Конспект урока на тему "Стресс"

Гензе Евгения Владимировна

The definition, friends, of stress:

Your own reaction to a mess

Stress from pains to   pleasures range,

The common element is change.

Adapt or die, and that’s the fact,

And so our bodies must react:

The heart speeds up, the gut slows down,

Facial muscles  snarl or frown.

The point is stress is not unique,

It doesn’t mean you’re   dumb or weak.

Common both to man  and beast,

It proves you are still alive, at least.


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Предварительный просмотр:


Ход урока. Описание презентации «Стресс».


-Hello, students.  How are you today? Today we are going to discuss some interesting topic, but first let’s listen to the music. (проигрываетсяфрагментпесни: It’s the worst day of my life.).

-Did you like the song?

-Is it cheerful or sad?

-What words did you here? What is it about?

(Slide 1-4).Now let’s look at the slides. What can you see in the pictures?

How do all these people feel? What mood are they in?

(Slide 5.)

-So, as you can see, the name of our lesson is «STRESS».Let’s read the definitions.

Stress can turn us into:






S-strange  (human beengs).

(Slide 6-10.)

Here is the exercise on multiple choice.Let’s read the initial statement above and find the synonym (phrase with the same meaning.).

(Slide 11).

-Now let’s read stress-related words.

(Mess , range, pain ,pleasure ,adapt , the heart,  speed up,

the gut, slow down , facial muscles ,snarl, frown,

dumb  ,weak , lowdown).

(Slide 12).

-And now, students, let’s fill in the gaps with the proper words.

The definition, friends, of stress:

Your own reaction to a M_________

Stress from P_______toP_______ range,

The common element is change.

Adapt or die, and that’s the fact,

And so our bodies must react:

The heart S________ UP, the gut ______DOWN,

Facial muscles  S________or F________

The point is stress is not unique,

It doesn’t mean you’re   D_________ or W________

Common both to man  and beast,

It proves you are still alive, at least.

(Slide 13).

-Check yourselves. Let’s read the whole poem, called «Stress».

The definition, friends, of stress:

Your own reaction to a mess

Stress from pains to   pleasures range,

The common element is change.

Adapt or die, and that’s the fact,

And so our bodies must react:

The heart speeds up, the gut slows down,

Facial muscles  snarl or frown.

The point is stress is not unique,

It doesn’t mean you’re   dumb or weak.

Common both to man  and beast,

It proves you are still alive, at least.

(Slide 14).

-Well done, students! Now, I would like you to read the questions and give the answers to them.

1. What is the definition of stress?

2.Is stress connected only with pains?

3. Can pleasures cause stress as well?

4. What is the common element of stress?

5. What are the physical symptoms of stress?

6.Are there any psychological symptoms of stress?

7. Can animals be affected by stress as well as human beings?

8.Is stress unique or common nowadays?

(Slide 15,16).

-Let’s open the books at page 29.

Listen to the audio. (проигрываетсяаудиотекста).

-Who can tell me, what’s the lowdown on stress? (Find the key phrases).

-What actions should be taken if  you deal with the controlled stress?(Find the provement in the text).

-How can person bear it? (Read the provements).

-What are the ways of coping with the stress? (Find the key phrases).

(Slide 17).

Look at the slide.

The man is at the dentist. His breathing has become shallow and adrenaline has been released into the bloodstream. What are the A,B, Cs? What are his actions? How is he to bare it? What are the ways of coping with the stress for the man?

(Slide 18).

Look at the next slide.

Sally is doing her household chores. Nothing seems can lighten her load.What are the A,B, Cs? What are her actions? How is  she to bare it? What are the ways of coping with the stress for her?

(Slide 19).

Kate feels she is loosing control. What are the  A,B,Cs for her? What are her actions? How is  she to bare it? What are the ways of coping with the stress for her?

(Slide 20).

Judy is weighing herself. The pressure is mounting. A,B,Cs?

(Slide 21).

Mike is sick and tired of being in a road mess. What are his A,B,Sc?

(Slide 22).

So, students, what should we do to cope with the stress successfully?Let’s make up the sentences.





S-stimulate, spend


(Slide 23).

Now respond to the situations. Support your friend. (Студентам зачитываются проблемные ситуации, они находят и зачитывают подходящие реплики реагирования.).


I  might be late and I am  stuck in traffic.

The neighbour’s dog keeps barking at midnight.

Somebody’s stepped on my toes……twice.

The Internet is very slow. I mean very-very slow.

I am on a train. I just want to relax and read my favourite book. But the person next to me doesn’t seem to stop talking at all.

I am in a restaurant, I am going to enjoy my  favourite meal and the person nearby is slurping and champing.

I am exhausted and I want to take a nap, but the neighbor’s baby is crying.

I  keep losing lots of time.

My colleague always bites his nails.

I can’t achieve good results. I don’t seem to make progress  (sports, studying, business).


1. Don’t  worry. Everything will be OK.

2. Has it been keeping you up at night?

3. You mustn’t grumble.

4. Stiff upper lip!

5. Practice makes perfect.

6. Keep trying.

7. It’s not the end of the world.

8. Chin up!

9. Plenty more fish in the sea!

10. Lighten up!

11. No use crying over spilt milk.

12. Look at the bright side.

(Slide 24).

-So, students, when we have managed the stress, what kind of people can we become?







(Slide 25).

Now, it’s time for quiz! Let’s check how stressful you are.(Студентам предлагается пройти тест на стрессоустойчивость, присваивая каждой фразе от1 до 4 баллов.).


You might be late and you are stuck in traffic.

The neighbor’s dog keeps barking at midnight.

Somebody’s stepped on your toes……twice.

The Internet is very slow. I mean very-very slow.

You are on a train. You just want to relax and read your favourite book. But the person next to you doesn’t seem to stop talking at all.

You are in a restaurant, you are going to enjoy your favourite meal and the person nearby is slurping and champing.

You are exhausted and you want to take a nap, but the neighbor’s baby is crying.

You keep loosing lots of time.

Your colleague always bites his nails.

You can’t achieve good results. You don’t seem to make progress (sports, studying, business).


I don’t care, it doesn’t disturb me.

A little tense and annoyed.

The heart is beating faster, I am  getting  impatient.

AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! (needs no translation).

Now, students, let’s count the scores. How many scores have you gained? Are you happy with your results? No matter what your results are, now you do know how to cope with stress carefully. I wish you good luck! Thank you for the lesson!

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