Урок по английскому языку на тему: «Знаете ли вы какие-нибудь англоговорящие
план-конспект занятия (6 класс)
Цель: формирование образовательных компетенций (информационных, коммуникативных, рефлексивной др.) у учащихся 6 класса.
Учебные задачи, направленные на достижение личностных результатов обучения:
- способствовать формированию речевой компетенции в основных видах речевой деятельности: аудировании и говорении;
- воспитывать интернационализм, толерантность, уважительное отношение к обычаям и традициям народов других стран;
- развивать мотивы учебной деятельности и формировать личностный смысл учения;
- расширить кругозор по теме;
- приобщать учащихся к культуре, традициям и реалиям стран, изучаемого языка;
- воспитывать понимание важности изучения английского языка в современном мире.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок по английскому языку на тему: «Знаете ли вы какие-нибудь англоговорящие страны»
Класс: 6 класс
Интеграция: английский и география.
Цель: формирование образовательных компетенций (информационных, коммуникативных, рефлексивной др.) у учащихся 6 класса.
Учебные задачи, направленные на достижение личностных результатов обучения:
- способствовать формированию речевой компетенции в основных видах речевой деятельности: аудировании и говорении;
- воспитывать интернационализм, толерантность, уважительное отношение к обычаям и традициям народов других стран;
- развивать мотивы учебной деятельности и формировать личностный смысл учения;
- расширить кругозор по теме;
- приобщать учащихся к культуре, традициям и реалиям стран, изучаемого языка;
- воспитывать понимание важности изучения английского языка в современном мире.
Учебные задачи, направленные на достижение метапредметных результатов обучения:
- формирование умения строить логичное рассуждение, включая установление причинно-следственных связей, делать умозаключения и выводы на основе аргументации;
- развитие умения грамотно строить речевые высказывания в соответствии с задачами коммуникации;
- развитие умения слушать и слышать собеседника, вести диалог, излагать свою точку зрения и аргументировать ее;
- развитие умения пользоваться ранее изученным на уроке географии материалом (континенты, страны, столицы, население, народы, достопримечательности).
Оборудование занятия: подготовленная учителем презентация проекта в программе Power Point, интерактивная доска, карточки.
Ход урока:
- Организационный момент. Приветствие.
-Good morning, boys and girls!
The bell has gone, so let’s start our lesson.
Nice to meet you.
We have guests here. But don’t be afraid. Take it easy, feel comfortable and try to show all your knowledge. I am sure you can.
I hope you are well today.
How are you?
Let’ s smile to each other to have a good mood
‘World is a book and those who don’t travel, read only one page’
Слайд 2 (перевод эпиграфа)
«Мир- это книга, и тот, кто не путешествует, читает только одну страницу» Св. Августин
Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.
Язык-это Дорожная карта культуры. Он говорит вам, откуда пришли его люди и куда идут.
- Фонетическая зарядка
Look at the blackboard. Do you know the Russian meaning of these proverbs?
На доске заранее подготовлено:
So many countries, so many customs.-- Сколько стран, столько и обычаев, Во всяком подворье свое поверье
There is no place like home.- в гостях хорошо, а дома лучше
East or West, home is best.-- в гостях хорошо, а дома лучше
Преподаватель читает, и учащиеся хором повторяют за ним.
- Целеполагание и мотивация
Children, look at the screen. There are some words that are hidden. The letters are mixed. Can you guess what these words are?
n-a-d-a-c-а - (Canada)
a-a-u-i-s-a-t-r-l - (Australia)
m-c-i-r-a-e-a - (America)
a-r-e-g-i-t r-b-a-n-i-r-t - (Great Britain)
w-n-e d-e-z-a-l-n-a (New Zealand)
You are right. You know, there are a lot of different countries in the world. And almost every country has its own language.
You learn English. But do you know in which countries people speak this language?
You are quite right. They speak English.
And the theme of our lesson is: «Do you know any English- speaking countries? »
I think you should learn more facts about English-speaking countries, their geography, people, traditions.
Today we are going to integrate two subjects: English and Geography. I would like you to use your geographical knowledge in our English lesson.
