill in: at    up   on    out

  1. Fill in: for,   with,   in,   from

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