Подготовка к устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Задания 3,4.
статья (11 класс)
Даны клеше, которые помогут учащимся без труда сдать устную часть ЕГЭ по английскому языку, задания 3,4.
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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение «Высокогорская средняя школа № 1» Высокогорского муниципального района РТ
Подготовка к устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Задания 3,4.
учитель МБОУ «ВСОШ № 1»
Фархутдинова Э.И.,
первая кв.категория
2019 г.
Задание 3 Описание фото.
Task 3. These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to
describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
• where and when the photo was taken;
• what/who is in the photo;
• what is happening;
• why you keep the photo in your album;
• why you decided to show the picture to your friend.
You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”
Introduction (1-3 предложения) I’ve chosen photo number….
-Look at this photo. As you know I’m fond of/keen on ….Ving.(spending time with my family/friends). So, I’ve never missed a chance to take a photo of our adventure.
- As you know, I’ve got a little brother/sister, named …. He/She is mad about…. Just look.
- As I’ve told, my family likes …Ving.(travelling). Look at this photo. Isn’t it wonderful?
- Guess what? I’m going to show you one of my new photos.
Main part (Ответы на 5 пунктов. Можно пофантазировать, но старайтесь чтобы рассказ был естественным. Активно используйте разговорную лексику, разговорные клеше, средства логической связи. Не забудьте, что вы обращаетесь к другу.)
Where and when the photo was taken? (если на фото вы, скажите кто сделал снимок. Чтобы не было 1 предложение, добавьте пояснение о том, например, где вы тогда были и с кем, почему.)
-The photo was taken last winter when I went to the mountains with my family. It was unforgettable trip.
-Look at this photo. It was taken 2 days ago when I was in the country with my friends. We had a wonderful time there.
-I took this photo during my holidays (travelling, two years ago) when I was in …. (любой город или страну)
What/who was in the picture? (Назовите и опишите людей/животных/место,, где происходит действие.)
-In the foreground of the picture/ In the background of the picture you can see….
-The central focus of the picture is…. On the right/left there is/are…..
-You can’t see me because I’m taking the photo.
-They are very happy because at last their dream came true (если мы видим счастливые лица на фото)
What is happening? (Опишите что происходит (Present Continuous). Это не только действия людей , но и их внешность, одежда, настроение. Можно отметить общую атмосферу, погоду и т.д.)
My 12 year-old brother looks a bit older than his age. He is sitting…. (on the bank of the river) and dreaming and thinking about … He’s wearing …. My brother looks happy. The weather is sunny and seems hot. The atmosphere is calm and relaxing.
Why you keep this photo in your album? (Опишите своё отношение к происходящему. Объясните, чем вас привлекла ситуация, отображённая на фотографии.)
-Do you ask me why I keep this photo in my album? Just because I love ….. This picture is my favourite.
- I keep this photo in my album because it reminds me about wonderful moments of my life. (…. I wanted to capture the moments that I had spent with my family/ friends )(…… It means a lot to me, so do people in this photo)
Why you decided to show the picture to your friend? (Представьте, чем фото может заинтересовать вашего друга, какие вызвать чувства, эмоции. Узнайте его мнение или просите совет )
-Frankly speaking, I decided to show you this photo because you’re keen on ….. and I like to know your opinion about this photo.
- I’d like to upload this photo to my blog, but I’m not sure if it’ll be interested to my readers. So, I decided to show the picture to you and listen to your opinion. Two heads are better than one.
Conclusion (1-2 фразы о вашем отношении к тому. Что изображено на фото, чем оно вас тронуло.)
- In my opinion this photo is really nice and makes me happy.
- This photo reminds me of the best moments of my life.
- I like this photo very much. It’s really beautiful.
+ That’s all that wanted to tell you.
Задание 4. Сравнить фото.
Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and
contrast the photographs:
• give a brief description of the photos (action, location);
• say what the pictures have in common;
• say in what way the pictures are different;
• say which of the celebrations presented in the pictures you preferred as
a child;
• explain why.
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to
talk continuously.
Изучите две фотографии. Будьте готовы сравнить фотографии. Прежде, чем приступить к описанию картинок, у вас есть пару секунд, чтобы их проанализировать и даже в голове сложить небольшой скелет своего ответа.
- Well, I would like to compare and contrast the photos which are presented here. Obviously, both pictures are related to the same theme. It is …… The common theme of these pictures is … Well, both pictures show……
- Дайте краткое описание картинок. В этой части вы начинаете с небольшого вступления и описания того, что находится на картинках. Одна из самых распространенных ошибок сдающих тест — забывать про него и приступать сразу к сравнению
- Give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
Let me start by describing the first picture, which shows …(who, where…..) / I’d like to start with picture number 1. You can see …. (who, where….. The photo was taken at …. (location))
As for the second picture, it shows … (who, where….)/ In picture number 2 you can see ….(who. where). The place of location is……..
Скажите, что есть общего в картинках. Примерно 20 секунд у вас может занять рассказ, в чем же картинки схожи. Дайте 2-3 аспекта, в чем фотографии идентичны, и двигайтесь дальше.
- Say what the pictures have in common.
Frankly speaking , these pictures have some facts in common. As I have already mentioned, both pictures show ….(who).
Both pictures were taken in … (when, where…)
There is (are) …. in both of them.
In picture number 1 you can see ….. as well as in picture 2.
Скажите, чем они отличаются. Аналогично с предыдущим пунктом — у вас будет примерно 20 секунд на противопоставление этих фотографий.
3. Say in what way the pictures are different.
Obviously, there are some (certain) differences.
The first difference is ……
Besides, the … in the first picture … look(s) more … than in the second one.
The first picture shows … but the second one shows……
On the first picture you can see /there is ……while on the second picture you can see/there is …..
The first picture shows… but in contrast the second one shows…
The second picture is different from the first one as it shows…
Besides….., On the contrary….., Finally, … is different.
… of the first picture are contrasted to the … of the second one.
Какая картинка вам больше всего нравится и почему. Формулировка этого пункта будет зависеть от конкретных фотографий. Например, если вы сравниваете две картинки, где люди занимаются экстремальным спортом, то предположительно вопрос может быть следующим: «какой вид спорта вы бы предпочли и почему?»
4-5. Say which of the celebrations presented in the pictures you preferred as
a child and explain why
-Personally, I like the way of ….(Ving), presented in picture number …. because this activity is closer to me. I like …. in my free time.
-I would prefer …….(Ving), presented in picture number …. because this activity is closer to me. I like …. in my free time.
-I like ….. more and not only because I like ….. but also because I believe that…. is more interesting (pleasant, useful).
-To sum up there is nothing like (spending time/….) to way you prefer. That’s all that I ‘d like to tell you.
- In conclusion, I’d like to say that these pictures are quite interesting and worth discussing. I have come to the end of my talk, thank you for listening.
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