Влияние экологии на здоровье человека
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Студенческая учебно-практическая конференция
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Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение среднего профессионального образования г.Москвы Медицинский колледж №3 Департамента здравоохранения г.Москвы Методическая разработка студенческой учебно-практической конференции Тема: «Влияние экологии на здоровье человека» Дисциплина «Английский язык» Специальность: 060109 Сестринское дело Базовый уровень среднего профессионального образования Москва, 2015г .
Цель занятия Выработать и развить у студентов навыки и умения общения по теме: «Влияние экологии на здоровье человека»
Воспитательные цели Активизировать воспитательный процесс при подготовке к конференции. Развивать у студентов гуманные и общечеловеческие качества личности Формировать качества личности медицинского работника (сочувствие, сострадание, гуманизм, чуткость, милосердие, отзывчивость, быстроту реакции).
Этапы конференции: 1. Обсуждение темы «Влияние экологии на здоровье человека" на цикловой 2. Литературные исследования. 3.Научные исследования: а) работа со студентами б) работа с инициативной группой 4.Конференция 5.Этапы конференции 6.Итоги конференции
Учебные цели : 1) развивать интерес у студентов к самостоятельной деятельностью с помощью наглядно-информативных методов обучения. 2)Развивать индивидуальные артистические и творческие способности студентов. 3)Демонстрация студентами коммуникативных умений по теме :
Педагогические цели 1)активировать учебно-познавательную деятельность студентов 2)Приблизить учебный процесс к профессиональной деятельности 3)Выработать интерес к аналитической деятельности при подготовке презентации
Мотивация Студенту-медику необходимо совершенствовать знания по английскому языку 1.Некоторые студенты после окончания учебы в колледже будут работать в платных зарубежных центрах 2.Знания английского языка помогут изучать литературу по сестринскому делу на английском языке в той области медицины , в которой будет работать медсестра . 3. Также знания английского языка могут помочь при использовании медикаментов из зарубежных стран , таких как А нглия , США, грамотно изучить их инструкцию по применению .
Ecological situation in Russia The ecological situation is understood changeable in time and space as a condition of the surrounding environment which is forming under the influence of pollution and other anthropogenous factors.
From the point of view of anthropogenous influence on environment distinguish the following its states: the natural — i.e. not changed by direct activity of the person; the equilibrium — such condition of environment at which the speed of recovery processes is higher or it is equal to rates of anthropogenous violations; the crisis — a state at which the speed of anthropogenous violations exceeds rate of self-restoration of natural systems, but doesn't occur yet their basic change; the critical — a state at which occurs while reversible replacement before existing ecological systems on less productive; the catastrophic — a state at which already hardly reversible process of fixing of unproductive ecological systems takes place; condition of collapse — irreversible loss of biological efficiency of ecological systems.
Environment pollution — receipt and accumulation of harmful substances in dangerous to this Wednesday and for the person concentration — can be connected as with the natural reasons (a volcanism, forest fires, dust storms), and with a production activity of the person — anthropogenous pollution.
Sources of anthropogenous pollution can be: stationary (plants, factories) mobile (vehicles).
On a spatial sign they are subdivided on: dot (factory pipes), vulgar (coal pits) linear (thoroughfares).
At an assessment of an ecological situation chemical pollution is taken into consideration as the most mass and almost universal first of all. In total without city exception with their industrial enterprises, municipal objects and transport, are a source in environment (air, an underground and surface water, soils) any polluting substances.
The ecological situation in Russia is characterized by considerable heterogeneity. About 15% of the territory of the country with the population over 60 million people are in a critical or near-critical condition and 65% of the territory practically aren't mentioned by economic activity, and the ecological situation in these areas is close to the natural.
One of the largest pollutants of atmospheric air of the cities and settlements is the motor transport which releases about 12 million t of polluting substances into the atmosphere. As a result of industrial emissions for the last decade in Russia more than 200 thousand hectares of the wood, from them 98% — coniferous were lost. The woods in the districts of Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg, Zabaykalsky Krai and Murmansk region were especially strongly struck.
