Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку за 7 класс (углубленное изучение)
учебно-методический материал (7 класс) на тему
Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку за 7 класс предназначен для тех учащихся, которые изучают предмет углубленно. Состоит из заданий на аудирование, чтение, лексический и грамматический материал.
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Предварительный просмотр:
_________________________________ ______________________________
Final Test Paper. Grade 7.
I. Fill in the gaps.
1) When I ___________________(to come) home, my little sister___________________ (to sleep).
2) Mary ___________________(to be a dancer), but now she is a firefighter.
3) When he______________(to come) home, his mother __________________(already to cook) dinner.
4) I___________________ (to go) to the cinema when I was a teenager, now I don’t.
5) I___________________ (to go) to the cinema when I met you.
6) When mother ___________________ (to come) home, I___________________(to do) my homework.
7) When we________________(to come) to my friend’s house, he_________________ (just to leave).
8) Last year I ___________________(to sleep) a lot, this year I sleep only for 5 hours per night.
9) I___________________ (to do) my homework the whole evening yesterday.
10) When her husband___________________ (to enter) her office, she already___________________ (to finish) her work for that day.
II. Translate the following sentences.
В это время завтра я ничего не буду делать. _______________________________________________________________________________________
Во сколько прибывает поезд? _____________________________________________________________
Завтра к 2 часам я уже уйду домой. ________________________________________________________
Мы встречаемся завтра в 6. _______________________________________________________________
Завтра я собираюсь закончить проект. ______________________________________________________
III. Change the following active constructions into passive ones.
1. Teachers have to explain difficult rules. _______________________________________________________________________________________
2. They don’t grow fruit in this part of the country. _______________________________________________________________________________________
3. They will speak to the children tomorrow. _______________________________________________________________________________________
4. They are performing a new piece of jazz. _______________________________________________________________________________________
5. They have designed new scenery for the party. _______________________________________________________________________________________
6. The assistant had made the actor up. _______________________________________________________
7. They laughed at her because of her funny hat. _______________________________________________________________________________________
8. When I came in, they were looking for the keys. _______________________________________________________________________________________
IV. Translate the sentences.
Если бы Хелен могла играть на скрипке, она бы приняла участие в концерте. _______________________________________________________________________________________
На твоем месте я бы пошел в кино сегодня. _______________________________________________________________________________________
Если бы у меня было время, я бы…(translate and complete the sentence) _______________________________________________________________________________________
V. Translate the phrasal verbs and make up your own sentences.
to get away - ________________/ ___________________________________________________________
to get over - ________________/ ___________________________________________________________
to run down - ________________/ __________________________________________________________
to run over - ________________/ ___________________________________________________________
to do up - __________________/____________________________________________________________
to do out - ________________/ _____________________________________________________________
VI. Complete the sentences with the words given in brackets.
1. We listened to the story ____________ and couldn’t believe our eyes. (с выпученными глазами)
2. Frank _________________________________Mary’s parents. (произвел хорошее впечатление на)
3. When I was a boy I _____________Russian fairy tales. («глотал», читал одну за одной)
4. Have you ever seen a _____________of wolves and a ______________of whales? (стаю, косяк)
5. His words sounded so ______________, that I believed him. (торжественно)
6. Is your brother always _________________? (угрюмый)
7. Do you ____________60 kilos? (весить)
8. He looked at me _________________and shook his head. (с сожалением)
9. Don’t forget to _____________the alarm clock before you go to bed. (завести)
10. Do you _____________your mistake? (осознаешь)
11. An _____________temperature here in summer is 20 degrees above zero. (Средняя)
12. I must say I’m _______________________in you. (разочарован)
VII. Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answers.
1. What is the name of the caller?
A. Nick
B. Nate
C. Neil
2. According the girl, her father:
A. is not home.
B. is on another line.
C. can't come to the telephone.
3. What is the man's telephone number?
A. 598-7482
B. 587-4728
C. 589-7248
4. The man tells the girl:
A. that he will call again sometime after 7:00 PM.
B. to ask her father to call him later.
C. that he will drop by around 8:30 PM.
5. What does the girl refuse to tell the caller?
A. her age
B. her name
C. her address
VIII. Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answers.
1. What is the number of this flight?
A. 80
B. 18
C. 81
2. How long is the flight?
A. 2 hours, 40 minutes
B. 2 hours, 14 minutes
C. 2 hours, 4 minutes
3. What is the local time in Seattle?
A. 11:45 PM
B. 12:15 PM
C. 10:12 AM
4. What is the current weather in Seattle?
A. partly cloudy
B. rainy
C. sunny
5. At what gate will the plane arrive?
A. 13
B. 3
C. 30
Why Do Men Wear Beards?
When you see a man with a beard, doesn’t he somehow look impressive and important? In the history of man, this has been the way people looked upon beards. It was a sign of manhood.
That’s why you will find that in ancient times, when an important person was shown, he was usually shown with a beard. The Greek god, Zeus, was shown with a beard; drawings representing God showed a beard; Abraham and King Arthur were always pictured with beards.
In the western civilizations, there is no general rule about beards. Sometimes they were considered stylish and right for men to have, sometimes no man would want to be seen with a beard.
Long before the conquest of England by the Normans, the beard was considered unfashionable and not worn by men. Then the style changed and beards became popular again. The kings of England, who set the fashions that men followed, demonstrated different tastes for beards. For example, Henry II had no beard, Richard II had a small beard, Henry III had a long beard.
By the middle of the thirteenth century, most men were wearing full and curled beards, and it was common in the fourteenth century. Then beards disappeared again during the fifteenth century, and slowly began to come back into fashion with the sixteenth century. It was Henry VIII who made the beards fashionable again.
During the time of Queen Elizabeth I, lawyers, soldiers, courtiers and merchants all had beards. But when Ann became queen of England, nobody wore either a beard or moustache, or whiskers. In fact, when George III was imprisoned and his beard was allowed to grow, many of his followers felt this was the most horrible thing of all.
So you see that shaving the beard off for a man has not been a question of having a razor. These have existed for thousands of years. To wear a beard or not has been simply a question of style.
IX. Write True or False near each statement.
- In ancient times people believed that a beard made a man look more important. _______
- Fashion for beards changed with time. _______
- On the British Isles men began shaving their beards off only as a result of the Norman conquest. _______
- All English kings wore small beards. _______
- Henry VIII lived in the sixteenth century _______
- Razors have appeared only recently and when they appeared the fashion for beards changed. _______
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