Практические приемы смыслового чтения на уроках английского языка.
методическая разработка на тему

Попонина Наталия Андреевна

В документе Word и презентациях (для начального и старшего звеньев) представлены некоторые практические приемы смыслового чтения, которые можно активно использовать на уроках английского языка при изучении тем "Моя семья и я. Взаимоотношения с членами семьи. Проблемы в семье." и "Мои друзья и я. Взаимоотношения и проблемы подростков".


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Предварительный просмотр:

Чтение – фундамент всех УУД и предметных действий.

Этапы: поиск – понимание – преобразование – интерпретация – оценка.

Этапы: предчтение – чтение – постчтение.

Смысловое чтение (изучающее, критическое) – полное и точное понимание информации.

Информация -------------------------- Смысл (влияние личности читателя: уровень образования, эмоциональность, опыт).

Тексты: сплошные (повествование, рассуждение, описание) и несплошные (карты, диаграммы, расписание).

Варианты смыслового чтения: 1) мозговой штурм, 2) проблема, 3) круглый стол, 4) вопросы, 5) впечатления, 6) фишбон, 7) чтение с пометками (знакомо, новое, иначе, удивило), 8) чтение с вопросами, 9) чтение с остановками, 10) мозаика проблем, 11) пирамида фактов, 12) синквейн, 13) схема текста, 14) таблица, 15) РАФТ (текст от своего лица), 16) Ромашка Блума (простые, объясняющие, оценочные, уточняющие, творческие, практические вопросы), 17) Кластер, 18) Дневник двойных записей (что удивило и почему) и т.д.

Подготовка: цель, УУД, разработка заданий, система оценивания, результаты.

Задачи смыслового чтения:

- развитие навыка целенаправленного и самостоятельного чтения текста,

- развитие умения работать с проблемными вопросами, формулировать собственные, участвовать в обсуждении,

- совершенствование навыка выделять главное и обобщать информацию в тезисы,

- развитие умения правильно воспринимать и оценивать информацию, формулировать идею своими словами,

- совершенствование навыка работы в паре/группе.

Начальное звено

T: Let’s remember some sounds. Look at the board and read the words after me.

   granny, brother, mum, big, family, a, small,  are, dad, we

T: Thank you! And now look at these words once again. Which of them are red? Could you make a sentence with them?

Ch: We’re a family.

T: Yes, that’s correct. We’re a family! So, what are we going to speak about today?

Ch: About our families.

T: What do you know about this topic? What words do you remember when you listen for it?

Ch: …

T: Well done! You’re right. Today we’ll read a poem of Mary Ann Hoberman. Look at the pictures and try to guess what the poem is about.

Ch: … about friends, families, that all people are a big family.

T: I offer you to look at these sheets of paper and to write down on them all the words you associate with the expression “Our family comes from around the world”.

T: Let’s discuss the words you’ve written. (name), read your words.

T: Now we’re going to work in groups. Each one has to read one part of the poem and to do the tasks on the list (read, translate and fill in the gaps).

T: Well, the time is over. Let’s check your answers. We start with the first group. Read your part of the poem.

T: And the next task for you is to think and say what the author tries to tell us in her poem? You may choose one of the variants on the slide or give your opinion.

T: I’ll give you a chance to choose the home task you like most: 1) make a cinquain poem, 2) learn one part of the poem by heart or 3) describe the poem in 2-3 sentences.

Старшее звено

T: Look at the pictures and say what they have in common.

Ch: They all depict family problems.

T: Have you ever had any problems with your family/parents/brothers/sisters? Why? What did you do to solve them?

T: Here you can see the girl’s photo. Her name is Sasha. What can you say about her? How old is she? What is she like? Why is she so sad? What does she worry about?

T: Read the introduction and say what her problems may be.

T: Read Sasha’s letter and compare your guesses with it. Fill in the Information Pyramid or Fishbone scheme.

T: Let’s discuss your answers.

What problems does Sasha have?

Do all complaints seem objective and fair to you? Why? Why not? Give examples.

What does her letter tell you about her character? Explain your ideas.

What advice would you give to the girl?

T: At home you should think over the question “Is it always good to be on your own?”, continue the sentences below and say which of them could belong to Sasha.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Read the words after the teacher: granny, brother, mum, big, family , a , small, are , dad, we

Слайд 4

Write down all the words you associate with the expression «Our family comes from around the world»:

Слайд 5

Work in groups. Divide into 3 groups. Each one has to read one part of the poem and to do the tasks on the list.