And today we’ll l travel to these countries.
- Речевая разминка.
(На доске - речевые клише: I think, I believe, I guess, I’m sure, It’s possible that, I can’t agree that, I’ll never believe that, I don’t think)
Now you will agree or disagree with me.
If I’m right, repeat my sentence. If I’m not right, disagree with me.
The role of English is very important today.
Pupils in Russia learn only English as a foreign language.
People in 30 countries speak English as a second language.
Russian will be the most popular language in future.
People do not use English in tourism.
English is called the language of the sky and the sea.
English is the language of rock and pop music
- Работа с видео. Введение страноведческой информации.
- Name the countries
Разделить на группы (переходят со стульями)
- Чтение текста на английском языке с полным пониманием
Canada is the second largest country in the world. It is situated in North America. Canada is a federation of 10 provinces and 2 territories. There are two official languages in Canada. They are English and French. The capital of the country is Ottawa. The largest cities are Toronto and Montreal. Canada is famous for hockey and the Niagara Fall. The population of Canada is about 28 million people. The official symbol of the country is the maple. Today Canada is one of the most highly developed countries in the world.
Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent. It is the sixth largest country and the smallest continent. It is situated between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. It is a federation of states. The official language in Australia is English. The capital of the country is Canberra. Australia is famous for kangaroos. The largest city is Sidney. Today Australia is one of the most developed countries in the world. Australia produces and exports large amounts of minerals and farm goods.
The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada and China). It is one of the most powerful and advanced countries in the world. The USA is situated in the central part of North America. The USA is a federal republic. It consists of fifty states. The capital of the country is Washington. The population of the USA is about 250 million people. The flag of the USA is called “Stars and Stripes”. The Statue of Liberty is the national symbol of the country. The largest city is New York. It is the financial and cultural centre of the USA. The official language is English. Many rivers cross the country. The most important are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Colorado. The USA is famous for Coca-Cola, Hollywood and Disneyland.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of the British Kingdom. It is situated on the British Isles. The UK consists of four countries. They are England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The capital of the UK is London. London stands on the Thames. The Thames is the deepest river in the UK. There are a lot of lakes in Great Britain. Loch Ness attracts millions of tourists by its legendary monster. The population of the UK is over 57 million people. The official language is English. The flag of the UK is known as the Union Jack. The United Kingdom is famous for Big Ben, Westminster Abby.
New Zealand is an island in the south-west Pacific Ocean. New Zealand belongs to a large island group called Polynesia. The country is situated on two main islands and several small islands. The main islands are the North Island and the South Island. The capital of the country is Wellington. The largest city is Auckland. The official languages of the country are English and Maori. Most aborigines speak English and their own language, Maori. New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy. Maoris were the first people who settled in New Zealand. New Zealand has one of the highest standards of living in the world. New Zealand is one of the world’s developed countries. The main industries of the country are agriculture, manufacturing and service industries.
Countries | Is situated | The capital is | The official language is | It is famous for |
The UK | ||||
The USA | ||||
Canada | ||||
Australia | ||||
New Zealand |
Займите свои места. Take your places!
| |
Учитель: Now it’s time to rest. Stand up, please. 1.«Point to the teacher» Point to the teacher, point to the door! Look at the window, look at the floor! Stand on the left leg, stand on the right! Now, sit down! And touch something…white! (red, blue…) |
Hands up, hands down,
Hands on hips, sit down.
Stand up, hands to the sides,
Bend left, bend right
Hands on hips,
One, two, three, hop!
One, two, three, stop
- Работа в парах: выполнение упражнения на соотнесение начала предложения с его окончанием, самопроверка по ключу; (5мин)
Now work in pairs, please. I’ll give you some cards. You should match the two parts of the sentences and check yourself with a key.
Карточка 1
Match the two parts of the sentences.
1. Many rivers cross the country. The most important are… 2. The population of the USA is… 3. The flag of the USA is called… 4. The USA is one of the most… | …about 250 million people. …the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Colorado. …powerful and highly developed countries in the world. …”Stars and Stripes”. |
Карточка 2
Match the two parts of the sentences.