Now about 80 billion t of solid waste are saved up for territories of the country in dumps, ranges, storages and unorganized dumps. By estimates if to place this waste in standard containers along the equator line, they will surround it more than 400 times. The volume of the saved-up toxic and dangerous wastes in dumps and dumps is estimated at 1, 7 billion t. For their transportation it would be required three trains long from Moscow to Khabarovsk.
According to existing nature protection legislation in the Russian Federation are allocated: zones of emergency ecological situations (ecological crisis) to which carry Kamensk -Ural (The Sverdlovsk Region), Magnitogorsk (The Chelyabinsk Region), Tchapaevsk (The Samara Region), Novocherkassk (The Rostov Region); zones of ecological disasters — Karabash (The Chelyabinsk Region) and region of Black lands in Kalmykia .
Now becomes more and more obvious that at preservation of the developed nature destructive tendencies in Russia deterioration of an ecological situation can be expected in the near future. Decline in production in recent years didn't entail similar decrease in pollution as in crisis conditions of the enterprise began to save on nature protection expenses. The difficult social and economic situation of society continues to aggravate an ecological situation.
The basic principles of environmental management and protection of natural resources include the following directions: Use of natural resources has to be accompanied by their restoration. Recovery actions can be used only for renewal of natural resources which treat a plant and animal life, fertility of soils. Deforestation, hunting and other kinds of activity which can cause an irreplaceable loss to these types of resources are strictly controlled by the state, for example. For protection of an animal and flora creation of especially protected territories to which reserves, wildlife areas, national and natural parks, nature sanctuaries belong is provided.
For the organization of rational use of land resources in Russia the state land management — system of actions for regulation of the land relations, the organizations of use and earth protection as means of production is carried out. national and natural parks, nature sanctuaries.
Complex use of natural resources this direction of rational environmental management has to be carried out first of all for the ischerpayemykh !!! of natural resources, i.e. for minerals. Thus it is possible to allocate two tendencies one of which assumes use of the same resources in different branches of economy, another — fuller extraction of resources for production stages. national and natural parks, nature sanctuaries.
Recycling of natural resources. Practically all types of made materials: metal, paper, fabrics, plastic — it is possible to subject to secondary processing. First, secondary processing allows to save primary raw materials and energy as on production of products from secondary raw materials much less energy is required. For example, scrap metal melting in steel requires 10 times less energy, than for steel smelting from ore. Secondly, secondary processing allows to reduce amount of solid waste.
Carrying out nature protection actions. These events have to be held first of all by the industrial enterprises, and the government bodies which are responsible for protection of surrounding environment, have to control their performance. allows to reduce amount of solid waste.
Any industrial enterprise has to be equipped with treatment facilities, take measures for introduction of low-waste technologies, provide observance of a mode of sanitary and security zones which are established round each enterprise.
Introduction of the latest technologies for the purpose of decrease in load of environment. The purpose of development of low-waste and resource-saving technologies — creation of the closed production cycles, with full use of arriving raw materials and not developing waste leaving for their framework. It is attempt to reproduce natural cycles where all elements are interconnected and cause each other.
In materials of the European economic commission of the UN and the Declaration on the low-waste and waste-free technology accepted in 1979 at meeting on the all-European cooperation in the field of environmental protection, low-waste and waste-free technology are defined as practical application of knowledge, methods and means within needs of the person to provide the most rational use of natural resources and to protect environment. About the huge potential of low-waste technologies tell such figures. Now because of imperfection of technologies of production in the earth there are to 70% of oil, 30% of coal, 20% of iron ore etc.
Introduction of resource-saving technologies especially actually for the resources. For example, technologies which will allow to increase oil refining depth are developed. Methods now in use allow to receive from oil only 60% of valuable products, other 40% — it is fuel oil. More perfect technologies will allow to receive 90% of valuable products. Such increase in depth of oil refining will allow to spend for receiving the same amount of gasoline 2 t of oil instead of 3 t.
F i n d i n g s Food chains in nature help keep the balance in the complex system of relationships of living organisms. Nature gave everyone (even the smallest) living being its own, the main role , which is to be performed by each animal.
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