Итоговый тест за курс 6 класса
тест (6 класс) на тему
Тест включает в себя контроль знаний по чтению, лексике и грамматике.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Ф.И. ______________________
Дата _____________________
Вариант 1
Установите соответствие между заголовками A – E абзацам 1 – 4. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. |
- Why does it leave the Arctic in winter?
- The description of the bird.
- The unusual bird.
- The means of orientation.
- The autumn and spring migrations.
A Long Way to Travel for Your Dinner.
1 This is an Arctic tern. It is not a very big bird. It is only about six inches (16 centimetres) from its bright red beak to its tail. But soon this small bird will begin a wonderful journey. It will fly from one end of the Earth to the other – a journey of about 12,000 miles (18,000 kilometres).
2 The tern spends the summer in the Arctic, but it can nоt spend the winter there. It is too cold and there is no food. If the turns stays in the Arctic, it will die.
3 In autumn the Arctic tern will leave the North Pole and fly south across the equator to the South Pole. When spring comes again in the northern hemisphere, the tern will come back to the Arctic.
4 How do this small birds make this wonderful journey? We don’t know the answer. Perhaps they use the sun, the moon and the stars as a compass. If it is cloudy or foggy, the birds will not migrate. In its life, an Arctic tern travels as far as to the moon and back. That’s a long way to travel for your dinner!
Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста T(True), какие не соответствуют F(False). |
5 | An Arctic tern is a very big bird. | |
6 | The bird travels round the world. | |
7 | The bird can’t spend the winter in Arctic. | |
8 | There is nothing to eat in Arctic in the winter. | |
9 | The tern will return to Arctic, when the spring ends. | |
10 | Perhaps, these birds use the sun, the moon, and the stars as a compass. | |
11 | The birds will migrate only when it is foggy or cloudy. | |
12 | An Arctic tern travels to the moon for its dinner. |
Прочитайте предложения и обведите букву выбранного вами варианта ответа. |
13. How much does/is this puzzle?
14. George is learning/learns to windsurf these days.
15. What do/did you do last Sunday?
16. He is not having/doesn’t have a shower right now.
17. What board games do/are you prefer playing?
Напишите в пропуск прилагательное (которое в скобках в конце предложения) в необходимой по смыслу степени сравнения. |
18. That trip to Africa was the _______________________ in my life! (dangerous)
19. Who is _______________________: an elephant or a tiger? (strong)
20. The excursion to the British Museum was _________________________ than
the one to the National Park. (interesting)
21. Watch out! My karate is ___________________ than yours! (good)
22. William is the _________________________ singer in our class. (talented)
23. Spanish is than German. (easy)
Заполните таблицу с пропущенными формами неправильных глаголов (24-35). |
Начальная форма глагола | Вторая форма глагола | Третья форма глагола | Перевод |
24 | swam | 25 | 26 |
27 | 28 | 29 | Писать |
understand | 30 | 31 | 32 |
33 | 34 | spoken | 35 |
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 36 – 40. Эти номера соответствуют словам в рамке. Замените номера словами так, чтобы они лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. В задании одно слово лишнее. |
longest, valleys, explore, powerful, other, separates |
The River Severn is the longest river in Great Britain. It is 354 km long. The
Severn 36_____________ Wales from England. There are several waterfalls at the
sours of the river. They are not very high or 37______________. However, lots of
people go there to take photos of the wonderful waterfalls. Then the Severn runs
through green hills and beautiful 38_______________. There are many old towns
and modern cities on the banks of the Severn. In summer, many tourists cycle
along the river and 39_____________ the countryside. On the one hand, travelling
by bike is very exciting but, on the 40_____________hand, it can be rather
dangerous and difficult.
Предварительный просмотр:
Ф.И. ______________________
Дата _____________________
Вариант 2
Установите соответствие между заголовками A – E абзацам 1 – 4. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. |
- A brave knight.
- Gifts for the hero.
- A terrible creature.
- A fairy-tale monster.
- A new danger.