1. London stands on… 2. The UK consists of … 3. Scotland is a land of lakes. Loch Ness attracts… 4. The flag of the UK is known as… | … millions of tourists by its legendary monster. …the river Thames. …Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. …the Union Jack. |
Карточка 3
Match the two parts of the sentences.
1. Canada is … 2. Toronto and Montreal are… 3. The population of Canada is… 4. The symbol of Canada is… | …about 28 million people. … the second largest country in the world. …the largest cities of the country. …the maple. |
Карточка 4
Match the two parts of the sentences.
1. Australia is the only country in the world that is … 2. Australia lies… 3. Australia is the sixth largest country and… 4. Sidney is one of … | …the smallest continent. …the biggest cities in Australia. …also a continent. …between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. |
Карточка 5
Match the two parts of the sentences.
1. New Zealand is an island country … 2. It is situated on… 3. It is famous for its products: 4. About 12 per cent of the country’s population are… 5. Auckland is one of … | … two main islands and several small islands. … butter, cheese, meat. …the biggest cities in New Zealand. …Maoris. …in the Pacific Ocean. |
- Find words to the topic ‘English-speaking countries’ which are hidden in this wordsearch. The words are up and down.
Найти все слова, которые связаны с темой «Англоговорящие страны». Слова могут быть написаны и вверх и вниз.
W | E | L | L | I | N | G | T | O | N |
C | A | N | B | E | R | R | A | T | G |
N | O | T | I | B | B | O | H | T | B |
N | A | L | G | N | I | R | O | A | M |
C | G | H | B | Y | O | P | Q | W | U |
F | M | Z | E | A | L | A | N | A | S |
A | D | A | N | A | C | D | I | K | A |
N | O | T | G | N | I | H | S | A | W |
You see the table with the word. Make new words beginning the first letter of this word ( for the word, consisting of 5 and more letters a team can get 2 points)
Round English-speaking countries Quiz.
1. What is the capital of Canada?
a. London b. Sidney c. Ottawa
2. What is the symbol of Australia?
a. the maple b. kangaroos c. the Statue of Liberty
3. In which country is Loch Ness?
a. Australia b. New Zealand c.the UK
4. What river does London stand on?
a. the Mississippi b. the Volga c.the Thames
5. Which country is also a continent?
a. Australia b. New Zealand c. Canada
6. How is the flag of the USA called?
a. Union Jack b. Stars and Stripes
7. In which country do people speak Maori?
a. the UK b. New Zealand c. Australia
- Дети должны найти на карте страну, приклеить соответствующий флаг, закрасить ее, а также обозначить и указать столицу
| Was it interesting? | Was it useful? | Was it new? | |
YES | ||||
NO |
В конце включить песню «Солнечный круг»
Предварительный просмотр:
Canada is the second largest country in the world. It is situated in North America. Canada is a federation of 10 provinces and 2 territories. There are two official languages in Canada. They are English and French. The capital of the country is Ottawa. The largest cities are Toronto and Montreal. Canada is famous for hockey and the Niagara Fall. The population of Canada is about 28 million people. The official symbol of the country is the maple. Today Canada is one of the most highly developed countries in the world.
Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent. It is the sixth largest country and the smallest continent. It is situated between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. It is a federation of states. The official language in Australia is English. The capital of the country is Canberra. Australia is famous for kangaroos. The largest city is Sidney. Today Australia is one of the most developed countries in the world. Australia produces and exports large amounts of minerals and farm goods.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of the British Kingdom. It is situated on the British Isles. The UK consists of four countries. They are England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The capital of the UK is London. London stands on the Thames. The Thames is the deepest river in the UK. There are a lot of lakes in Great Britain. Loch Ness attracts millions of tourists by its legendary monster. The population of the UK is over 57 million people. The official language is English. The flag of the UK is known as the Union Jack. The United Kingdom is famous for Big Ben, Westminster Abby.
