методическая разработка (8, 9, 10, 11 класс) на тему

Балданова Татьяна Бумудоржиевна

22 марта 2017 года между учащимися МАОУ «Бурятская гтимназия№29» и «Монгол Оюу-Сургууль» г. Дархан  была проведена  Скайп-Викторина, посвященная Году Городов - побратимов Улан-Удэ (Бурятия-Россия) - Дархан(Монголия). 


Предварительный просмотр:

Quiz   “The  History of Sagaalgan”

1. When was Sagaalgan celebrated initially as a holiday?

     a) In winter

     b) In summer

     c) In spring

     d) In fall

2. When and where was  the Sagaalgan originally сelebrated?

  1. In summer, in Buryatia
  2. In autumn, in Mongolia
  3. In spring, in Kalmykia
  4. In winter, in Russia

3. When was the celebration of  the Sagaalgan postponed for February?

a) 1267

b) 1394

c) 1023

d) 1474

4. What is the reason of the Sagaalgan  based on?

a) falling of a comet

b) date of a prayer

c) on moon phases

d) certain sequence

5. Who approved the  celebration of Sagaalgan since fall to the end of winter?

1) Khan Genghis Khan

2) Khan Kubilai 

3) Hang Ugedei

4) Hang Guyuk

6. What was Sagaalgan originally called?

a) Ust-Orda

b) Goatah

c) Tsogtoo

d) Tsagaan Sar

7. What do the peculiar rectangular scarfs from silk mean?

a) Kover

b) Acagat

c) Hadak

d) Boolon

8. What is the name of the Patroness of all living beings and a heavenly deity ?

a) Palden Lhamo

b) Ardan Sanchirov

c) Aginsk Buryad

d) Rabzhyn Hasharig

9. What is the name of “Cleansing fire”, clarification ceremony?          

a) Masleniza

b) Surcharban

c) Dygzhuuba

d) Butuu yder

10. Who was the contemporary of the Khan Hubilaya who described  the celebration of  “Tsagaan Sar”.

1) Marco Polo

2) Captain John Smith

3) Francis Drake

4) Evlin Chelebi

11. In what year as an official holiday Sagaalgan was revived in Buryatia?

1) 1990

2) 1973

3) 1980

4) 1986

12. In what year as an official holiday Sagaalgan  was revived in Mongolia?

1) 1960

2) 1949

3) 1968

4) 1977

Questions with detailed answers

  1. Where was Tsagaan Sar for the first time celebrated? – Tsagaan Sar was celebrated for the first time in Mongolia.  
  2. What did the word  “Tsagaan Sar” mean and what did it symbolize? (The word  “Tsagaan  Sar” means “White Month”   which symbolizes renewal of man and nature, openness and purity of thought, hope and good expectations).
  3. When and why was  ”Tsagaan Sar “ originally celebrated?  ("White Month" was originally celebrated in autumn. At this time preparations of dairy products for holiday ended .
  4. When  and why did the grandson of Genghis Khan Kubilai postpone  "Tsagaan Sar”?  (In 1267  from autumn to the first month of spring according to the lunar calendar, under the influence of Chinese astrology).
  5. What colour is associated with Sagaalgan and why?  (Sagaalgan is associated with the white colour, which means the colour of white milk and all the dairy products and symbolizes long life, happiness and richness).
  6. What period of time is for the cattlemen in Buryatia and Mongolia? (The period of the completion of the annual cycle when the harsh winter has passed, the warming starts, and with it the awakening of nature from winter sleep. This time due to the massive reception of the offspring of cattle, the beginning of the abundance of dairy foods).
  7. Where and why are special services hold in the beginning of the Sagaalgan? (In  the Datsans  Lamas hold special services for a better life for all living being. The Buryat people go there to receive prosperity, health and good luck and to pray for well-being, happiness and peace on earth)
  8. When does the  Sagaalgan start and why we should not sleep at that time ?  (The Sagaalgan starts at dawn before the first rays of the rising sun on the first Lunar day of the white month, because the Goddess Lhama is flying in the sky and counting all living beings. That is why we should not sleep at that time).

