Разработка словаря и задания по видео TED 11 класс The history of marriage
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс)

Орлова Дарья Леонидовна

Разработка вокабуляра и задания по видео The history of marriage (TED) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZZ6QB5TSfk

Приложенный материал разработан в соответствии с лексикой учебника Spotlight 11 для модуля 1


Файл вокабуляр к видео12.26 КБ
Файл задание к видео15.06 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


Inspirational - вдохновляющий

Hilariously – шумно, весело

Pair bonding – соединение пар

Sedentary - оседлый

Securing - получение

Designating - назначающий

Complex - совокупность

Matter – личное дело

Civil - гражданский

Adultery – супружеская измена

Simultaneous marriage - многоженство

Fertile - изобильный

Pop up - появиться

Lineage - происхождение

Appease - задобрить

Restless - беспокойный

Crucial - ключевой

At stake – под угрозой

Concern - проблема

Emerge - появиться

Happiness pursuit – поиск счастья

Restriction - сокращение


Inspirational - вдохновляющий

Hilariously – шумно, весело

Pair bonding – соединение пар

Sedentary - оседлый

Securing - получение

Designating - назначающий

Complex - совокупность

Matter – личное дело

Civil - гражданский

Adultery – супружеская измена

Simultaneous marriage - многоженство

Fertile - изобильный

Pop up - появиться

Lineage - происхождение

Appease - задобрить

Restless - беспокойный

Crucial - ключевой

At stake – под угрозой

Concern - проблема

Emerge - появиться

Happiness pursuit – поиск счастья

Restriction - сокращение


Inspirational - вдохновляющий

Hilariously – шумно, весело

Pair bonding – соединение пар

Sedentary - оседлый

Securing - получение

Designating - назначающий

Complex - совокупность

Matter – личное дело

Civil - гражданский

Adultery – супружеская измена

Simultaneous marriage - многоженство

Fertile - изобильный

Pop up - появиться

Lineage - происхождение

Appease - задобрить

Restless - беспокойный

Crucial - ключевой

At stake – под угрозой

Concern - проблема

Emerge - появиться

Happiness pursuit – поиск счастья

Restriction - сокращение

Предварительный просмотр:

  1. When did marriage originate?

A  - 342 AD

B  -  2100 BC

C  -  before 10 000 BC

D  -  at the Big Bang

  1. What was the main purpose of marriage in agricultural societies?

A – allowing the village to hold a wedding feast

B – establishing ownership and inheritance of land

C – deciding who would perform which farming tasks

D – to reward the handsome farmer with the prettiest bride

  1. About how many wives did most common men in polygamous societies have?

A – 1

B – 10

C – 700

D – 100 000

  1. What  is a ghost marriage?

A – a wedding where the bride and groom are covered by white sheets

B – a marriage where one of the partners is the spirit of a deceased person

C – a former marriage that is no longer valid

D – a marriage between two people who are already in afterlife

  1. Why was polyandry practiced in the Himalayan Mountains?

A – it was a part of the Himalayan creation myth

B – there weren`t enough women

C – women wanted more husbands

D – there wasn`t enough farmland to create new households

  1. Who often made matches in the upper-class throughout of history?

A – authorities

B – a clergyman or an arch bishop

C –  families or rulers

D – pontiff (Pope)

  1. Why did more people become independent from extended families?

A – growth of the middle-class

B – decrease of urbanization

C – reduction of industrialization  

D – influence of the upper-class


  1. What has always shaped the marriage?

A – law

B – government

C – society

D – church

  1. When did marriage originate?

A  - 342 AD

B  -  2100 BC

C  -  before 10 000 BC

D  -  at the Big Bang

  1. What was the main purpose of marriage in agricultural societies?

A – allowing the village to hold a wedding feast

B – establishing ownership and inheritance of land

C – deciding who would perform which farming tasks

D – to reward the handsome farmer with the prettiest bride

  1. About how many wives did most common men in polygamous societies have?

A – 1

B – 10

C – 700

D – 100 000

  1. What  is a ghost marriage?

A – a wedding where the bride and groom are covered by white sheets

B – a marriage where one of the partners is the spirit of a deceased person

C – a former marriage that is no longer valid

D – a marriage between two people who are already in afterlife

  1. Why was polyandry practiced in the Himalayan Mountains?

A – it was a part of the Himalayan creation myth

B – there weren`t enough women

C – women wanted more husbands

D – there wasn`t enough farmland to create new households

  1. Who often made matches in the upper-class throughout of history?

A – authorities

B – a clergyman or an arch bishop

C –  families or rulers

D – pontiff (Pope)

  1. Why did more people become independent from extended families?

A – growth of the middle-class

B – decrease of urbanization

C – reduction of industrialization  

D – influence of the upper-class


  1. What has always shaped the marriage?

A – law

B – government

C – society

D – church

What kinds of marriage did you watch?

  1. - C
  2.  - B
  3. -  A
  4.  - B
  5. – D
  6.  - C
  7.  - A
  8.  - C

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