Слайд 6

Mary Ann Hoberman

Слайд 7

The author tells us in her poem that: W e are different. We are different, but we all are a big family. All families are friendly.

Слайд 8

Homework: 1) M ake a cinquain poem or 2) Learn one part of the poem by heart or 3) Describe the poem in 2-3 sentences.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Answer the questions: 1.Have you ever had any problems with your family? Why? 2.What did you do to solve them?

Слайд 4

Read the introduction and say what her problems may be.

Слайд 5

Read Sasha’s letter and compare your answers with it. Fill in the gaps in the Information Piramid. Name (1 word): Age/appearance/character (2 words): Place of the events (3 words): Problems (4 words): Reasons (5 words): Events (6 words): Decision (7 words): Your opinion (8 words):

Слайд 6

Read Sasha’s letter and compare your answers with it. Fill in the Fishbone. Problem Causes Facts Conclusion

Слайд 7

Answer the questions: 1.What complaints does Sasha have? 2.Do all complaints seem objective and fair to you? Why? Why not? Give examples. 3.What does her letter tell us about her character? Explain your ideas. 4.What advice would you give to the girl?

Предварительный просмотр:


Our family comes

From around the world

Our hair is straight

Our hair is curled

Our eyes are brown

Our eyes are blue

Our skins are different colours too.


We’re girls and boys

We’re big and small

We’re young and old

We’re short and tall.

We’re everything

That we can be

And still we are

A family.


We laugh and cry

We work and play

We help each other

Every day

The world is a lovely place to be

Because we are a family.

                   Mary Ann Hoberman

Read the introduction and say what her problems may be.

Sasha is 14 and lives with her mum, dad, an elder brother and a younger brother and sister. She doesn’t get on well with any of her family and plans to leave home as soon as she is old enough.

Expressing probability

She may …  |   Her dad might … |   She probably …

Read Sasha’s letter to a youth magazine and compare your answers with it. Fill in the gaps in the Information Pyramid.

One of the worst things about my house is the lack of privacy. If I disappear into my room for some peace, it’s guaranteed that someone will come after me, wanting to know what I’m up to. The thing is because I share a room with my little sister, I can’t just shut the door, and keep everyone out. She’s always complaining that it’s her room, too. Even worse, it means nothing is safe. I guess she goes through all my stuff and eats the sweets I keep in my room. If I want to keep anything secret, I have to use a lock and key on my cupboard.

        I don’t know who I argue more with, my elder brother, who is sixteen, or my younger one, who’s eleven. My elder brother is always making nasty little comments about me. I hate being in the house alone with him. My little brother is always showing me up in front of my mates. If I’m on the phone to one of my friends, he picks up the extension and listens in.

        Although I’m nearly fifteen, my mum and dad treat me like a baby. They don’t let me stay out late during the week and if I want to go to a friend’s house at the weekend, they phone up her parents first and arrange what time I have to be home by. Dad keeps nagging me about homework and studying. He just thinks I’m being lazy when I sit watching telly at night.

        I have to do a lot of homework: do the dishes, help with the ironing … I wouldn’t object to this if everyone in the house did their fair share, but my brothers only keep their rooms clean, and my little sister does next to nothing. Mum tells me that she needs the help and I’m the best at doing housework, but still I get very tired of it.

        I’m thinking of leaving home as soon as I’m old enough. It’d be great if I could be independent when I leave school, but that’s not very likely. Or I could apply to a college that’s far away from my town. But I’m still not sure. What should I do?

Name (1 word):                                                     _________________

Age/appearance/character (2 words):              ______________________

Place of events (3 words):                          ____________________________

Problems (4 words):                             __________________________________

Reasons (5 words):                          _______________________________________

Events (6 words):                      _____________________________________________

Decision (7 words):              __________________________________________________

Your opinion (8 words): ______________________________________________________

Continue the sentences. Say which of them could belong to Sasha?


To be on your own is bad because …                 To be on your own is good because …

... there is no lack of privacy

… there is nobody around you

… nobody wants to know what you’re up to

… nobody feels jealous of you

… nobody is interested in you

… you don’t work for others

Continue the list.

Read Sasha’s letter and compare your answers with it. Fill in the Fishbone.

PROBLEM                                          CAUSES                                          CONCLUSION

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