Урок английского языка в 8 классе “The World is Your Oyster “ Spotlight 8
план-конспект урока (8 класс)
Место урока в cистеме УМК: « Английский в фокусе» 8 класс, Модуль 6 - Culture Exchanges (Культурный обмен), урок 6а, тема : The World is Your Oyster (Мир к вашим услугам)
Форма урока: заочная экскурсия ( с применением ИКТ.)
Средства обучения: проектор, компьютер, раздаточные материалы, видеоматериалы.
Цели урока: развитие общеучебных и специальных знаний и умений в рамках темы делать высказывание, аргументировать свое высказывание.
воспитание толерантного отношения друг к другу, работая в группе.
Задачи урока: - введение новой лексики на тему «Путешествие»
развитие умений монологической и диалогической речи в форме дискуссии по изучаемой теме
развитие навыка предсказывать содержание по представленным иллюстрациям.
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Предварительный просмотр:
« Путешествия»
Учитель: Николаева Юлия Васильевна
Предмет: английский язык
Класс: 8 г
Тема: Путешествие
Место урока в cистеме УМК: « Английский в фокусе» 8 класс, Модуль 6 - Culture Exchanges (Культурный обмен), урок 6а, тема : The World is Your Oyster (Мир к вашим услугам)
Форма урока: заочная экскурсия ( с применением ИКТ.)
Средства обучения: проектор, компьютер, раздаточные материалы, видеоматериалы.
Цели урока: развитие общеучебных и специальных знаний и умений в рамках темы делать высказывание, аргументировать свое высказывание.
воспитание толерантного отношения друг к другу, работая в группе.
Задачи урока: - введение новой лексики на тему «Путешествие»
развитие умений монологической и диалогической речи в форме дискуссии по изучаемой теме
развитие навыка предсказывать содержание по представленным иллюстрациям.
Ход урока
Приветствие. Оргмомент.
Teacher: Good morning, students! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please.
1.Ввести тему урока, цель урока.
T: Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. We have received a letter from Santa Clause! He invites us to take a world tour! Are you happy to hear that?
P: Yes, we are!
T: You are divided in four groups, it means that you come from 4 different countries, aren’t you?
P: Yes, we are, teacher.
2. Видео- визитка групп.
T: Now I would like to introduce your groups to our guests. The first group is from Russia. (включается видеоролик о России)
T: The next group is from the mysterious country Morocco! Let’s take a look at what they prepared for us… (видеоролик о Марокко)
T: Amazing video! What did the group from the United States of America prepare for us? Let’s find out! (видеоролик о США)
T: Wonderful! And we have the last group from the United Kingdom. Take a look at what they have to show us. (видеоролик о Великобритании)
3. Работа по тексту стр. 90-91. Монолог по теме.
T: We have watched 4 interesting videos about your native countries. It is amazing how different and beautiful your countries are! But can you tell me what kinds of activities are popular there? Can you give some brief information about Russian activities, Galina?
Galina: - - -
T: Thank you, Galina! Very interesting! Katya, what can you tell us about Marocco?
Katya: - - -
T: Thank you, Katya! Very good! Masha, present your country, please.
Masha: - - -
T: Thank you, Masha. Good job! Yana, what do you have to tell about England?
Yana: - - -
T: Thank you, Yana, well done!
4. Выполнение упражнения по учебнику стр. 90 упр. 3b
T: You have done a very good job, I liked your reports very much. And now I want you to open your text books on page 90 Ex. 3b. Minya, start, please.
5. Работа с новой лексикой.
T: Now take a look on the blackboard. I will place a phrase here and you will finish it using the cards. (учитель закрепляет на доске фразу “While on holiday, I enjoy…”; ученики подбирают окончание фразы, используя карточки)
6. Диалогическая речь
T: well done, everybody! We have learned the new vocabulary and now we can practice the dialogues. Where would you like to travel? What activities would you like to do there? Discuss in pairs.
7. Монологи на тему «Национальная еда». Презентация блюд.
T: Well , we see that everybody likes travelling as this is very exciting . Travelling can open new horizons, when we travel we meet a whole new world, and national cuisine is not an exception. I know, that you have prepared reports about your national food, haven’t you?
P: Yes, we have, teacher.
Galina: Blini is a thin pancake, traditionally made from buckwheat flour and served with sour cream, butter, caviar, and other garnishes. Nowadays blini remain not only one of the quickest, tastiest and diverse dishes. In pagan times blini were made for Maslenitsa, also known as “Butter Week”. Blini are eaten with as many fillings and as one can possibly imagine – mushrooms, meat, wild berries, sour cream, onions and potatoes, fish, honey, condensed milk, jam, caviar, cheese and what not.
Katya: Chebakia straight from Morocco, Halwa Chebakia is a sesame cookie which is folded into a flower shape, fried and then coated with honey.The dessert, which is also served for special occasions, can be accompanied by the famous lentil and tomato soup, Harira. The sticky sweetness contrasts nicely with the spicy soup, and many consider Halwa Chebakia and Harira must-haves at their Ramadan table.
Masha: Hot-dog is traditional American food. He have their roots at Germany. Germany is famous for its sausages. Their made a great many and in different recipes. The story goes that butcher from Frankfurt invented long and thin sausages. In America sausages brought German immigrants. They put them in the manner of a sandwich between two slices of bread. Later their replaced on loaf of bread. Sausage in a bun called hot-dog savvy students at the end of the 19th century. They bought their sandwiches in mobile trailers. Near them were constantly gathered packs of dogs. Therefore, the vans were call the dog.
Yana: Fish and chips is a hot dish of English origin consisting of fried battered fish and hot chips. It is a common take-away food and an early example of culinary fusion. Fish and chips are a valuable source of protein, fibre, iron and vitamins, providing a third of the recommended daily allowance of vitamins for men and nearly half for women. No one knows precisely where or when fish and chips came together. Chips (Pommes Frites) had arrived in Britain from France in the eighteenth century.
8. Викторина на знание текста
9. Билеты
10. Подведение итогов . Выставление оценок.
T: All of you were good today. Thanks a lot for your work at the lesson. Your marks are: …………..
10. Домашнее задание .
T: Your homework for the next lesson is to write an essay about your dream holiday.
The lesson is over. You are free, good-bye.
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