Тест для 8 класса по УМК Биболетовой М.З.
тест (8 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
8 form
2. Match the two parts of conditional sentences. There is one odd variant.
1) If the weather were not so windy and wet now,…
2) if people hadn`t thrown waste in the water,…
3) If I hadn`t been ill last week,….
4) If we didn`t throw away so much waste,…
5) If people had cared more about the environment,…
a) I would have written the test better.
b) it would be polluted.
c) they wouldn`t have polluted the Earth.
d) we could go for a walk in the park.
e) it could be recycled.
f) our seas would have been cleaner.
3. Complete the sentences.
1) People who read books, newspapers, magazines are called________
2) A person who writes novels and stories is a ________
3) A person who reports the events is a ___________
4) A person who takes photographs are_____________
4. Put down topical word combinations.
Weather | Protecting the environment |
1) | 1) |
2) | 2) |
3) | 3) |
4) | 4) |
5) | 5) |
5. The word in capitals can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.
1) Our country is proud of these ….people. SUCCESS
2) Now you are the … of this wonderful house. OWN
3) The Browns got a … letter. THREATEN
4) A lot of … go to Iceland to see the unusual countryside. TOUR
5) But I don’t see any … . DIFFER
8 form
2. Match the two parts of conditional sentences. There is one odd variant.
1) If the weather had been warm and sunny last Saturday,….
2) If you trained harder,…
3) If I knew your friends better,….
4) If people didn`t pollute the sea,….
5) If we didn`t throw away so much waste,…
a) it could be seriously damaged.
b) I would have gone to their party with you last Sunday.
c) we would have gone on a picnic to the country.
d) there wouldn`t be so much litter around us.
e) there would be more fish and animals.
f) you could win the game.
3. Complete the sentences.
1) People who produce films are ___________
2) A person who writes poems is a __________
3) A person who writes articles for newspapers and magazines is a ____________
4) A person who reads news on TV or radio is a __________
4. Put down topical word combinations.
Mass media | Books and authors |
1) | 1) |
2) | 2) |
3) | 3) |
4) | 4) |
5) | 5) |
5. The word in capitals can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.
1) Students and teachers should try to prevent … . BULLY
2) Could you tell me about Christmas … in your country? CELEBRATE
3) There are lots of small specialist shops selling … things from all over the world. DIFFER
4) The … of that party becomes Prime Minister. LEAD
5) People in many countries have … rights. EQUAL
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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