Тренажер для подготовки к устной части ЕГЭ
презентация к уроку (11 класс) на тему

Семенченко Светлана Викторовна

Данное учебное  пособие может быть отнесено к категории тренажеров, предназначенных для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку широкого круга пользователей. Тренажер содержит слайды с таймером для тренировки всех заданий в части устной речи ЕГЭ по английскому языку. В первом задании (чтение текста) ученику предоставляется возможность максимально грамотно, и выразительно прочитать текст на заданную тему. Правильно выполненное задание оценивается в один балл. При чтении текста абитуриент должен допустить как можно меньше ошибок. Во втором задании абитуриент должен грамотно составить и задать вопросы, чётко придерживаясь поставленной темы. Звучание вопросов должно быть максимально грамотным. За правильно выполнение задания ученику даётся пять баллов, то есть один балл за правильно поставленный вопрос. Картинки к третьему заданию являются интерактивными, при нажатии открывается слайд с нужной картинкой (выставлены гиперссылки). В четвёртом задании абитуриенту предоставляются два снимка, которые он должен сравнить и назвать все отличия между ними.

Все картинки и звуковые файлы можно заменять по своему усмотрению


Файл ege_ustnaya_chast_trenazher.pptx1.65 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

TASK #1. PREPARATION – 01:30 min. ANSWER – 01:30 min. PREPARATION 1 Task 1. lmagine that you are preparing а project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then Ье ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes· to read it . Geography is the study of the Earth and its features, its inhabitants, and its phenomena. The word geography comes from Greek. It means "to write and draw about the Earth". Geography studies continents, seas, rivers and mountains. It deals with all the people and animals that live on the Earth. It is interested in the things that happen on the Earth like tides, winds, and earthquakes. A person who is an expert in geography is а geographer. А geographer tries To understand the world and the things that are in it, how they started and how they have . changed . Geographers need to know а lot about maps because maps are very important for understanding geography. Geography is divided into two main parts called physical geography and hurшin geography. Physical geography studies the natural environment and hurшin geography studies the human enviroшnent . Human geography studies include things such as the population in а country, а country's economy and so on .

Слайд 3

TASK #1. PREPARATION – 01:30 min. ANSWER – 01:30 min. ANSWER 1 End answer Task 1 Read the text aloud. Geography is the study of the Earth and its features, its inhabitants, and its phenomena. The word geography comes from Greek. It means "to write and draw about the Earth". Geography studies continents, seas, rivers and mountains. It deals with all the people and animals that live on the Earth. It is interested in the things that happen on the Earth like tides, winds, and earthquakes. A person who is an expert in geography is а geographer. А geographer tries To understand the world and the things that are in it, how they started and how they have changed. Geographers need to know а lot about maps because maps are very important for understanding geography . Geography is divided into two main parts called physical geography and hurшin geography. Physical geography studies the natural environment and hurшin geography studies the human enviroшnent . Human geography studies include things such as the population in а country, а country's economy and so on .

Слайд 4

TASK #2. PREPARATION – 01:30 min. ANSWER – 01:40 min. PREPARATION 2 Task 2. Study the advertisement . You are considering visiting the city and now you are calling to find out more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1 ) Opening hours 2) Number of exhibits 3) if one can take photos 4) Admission fee 5) group discount s You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

Слайд 5

2 TASK #2. PREPARATION – 01:30 min. ANSWER – 0 1 : 4 0 min. ANSWER End answer 1 ) Opening hours

Слайд 6

2 TASK #2. PREPARATION – 01:30 min. ANSWER – 0 1 : 4 0 min. ANSWER End answer 2 ) Number of exhibits

Слайд 7

2 TASK #2. PREPARATION – 01:30 min. ANSWER – 0 1 : 4 0 min. ANSWER End answer 3 ) if one can take photos

Слайд 8

2 TASK #2. PREPARATION – 01:30 min. ANSWER – 0 1 : 4 0 min. ANSWER End answer 4 ) Admission fee

Слайд 9

2 TASK #2. PREPARATION – 01:30 min. ANSWER – 0 1 : 4 0 min. ANSWER End answer 5 ) group discount s

Слайд 10

Task 3. Imagine that while travelling during your holidays you took some photos. Choose one photo to present to your friend . You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. In your talk remember to speak about : when you took the photo what/who is in the photo what is happening why you took the photo why you decided to show the picture to your friend You have to talk continuously, starting with I’ve chosen photo number … . 3 TASK #3. PREPARATION – 01:30 min. ANSWER – 02:00 min. PREPARATION

