Spotlight 11 Reading Comprehension I
тест (11 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Sp11 Reading Comprehension I 2020-2021
Exercise 1 Read the text and match paragraphs A-G to the headings 1-8. There is the an extra heading. Use heading once.( 7 points)
Different styled residences | ||
Green house structure | ||
Used to be a hospital | ||
20th century theatre | ||
The biggest merchant lot | ||
Serve French toasts | ||
Maps and arts collection | ||
Old fashioned furniture |
- A prominent feature on lively Weybosset Street for nearly a century, the Providence Performing Arts Center occupies the former Loew's Movie Palace. The stunning Beaux Arts theater was designed by George and C.W. Rapp of Chicago, who designed many of the most opulent theaters of the time. The interior is as sumptuous as it was when it opened in 1928, with marble columns, detailed plaster work, a richly ornamented ceiling, and crystal chandeliers. Periodic renovations have modernized its facilities without losing the opulent interior.
- On this mile-long street traversing the steep hillside that rises from the river to the Brown University campus, you can see an architectural history of Providence. At one end are the restrained and elegant Federal period homes, beautifully restored with their doorways in a neat row close to the street, and as you walk farther, you'll see grand homes set back on their lawns, and later Victorian, even Arts and Crafts-style residences.
- The Brown University campus crowns College Hill and has since 1770; its oldest building and still the center of the campus is University Hall, which served as a barracks and hospital during the Revolution. The impressive Van Wickle Gates open only twice a year, on the first day of classes and for the commencement procession in May.
- Stamp collectors will want to see the complete collection of US postage stamps in the John Hay Library; the John Carter Brown Library has a collection of rare early maps. The free David Winton Bell Gallery has excellent changing exhibits of contemporary and historic art. For student-led campus tours, visit the Corliss-Brackett House.
- Here's a secret you probably won't hear about on the tour: Brown's Environmental Center has a conservatory on Waterman Street, a glass house with a jungle of plants and exotic flowers thriving inside through the coldest of winter days. Few know about it, but the center advises that "Artists, gardeners, tinkerers, dreamers, readers, thinkers, general plant lovers, and green and brown thumbs are encouraged to visit."
- President John Quincy Adams described the 1786 home of merchant John Brown as "the most magnificent and elegant mansion that I have ever seen on this continent." From its lofty hillside setting he could keep an eye on his China Trade ships and warehouses at India Point, the source of his considerable wealth.
- That he was a man of taste, as well as wealth and prominence is clear from the house, with its French wallpapers, finely worked decorative detail and moldings, and original Brown family furniture. For an unparalleled view of 18th-century life for the Providence aristocracy, as well as a look at some of the best pieces by Rhode Island cabinetmakers that you'll find anywhere, don't miss this magnificent home.
Exercise 2 Read the text and match paragraphs A-F to the expressions 9-15. There is the an extra expressions. Use expressions once.( 6 points)
tourist attractions in Providence | ||
original family furnishings | ||
Renaissance Providence Downtown Hotel | ||
stands out | ||
17th century woodworking | ||
located between the Downcity | ||
going behind the scenes |
- Even in this posh neighborhood of grand old homes, the 1865 mansion of Governor Henry Lippitt _________________. The 30-room Renaissance Revival villa/Italian palazzo is even more impressive inside, where the stenciling, stained, and etched glass and faux wood and marble finishes make it one of New England's finest interiors - arguably the best in terms of Victorian decoration.
- The ornate woodwork, ___________________, and mechanical systems that were revolutionary for the mid-19th-century combine to make it a museum of Victorian interior decoration and a window into the life of a prosperous Victorian family.
- Generations of the Lippitt family — they were heirs to a RI textile manufacturing fortune - lived in the house for 114 years, and their story comes alive in the excellent guided tours, the only way you can see the exuberant interior. Changing year-long exhibits delve more deeply into some aspect of life in the Victorian era, ___________________to explore the role of household staff, etiquette, and social customs of the times.
- Apart from those in Roger Williams Park, the top __________________are within walking distance of Downcity, where many of the hotels are located. If you're planning a trip to Providence in the spring, be aware that lodging is very tight in May, when several colleges hold their commencements. You will need to reserve well in advance and be prepared for higher rates then.
- The 4-star ____________________________is just as elegant on the inside as you'd expect from its grand façade of marble pillars. While the building is nearing its 100th birthday, the hotel inside is 21st century and sports a chic décor and all the mod-cons. Pillow-top mattresses and plush linens, all-day room service, and valet parking are luxury perks, and the hotel is right in the center of the city.
- The resort-like atmosphere of the Providence Marriott Downtown and its connecting indoor and outdoor pools make it a favorite for families. Conveniently _______________________attractions and those on "The Hill," the hotel provides free parking and free use of bicycles. A full-service spa, restaurant, and impeccable service make this a getaway destination with the city as its backyard.
Exercise 3 Using words in the brackets make-up appropriate words ( 10 points)
- A city landmark, Graduate Providence ____________(to be)
- an Art Deco hotel with a stunning lobby and grand staircase. Rooms______(to be)
- unusually large, with king-sized beds and ______________(sweep) city views;
- more than half of _________________(they) are suites. The location
- _________(not) get any better, five minutes from shopping and Downcity
- restaurants. In another ____________(history) building with a
- soaring two-story lobby, ___________(convenience) to Brown University
- and the ____________(attract) on Benefit Street, Hampton Inn & Suites
- Providence Downtown ____________ (to offer) guests complimentary hot breakfast. IChristopher Dodge House is a hospitable B&B with cozy guest rooms with
- fireplaces . A hot breakfast _______ ____(to include)
Exercise 1 .( 7 points)
B | Different styled residences | |
E | Green house structure | |
C | Used to be a hospital | |
A | 20th century theatre | |
F | The biggest merchant lot | |
Extra-one | Serve French toasts | |
D | Maps and arts collection | |
G | Old fashioned furniture |
Exercise 2 ( 6 points)
D | tourist attractions in Providence | |
B | original family furnishings | |
E | Renaissance Providence Downtown Hotel | |
A | stands out | |
Extra-one | 17th century woodworking | |
F | located between the Downcity | |
C | going behind the scenes |
Exercise 3 ( 10 points)
- Is
- Are
- Sweeping
- them
- doesn't
- historic
- convenient
- attractions
- offers
- is included
Points- mark: 23-21=”5” 20-17=”4” 16-12=”3” 11-0=”2”
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