The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada and China). It is one of the most powerful and advanced countries in the world. The USA is situated in the central part of North America. The USA is a federal republic. It consists of fifty states. The capital of the country is Washington. The population of the USA is about 250 million people. The flag of the USA is called “Stars and Stripes”. The Statue of Liberty is the national symbol of the country. The largest city is New York. It is the financial and cultural centre of the USA. The official language is English. Many rivers cross the country. The most important are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Colorado. The USA is famous for Coca-Cola, Hollywood and Disneyland.
New Zealand is an island in the south-west Pacific Ocean. New Zealand belongs to a large island group called Polynesia. The country is situated on two main islands and several small islands. The main islands are the North Island and the South Island. The capital of the country is Wellington. The largest city is Auckland. The official languages of the country are English and Maori. Most aborigines speak English and their own language, Maori. New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy. Maoris were the first people who settled in New Zealand. New Zealand has one of the highest standards of living in the world. New Zealand is one of the world’s developed countries. The main industries of the country are agriculture, manufacturing and service industries.
Countries | Is situated | The capital is | The official language is | It is famous for |
The UK | ||||
The USA | ||||
Canada | ||||
Australia | ||||
New Zealand |
Card 1
Match the two parts of the sentences.
1. Many rivers cross the country. The most important are… 2. The population of the USA is… 3. The flag of the USA is called… 4. The USA is one of the most… | …about 250 million people. …the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Colorado. …powerful and highly developed countries in the world. …”Stars and Stripes”. |
Card 2
Match the two parts of the sentences.
1. London stands on… 2. The UK consists of … 3. Scotland is a land of lakes. Loch Ness attracts… 4. The flag of the UK is known as… | … millions of tourists by its legendary monster. …the river Thames. …Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. …the Union Jack. |
Card 3
Match the two parts of the sentences.
1. Canada is … 2. Toronto and Montreal are… 3. The population of Canada is… 4. The symbol of Canada is… | …about 28 million people. … the second largest country in the world. …the largest cities of the country. …the maple. |
Card 4
Match the two parts of the sentences.
1. Australia is the only country in the world that is … 2. Australia lies… 3. Australia is the sixth largest country and… 4. Sidney is one of … | …the smallest continent. …the biggest cities in Australia. …also a continent. …between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. |
Card 5
Match the two parts of the sentences.
1. New Zealand is an island country … 2. It is situated on… 3. It is famous for its products: 4. About 12 per cent of the country’s population are… 5. Auckland is one of … | … two main islands and several small islands. … butter, cheese, meat. …the biggest cities in New Zealand. …Maoris. …in the Pacific Ocean. |
W | E | L | L | I | N | G | T | O | N |
C | A | N | B | E | R | R | A | T | G |
N | O | T | I | B | B | O | H | T | B |
N | A | L | G | N | I | R | O | A | M |
C | G | H | B | Y | O | P | Q | W | U |
F | M | Z | E | A | L | A | N | A | S |
A | D | A | N | A | C | D | I | K | A |
N | O | T | G | N | I | H | S | A | W |
Round English-speaking countries Quiz.
1. What is the capital of Canada?
a. London b. Sidney c. Ottawa
2. What is the symbol of Australia?
a. the maple b. kangaroos c. the Statue of Liberty
3. In which country is Loch Ness?
a. Australia b. New Zealand c.the UK
4. What river does London stand on?
a. the Mississippi b. the Volga c.the Thames
5. Which country is also a continent?
a. Australia b. New Zealand c. Canada
6. How is the flag of the USA called?
a. Union Jack b. Stars and Stripes
7. In which country do people speak Maori?
a. the UK b. New Zealand c. Australia
The role of English is very important today.
Pupils in Russia learn only English as a foreign language.
People in 30 countries speak English as a second language.
Russian will be the most popular language in future.
People do not use English in tourism.
English is called the language of the sky and the sea.
English is the language of rock and pop music
Предварительный просмотр:
Did you like the lesson? | Was it interesting? | Was it useful? | Was it new? | |
YES | ||||
NO |
The role of English is very important today.
Pupils in Russia learn only English as a foreign language.
People in 30 countries speak English as a second language.
Russian will be the most popular language in future.
People do not use English in tourism.
English is called the language of the sky and the sea.
English is the language of rock and pop music

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