Слайд 11

Task 3. Imagine that while travelling during your holidays you took some photos. Choose one photo to present to your friend . Choose the photo 3 TASK #3. PREPARATION – 01:30 min. ANSWER – 02:00 min. PREPARATION 1 2 3

Слайд 12

Task 3. Start speaking and speak for not more than 2 minutes In your talk remember to speak about : when you took the photo what/who is in the photo what is happening why you took the photo why you decided to show the picture to your friend You have to talk continuously, starting with I’ve chosen photo number … . 3 TASK # 3 . PREPARATION – 01:30 min. ANSWER – 0 2 :00 min. ANSWER End answer

Слайд 13

4 TASK # 4 . PREPARATION – 01:30 min. ANSWER – 02:00 min. PREPARATION Task 4. Study the two photographs. ln 1.5 minutes Ье ready to compare and contrast the photographs : • give а brief description of the photos (action, location) • say what the pictures have in common • say in \ vhat way the pictures are different • say which of the sports presented in the pictures you'd prefer • explain why You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12-15 sentences). You have to talk continuously

Слайд 14

4 . TASK # 4 . PREPARATION – 01:30 min. ANSWER – 0 2 :00 min. ANSWER End answer Task 4. Study the two photographs. ln 1.5 minutes Ье ready to compare and contrast the photographs : • give а brief description of the photos (action, location) • say what the pictures have in common • say in \ vhat way the pictures are different • say which of the sports presented in the pictures you'd prefer • explain why

Слайд 15

TEST OVER THANK YOU Прослушайте ваши ответы

Слайд 16

Task 3. Start speaking and speak for not more than 2 minutes In your talk remember to speak about : when you took the photo what/who is in the photo what is happening why you took the photo why you decided to show the picture to your friend You have to talk continuously, starting with I’ve chosen photo number … . 3 TASK # 3 . PREPARATION – 01:30 min. ANSWER – 0 2 :00 min. ANSWER End answer

Слайд 17

4 1. 2. TASK # 4 . PREPARATION – 01:30 min. ANSWER – 02:00 min. PREPARATION Task 4. Study the two photographs. ln 1.5 minutes Ье ready to compare and contrast the photographs: • give а brief description of the photos (action, location) • say what the pictures have in common • say in \ vhat way the pictures are different • say which of the sports presented in the pictures you'd prefer • explain why

Слайд 18

TEST OVER THANK YOU Прослушайте ваши ответы

Слайд 19

Task 3. Start speaking and speak for not more than 2 minutes In your talk remember to speak about : when you took the photo what/who is in the photo what is happening why you took the photo why you decided to show the picture to your friend You have to talk continuously, starting with I’ve chosen photo number … . 3 TASK # 3 . PREPARATION – 01:30 min. ANSWER – 0 2 :00 min. ANSWER End answer

Слайд 20

4 . TASK # 4 . PREPARATION – 01:30 min. ANSWER – 02:00 min. PREPARATION Task 4. Study the two photographs. ln 1.5 minutes Ье ready to compare and contrast the photographs: • give а brief description of the photos (action, location) • say what the pictures have in common • say in \ vhat way the pictures are different • say which of the sports presented in the pictures you'd prefer • explain why

Слайд 21

4 TASK # 4 . PREPARATION – 01:30 min. ANSWER – 0 2 :00 min. ANSWER End answer Task 4. Study the two photographs. ln 1.5 minutes Ье ready to compare and contrast the photographs: • give а brief description of the photos (action, location) • say what the pictures have in common • say in \ vhat way the pictures are different • say which of the sports presented in the pictures you'd prefer • explain why

Слайд 22

TEST OVER THANK YOU Прослушайте ваши ответы

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