Мотивация учителей и развитие навыков для профессионального роста
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Подписи к слайдам:
Teacher professional development (PD) an essential feature of instructional interventions in general for the improvement of students’ learning and achievement in particular
In general, how motivated are you, personally, to participate in PD activities?
Types of motivation intrinsic = love extrinsic = money In both work and life, you will come across people who are motivated by both factors, and most often by a mixture of the two.
Basic characteristics of tasks that lead to boredom at work Quantitative underload Qualitative underload Qualitative overload
In general, how would you rate your experiences with PD during the current school trimester?
Skills needed for teaching Enjoy communicating your understanding to others Have confidence Have great organizational skills Work effectively in groups Be able to deal with conflict Motivate your students to do their best Empathize with your students Give feedback As well as subject knowledge, there are some other, more general qualities that teachers need:
participation was a positive rather than a negative experience was judged to be useful for increasing their teaching effectiveness made teachers more motivated to participate in PD in the future
Thank you for your attention!
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We are going to talk today about
Teacher motivation and skills for professional development
For students to learn, teachers have to teach effectively—but many education systems pay little attention to what teachers know or what they do in the classroom. Focusing on teachers’ skills and motivation can pay off.
First, about the study:
Teacher professional development (PD) is an essential feature of instructional interventions in general, and for the improvement of students’ learning and achievement in particular.
The more motivated teachers are to participate and engage in PD, the more likely they will be to profit from the experience.
Teachers’ general motivation to participate in PD was assessed by their response to the direct question: “In general, how motivated are you, personally, to participate in PD activities?” The 7-point response scale ranged from 0 “Not at all” to 6 “Extremely”. The entire sample Mean = 4.8. The frequency distribution of responses shown in Figure 2 provides evidence that most teachers described themselves as highly motivated to participate in PD.
Our study of PD was conducted using research-based motivation theory. We examined teacher characteristics and features of the school context and we identified a set of factors that potentially affect the likelihood of teacher participation in PD, engagement in PD and benefits from their participation in PD and motivation.
There are two main types of motivation. These can broadly be described as:
- Intrinsic = love.
In other words, “I do this because I want to”
- Extrinsic = money.
In other words, “I do this because I have to”.
In both work and life, you will come across people who are motivated by both factors, and most often by a mixture of the two. People’s motivations will also change at different times, and for different tasks. You need to be aware of the balance between intrinsic and extrinsic motivations for each of those you teach and for yourself.
It is leaders’ job to ensure that work is designed in a way that avoids all pitfalls as much and as often as possible. Researchers have identified three basic characteristics of tasks that lead to boredom at work, which in turn leads to lack of motivation. These are:
- Quantitative underload, which basically means not having enough to do;
- Qualitative underload, when tasks are simple and unchallenging; and
- Qualitative overload, when individuals are asked to do tasks which are too complex, and ‘switch off’ because they feel unable to achieve what they have been asked to do.
Setting goals for and with others is an art. Too challenging, and they will not believe they can achieve it. Not challenging enough, and it certainly won’t be motivating. The important point is to be flexible.
We were lucky because our mini-study we conducted during the whole trimester. The time has passed since that moment, we conducted the first survey. Some teachers shared that they used tips to increase motivation. The results have changed a little.
Those who participated in PD were asked: “In general, how would you rate your experiences with PD during the current school trimester?” Teachers responded on a 5-point scale with the end-points labeled from “Extremely Negative” to “Extremely Positive”. We coded the categories as follows: Extremely Negative, Negative, Neutral, Positive and Extremely Positive. As shown, most teachers indicated that their experiences were positive rather than negative. Specifically, 34% rated their experiences as positive compared to only 8% negative and 24% neutral.
We conducted a survey among young teachers and teachers with experience of more than 5 years. Respondents should have noted three or more skills that teachers need.
As well as subject knowledge, there are some other, more general qualities that teachers need.
1. Enjoy communicating your understanding to others. There is definitely a performance element to most teaching.
2. Have confidence. You will need the confidence to look calm and professional even when tired and stressed.
3. Have great organizational skills. Have you kept what is needed for anyone in the group who was away? If you are part of a teaching organization, have you fed back results to any interested colleagues?
4. Work effectively in groups. In a school you may be part of a group that teach at your level or within your subject. If so, you will have to agree between you what is to be taught and how to deal with any difficulties.
5. Be able to deal with conflict. There may be students who need to be told to work harder, or a disagreement between students that you need to help to sort out.
6. Motivate your students to do their best. This may require encouragement and/or criticism, and probably a bit of both at different times.
7. Empathize with your students. If you can see that your students are exhausted, there may be no point in trying to teach a very complicated topic. You need to create a feeling that you are all working together towards the same goal. This means building up trust and rapport.
8. Give feedback. Whether this takes the form of comments on performance or marking written work, it needs to be constructive. Offer praise as well as criticism whenever possible and tell your students how they can improve.
The results you see on this chart. Some categories scored almost the same number of votes (Have confidence, Work effectively in groups, Motivate your students to do their best); some categories are very different (Enjoy communicating your understanding to others, Be able to deal with conflict, Give feedback).
Let's summarize briefly what we've looked at. In general, information from this sample of teachers indicates both a high rate of PD participation and that participation: was a positive rather than a negative experience, was judged to be useful for increasing their teaching effectiveness, and made teachers more motivated to participate in PD in the future.
Many thanks for your attention.
Are there any questions?
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