The Legend of Beowulf
1 Once upon a time, there was a horrible monster called Grendel. He was half-man and half-monster. He lived in Denmark.
2 One day, he came to the king’s castle but nobody could kill the monster. A knight called Beowulf heard about the problem and went to Denmark to help the king.
3 One night when Beowulf and his men went to sleep the monster came into the castle and killed one of them. Beowulf woke up and killed the monster. When he came back to the castle, the king was very happy and he gave Beowulf presents and money.
4 Beowulf went back to his country and became a king. He was a wise king for fifty years. But one day, a dragon came to his country and attacked people. The knights were afraid and they did not want to fight the dragon. King Beowulf was an old man but he went to the dragon’s cave with his men and killed the ugly monster.
Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста T(True), какие не соответствуют F(False). |
5 | Grendel lived in Finland. | |
6 | The king’s knights couldn’t defeat the monster. | |
7 | Beowulf was a king’s servant. | |
8 | When Beowulf came back, the king was very sad and didn’t give him anything. | |
9 | Beowulf was a good king. | |
10 | Beowulf was the king for forty years. | |
11 | Beowulf was afraid of the dragon. | |
12 | The dragon was dangerous. |
Прочитайте предложения и обведите букву выбранного вами варианта ответа. |
13. My sister meet/meets her friends every afternoon.
14. Does Mary like/likes swimming?
15. The boys don’t/aren’t working on their project now.
16. What do/did they have for breakfast yesterday?
17. Were/did you at the doctor’s yesterday morning?
Напишите в пропуск прилагательное (которое в скобках в конце предложения) в необходимой по смыслу степени сравнения. |
18. Russia is the country. (large)
19. In the city the rivers аrе than in the country. ( dirty)
20. Ted is the pupil in оur class. (bad)
21. Chinese is than English. (difficult)
22.Which is the place in this part of the country? (beautiful)
23. The Arctic Ocean is than the Indian Ocean. (cold)
Заполните таблицу с пропущенными формами неправильных глаголов (24-35). |
Начальная форма глагола | Вторая форма глагола | Третья форма глагола | Перевод |
24 | 25 | 26 | Приходить |
27 | gave | 28 | 29 |
take | 30 | 31 | 32 |
33 | 34 | seen | 35 |
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 36 – 40. Эти номера соответствуют словам в рамке. Замените номера словами так, чтобы они лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. В задании одно слово лишнее. |
world, soon, leading, competition, astronaut, drove |
Dear Nelly,
Your last letter was exiting. I’m so glad that you won a school swimming
competition. Congratulations! Maybe, one day, you will get a 36_______________
My class and I went to the sports centre last week. I 37________________ a fast
kart! It is a small car. I wore a helmet and a special uniform. It was fantastic!
By the way, you remember Billy, my younger brother, don’t you? He’s so
funny. He wanted to become an 38___________________ and travel in space last
year. And this year he has a 39 ____________________ role in our school theatre
Would you like to visit us? It would be lovely.
Take care of yourself.
Write back 40________________.
Предварительный просмотр:
Ключи 6 класс
1 вариант
1 B
2 A
3 E
4 D
5 F
6 T
7 T
8 T
9 F
10 T
11 F
12 F
13 is
14 learning
15 did
16 having
17 do
18 most dangerous
19 stronger
20 more interesting
21 better
22 most talented
23 easier
24 swim
25 swum
26 плавать
27 write
28 wrote
29 written
30 understood
31 understood
32 понимать
33 speak
34 spoke
35 говорить
36 separates
37 powerful
38 valleys
39 explore
40 other
2 вариант
1 С
2 A
3 B
4 E
5 F
6 T
7 F
8 F
9 T
10 F
11 F
12 T
13 meets
14 like
15 aren’t
16 did
17 Were
18 largest
19 dirtier
20 worst
21 more difficult
22 most beautiful
23 colder
24 come
25 came
26 come
27 give
28 given
29 давать
30 took
31 taken
32 брать
33 see
34 saw
35 видеть
36 world
37 drove
38 astronaut
39 leading
40 soon
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