тест для 5 класса
тест (5 класс)
Небольшой итоговый тест для учащихся 5 класса.Материал для повторения.
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Контрольный тест 5 класс
1. Reading
Внимательно прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1-6. Отметьте 1 вариант ответа.
Conrad was a cat. One day his family took him in the car and went to visit their friends.
When Conrad got to the friend`s house he said, “This is not my house. I don`t like it. I want to go home.” And he ran away.
In an hour Conrad saw a house and a lady in front of it. But it wasn`t his house. He said to the lady in the cat language, “Could you tell me the way to my house?”
The lady didn`t know the cat language and she didn`t know the way to Conrad`s house. She said, “Some milk? Here is some milk.”
Conrad drank some milk because he was hungry. “Well, thank you. Good bye,” Conrad said and ran away.
He walked on the field. He caught a mouse and ate it. He drank some water from a river. Conrad became very tired, but he ran on the road.
One day Conrad saw his house. Conrad`s family went to the yard and cried, “Conrad`s here! He couldn`t ask the way, but he is here! Conrad you are a clever cat! We love you!”
1.When Conrad got to the friend`s house, …..
a) he wanted to return home.
b) he liked the friend`s house.
c) he wanted to have some milk.
2.The lady was glad to see Conrad and …..
a) she answered Conrad`s question.
b) she showed him the way to his house.
c) she gave Conrad some milk.
3.Conrad thanked the lady and ran away because…..
a) he wanted to visit his friends.
b) he wanted to find his house.
c) he wanted to catch a mouse.
4. Soon Conrad was very tired but …..
a) he went along the road.
b) he swam in the river.
c) he played with the mouse.
5. When the family saw Conrad in the yard, …..
a) they were sad.
b) they were happy.
c) they were angry.
6.Conrad was a clever cat because …..
a) he ran away from the friend`s house
b) he knew the cat`s language
c) he found his house and his family.
II. Grammar.
Выберете правильный ответ. Будьте внимательны при выполнении задания.
1. There (is/am) no doctor in the room, you (have/has) to wait.
2. Are (these/this) children Spanish? – No, they (are/aren’t)
3. Is (this/these) her book? – Yes, (it/its) is.
4. The carpet is (on/under) the floor. The (childs/children) like playing on it.
5. These (woman/women) are very beautiful.
6. There aren’t (any/some) forks (on/behind) the table.
7. (Is/are) there a dishwasher (in/from) the kitchen? – Yes, (it/there) is.
8. I’ve got big (foot/feet). I need a (bigger/biggest) size.
9. Where is (that/those) table? – It is (next/front) to the window.
10. There is (an/a) old book on the shelf. (The/a) book is (mine/my).
11. (Do/Does) you play chess? – No, I (do/does) not.
12. Anna (play/plays) computer games all the time. It is very (harmful/harmfully).
13. How (often/usually) do you have violin lessons? – Only (at/in) the weekend.
14. Sonya (does/do) not have to go to school (on/in) Sundays.
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