Разработка видеоурока "Food in Britain"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)

Федунова Анастасия Александровна

Разработка урока к видео "Food in Britain" https://youtu.be/smKDD5Wl2B8


Файл British food16.56 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

British Food

Today we’re having an unusual lesson. All our tasks are connected with the video about British Food.

1. Part I (0:00 – 1:43)

What do you know about British Food? Are there any specialities?

What dishes are called traditional?

  • Be very attentive and put down the words in the table.

“What do the British eat for breakfast?”

  • Find these words in the word search puzzle below:

E  T  K  G  G  E  Y  E  V  L  L  L

J  E  D  S  A  U  S  A  G  E  U  O

A  A  H  M  S  P  T  D  K  A  J  Q

M  O  T  Z  B  I  K  M  I  L  K  R

Q  J  H  M  A  R  M  A  L  A  D  E

D  Y  H  L  C  W  L  U  O  Q  G  K

A  Y  E  H  O  M  J  T  C  F  G  D

E  L  E  M  N  V  A  L  I  B  J  P

R  Q  F  A  B  M  R  Y  R  W  A  O

B  G  F  G  O  E  C  I  U  J  S  A

X  E  O  T  L  A  E  R  E  C  U  A

N  T  C  Z  D  M  R  D  R  U  L  S

2. Part II (1:43- 2:01)

How many meals a day do the Englishmen have?

What time do they have breakfast/lunch/dinner?

  • Watch the video and correct the mistakes:

1. Lunch are about one or two o’clock.

2. At lunch time people usually has no break .

3. So they always have a sandwich or a snack.

4. In every shop they sell an amazing number of different sandwiches.

  • Open the brackets and use the proper form of the verb.

1. The British usually (to have)__________ three or four meals a day which (to depend, зависеть) _______________ on their social class and the part of the country they (to live)________ in.

2. She (to have)___________ breakfast in the morning, she ( not to be)__________ hungry.

3. They always (to start)__________ work at sunrise.

4. I (not to understand)____________________ British meal. It (to be) ________ a mystery to me.

5.When you usually (to have) lunch?

3. Part III (2:01 – 2:52)

Where do people buy food?

What does it mean “convenience food”? What is the difference between fresh food and convenience food?

What would you prefer eating?

 -  Complete the table.

fresh food

convenience food

4. Part IV (2:52 – 3:10)

What food do British people like?

Do they eat at home or go out?

What restaurants are popular in Britain?

5. Part V (3:10 – 4:33)

-  Watch the part where the teenagers say what they like and hate.

Try to answer the question  “what do you really like or not like?”, using  really like, hate, dislike, favourite food, fresh/convenience food, expensive, cheap, tasty, delicious.






 - Fill in the gaps in the dialogue.

- _________. Cod and chips, _________.

- Sault and___________?

- Yes, please.

- Here you are.__________  £3.50, please.

- Thanks.

- Thank ______.

- Bye. – Bye.

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