Предварительный просмотр:

Quiz  ”Buryat national Clothes”

1. What does the sharp pointed top of the Buryat national hat mean?

  1. Mountain
  2. datsan
  3. prosperity
  4. luck

2.  The silver decoration on the top of the head:

     a) zala

     b) denze

    c) zhanchi

3. The summer degel:

a) chyzhe

b) terlig

c) sege

4. The most prestigeos belt:

      a) yanzhin

     b) durdam

      c) Utahan

5. The sole of summer boots:

    a) cloth

     b) thick felt

     c) leather

6. The hat like a hood with earphlaps closing your neck:

    a) pinii

     b) yuden, yuban

     c) uuzha

7. A tassel of red colour sewn to the top of hat means:

a) fire

b) sunrays

c) force

8. What clothes is forbidden as a gift:

     a) malgai   (hat)

     b) degel (chalat)

     c) gutal  (obuv)

9. A knot of happiness wetlled from red cord sewn on the top of the hat?

     a) denze

      b) zalaa

      c) sompi

10. The upper button(tobsho) is the symbol of

     a) honesty

     b) profit

      c) luck

  11. The lenth of the man’s belt

       a) 2 lengths of stretched hands

 b)1 length to the sides
       c) 5 lengths t of stretched hands
12. What is the most important element of a men's suit(degel):
       a)  belt
       b) Jacket
      c) Hoodie

Предварительный просмотр:

Questions for “Tsagaan Sar” celebration

Ceremony and Tradition

  1. What specific greetings do people say when they meet each other?           (Are you living peacefully?)
  2. What do family and friends exchange?                                           (gift)
  3. What do family members hold in their hand to greet their elders?                  (Khadag/blue scarf)
  4. What is the day before Tsagaan Sar called?                                   (Bituun)
  5. What do people do on the day before Tsagaan Sar?                           (cleaning)
  6. Who do family members greet first on Tsagaan Sar?                           (elder people)
  7. What do Mongolians offer to nature and surrounding sites?                         (food sample, food offering)
  8. What time do people get up in the morning during Tsagaan Sar?                 (6 am)
  9. What do people want to see in the early morning of Tsagaan Sar?                 (sun)
  10. Where do the men usually go in the early morning of Tsagaan Sar?         (peak of the mountain)
  11. What do people put on the door of “Ger” in a day before the Tsagaan Sar?         (ice)
  12. What is a celebration at the eve of the old year called?                         ( Bituuleg)


For questions 1, 2, 4, 7, and 10, you may answer using a Mongolian word written in English letters.

  1. What is the main dish of Tsagaan Sar?                                         (buuz)
  2. What is a pile of ceremonial bread or dough called?                                 (Ul Boov)
  3. There are always an ___ number of layers in the ui boov.                         (odd)
  4. What is the biggest food on the table during  Tsagaan Sar?         (whole sheep’s back- known as “Uuts”)
  5. What other food must be included in the table setting?                         (dairy products)
  6. Which food do Mongolians eat first?                                 (dairy products, or a rice with raisins)
  7. What do families cook during Tsagaan Sar Eve, also known as Bituun ?                  (buuz)
  8. What would the visitors be given after traditional greetings, known as “Zolgokh”?        (milk tea)
  9. What would be served as an alcoholic drink during Tsagaan Sar?         (Mongolian shimiin arkhi/Mongolian homemade vodka/airag)
  10. What product are the visitors not allowed to touch?                                 (Ul Boov)
  11. What food is shared between family and relatives after Tsagaan Sar?         (a piece of sheep back/uuts and Ul boov)
  12. What is the main ingredient that is used to produce dairy products?         (milk)

Top 5 questions for team leaders

1. What game is played during Tsagaan Sar by family members and relatives?         (ankle bone games)

2. Who aren’t allowed to greet each other during tsagaan sar? (give one example)   (spouses/pregnant women)

3. When did Mongolians begin officially celebrating Tsagaan Sar again?                 (1990)

4. What holiday was celebrated by Mongolians instead of Tsagaan Sar under communism? (Collective Herder’s Day)

5. When was Tsagaan Sar celebrated by Mongolians for the first time?                (XIII Century)

Предварительный просмотр:


1. What are the components of the Naadam?  

2.  When is the Naadam held?

3.  When was the Naadam first celebrated in Mongolia?

4.  What is transported from Sukhbaatar Square to Stadium during Naadam?

5. What is the procedure of the tournament of the wrestling?

6.  How many wrestlers usually take place in the Naadam?

7.  Who has each wrestler during Naadam?  

8. What are the piece of clothes of wrestler called?  

9.  How many rounds are there in Naadam?  

10. When is the song of praise sang during naadam?

11. What is the child riding horse, called?  

12. What is the title of the top 5 in each class of horse-racing?

13. What is the title of the winning child?

14. What is the last horse in Daaga race called?

15.  What is the name of traditional clothing during competition of archery?  

16. What is the length of the shooting in archery for men?

17. What is the length of the shooting in archery for women?

18. What is the target of Mongolian archery called?

19. What do the judges say when the archer hits the target?

20. What is the title of the male winner in archery?

21. What’s the title of the female winner in archery?

22. What is the name that used to register Naadam to the UNESCO?

23. What is another popular game of the Naadam, except three manly games?

24. How many arrows are the male archers allowed to fire?

25. How many arrows are female archers allowed to fire?

26. The silver prize-winner of the XVIII Olympic Games in Tokyo, Boxer, honorary citizen of the  

                                                                                                           Republic of Buryatia.

27. A Buddhist religious figure, the Head of East-Siberian Buddhist in 1911-1917,  who became an  

                                                                                                                 unsurpassed miracle.

28. The strings of this Buryat musical instrument are made from horse-hair

29. This precious metal is considered to be national metal of Buryats

30. A theatre in Buryatia, which is renowned for the display of national wit and presentstion of the  

        Buryat language

31. Baikals largest tributary

32. The Festival, which brings together Buryats from around the world

33. One of the founders of the Buryat Soviet literature

34. The brand fish of Buryatia

35. What animal is considered the closed friend by Buryats?

36. In the 18th and 19th centuries a caravan route between Asia and Europe through Kyakhta and  

        Verkhneudinsk that brought wealth to the Russian merchant class

37.  This wild cat is listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Buryatia
38.  More than 50% of the territory of Buryatia is located in the basin of this lake

39. What's another popular name for Lenin street in Ulan-Ude?

40.  A buddfist holy patroness of dances, arts and fertility, whose visage has appeared on                          

       a cliff in Buryatia

41. This sculpture situated in Ulan-Ude is considered to be the largest head in the world                                                                            

42. The festival of mountaineering in Buryatia,where mountain-climbers from the whole world

                                                                 come together

43. The main hero of the Buryat epic

44. The author of the famous historical novel about Chingis-Khan «The cruel century »

45. A bird considered to be ancestress of 11 Khorinsk families

46. What is the name of the Buddhist monastery, which the official center of Buddhism in Russia?  

47.  This rare animal combines traits of the wolf and the fox in its appearance

48. There are over a hundred natural medicinal springs in this nature park

49.  The first Buryat scientist

50. This nation used to live on the territory of the contemporary Buryatia at the end of the first  

      century B.C.


1.  What title is the winner of the wrestling tournament awarded with?  "Lion”

2. What is the length of distance of horse-racing? (15 to 30 km)

3.  What was Naadam called in 1930? (Shaman holiday)

4. Who attends in the opening ceremony of Naadam? (dancers, musicians, and athletes, horse-riders)

5. What is the three manly games called together? (Danshig)

6. Who was this three-manly game dedicated to? (Jabzundamba Khutugtu, the new head of state)

7. Lake Baikal’s only mammal, the symbol of the lake (a seal, a fur seal)

8. Which theatre in Ulan-Ude has a name which means “a tale” in Buryat?

9. This taiga tree grows in Buryatia and the most nutritious nuts (Siberian cedar)

10. A Baikal fish that melts in the sun (golomyanka, carp)