Задания для Олимпиады (5 класс)
олимпиадные задания (5 класс) на тему

Задания для Олимпиады (5 класс)


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Предварительный просмотр:

           Use the prepositions from the box to complete the text.

with, from, at, of, in

My sister Stephanie is very different (0) ___from_____ me. She is interested (1)_____________ zoology and enjoys working with animals. I must say she is very good (2)_____________ it. I hate animals and I am afraid (3) _____________ big dogs and all insects. Biology is much more interesting for me.

 Complete the sentences with the correct verb from the box.

buy   clear   spend   get   grow   lay   look

make   tidy   travel   visit

0 Every Saturday morning, they go to the shops to ____buy____ food.

1 On Sunday afternoon, I usually ___________ my friends.

2 Do you walk to school or ___________ by bus?

3 David and Paul ___________ after their little brother on Tuesday evenings.

4 Does your mother ___________ your bed every day?

5 My two sons usually ___________ the table before lunch or dinner.

6 My daughters usually ___________ the table at the end of each meal.

7 What time do you ___________ up in the morning?

8 On Sunday mornings, I always ___________ my room before I do my homework.

9 They ___________ plants and flowers in their garden.

10 Do they like to ___________ time in the countryside?



 Составьте названия школьных предметов:

Spo                                             gion

Eng                                             ak

Bre                                              tory  

Ma                                               rt

Rus                                              lish

His                                               th

Reli                                              sian

Complete the expressions with a, the, or no article:  

  1. have ___ breakfast                                               6. at ___ cinema
  2. have ___ bath                                                       7. at ___ home
  3. play ___ piano                                                      8. to ___ theatre
  4. go to ___ school                                                   9. at ___ station
  5. at ___ work                                                           10. in ___ afternoon

Напиши множественное число существительных.













Составь предложения из слов:

1. are, people, the bus, there, in.

2. children, aren’t, in, there, the park.

3. there, a car, is, the yard, in?

4. castles, are, there, many, Britain, in?

5. isn’t, a cat, in, there, the room.

6. carrots, there, on, are, the table.

  • Напиши прошедшее время глагола в соответствующую колонку

Live, buy, see, stop, swim, play, think, want, eat, drink, come, wash, go, take, have, help.

Правильные глаголы                                Неправильные глаголы

             Lived                                                                      Bought

  • Подчеркни правильный вариант:

  1. I am busy now. I (do/ did / am doing) my homework.
  2. I always (do/ did / am doing) my homework in the evening.
  3. Yesterday I (do/ did / am doing) my homework in the morning.
  4. She (plays/ is playing / played) with her cat now.
  5. She always (plays/ is playing / played) with her cat after school.
  6. She (plays/ is playing / played) with her cat after school yesterday.

  • Вставь “how much” или “how many”:

1)………….books did you buy?

2)…………..cheese did you eat?

3)…………..sweets did you buy?

4)………….apples did you have?

5)………….juice did you drink?

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