Тесты для 6 класса
методическая разработка (6 класс) на тему

Тесты для учащихся 6 класса к учебнику Spotlight -6 


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Form 6

Module 3

  1. Guess the words.
  1. Traffic s______                   4. Zebra c_____      
  2. Seat b_____                         5. Parking z______
  3. Traffic l_____                      6. Yellow l______
  1. Fill in: in, on, by, of:
  1. He's travelling _____the 8o'clock train.
  2. We go to school _____foot.
  3. She is afraid of travelling _____plane.
  4. Don't lean out _____the window.
  5. Walk____the pavement.
  1. Complete the sentences with these words.

                -sail   -drive –ride  -fly  -cross

           1. I can't ____a  plane, but I can____ a boat.

           2. Don’t ____the road when the light is red.

           3. If you want to learn how to____a car, you can go to a driving school.

           4. When the weather is good I ____my bike in the park.

     4. Put the words in the correct order to form full sentences.

           1.  both/cross/ways/look/before/you/road/the  

           2.  parked/cross/between/don't/cars

           3. traffic/against/ride/don't

           4. bicycle/wear/helmet/a

           5. pavement/stand/on/the

     5. Put the sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue.

          - Yes, there's one quite near.

          - You're welcome.

          - How do I get there?

          - Excuse me, is there a hospital near here?

          -  Go down Bridge Road and turn left into Green Street.

          - Thank you.


Form 6

Module 3

  1. Guess the words.
  1. Traffic s______                   4. Zebra c_____      
  2. Seat b_____                         5. Parking z______
  3. Traffic l_____                      6. Yellow l______
  1. Fill in: in, on, by, of:
  1. He's travelling _____the 8o'clock train.
  2. We go to school _____foot.
  3. She is afraid of travelling _____plane.
  4. Don't lean out _____the window.
  5. Walk____the pavement.
  1. Complete the sentences with these words.

                -sail   -drive –ride  -fly  -cross

           1. I can't ____a  plane, but I can____ a boat.

           2. Don’t ____the road when the light is red.

           3. If you want to learn how to____a car, you can go to a driving school.

           4. When the weather is good I ____my bike in the park.

     4. Put the words in the correct order to form full sentences.

           1.  both/cross/ways/look/before/you/road/the  

           2.  parked/cross/between/don't/cars

           3. traffic/against/ride/don't

           4. bicycle/wear/helmet/a

           5. pavement/stand/on/the

     5. Put the sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue.

          - Yes, there's one quite near.

          - You're welcome.

          - How do I get there?

          - Excuse me, is there a hospital near here?

          -  Go down Bridge Road and turn left into Green Street.

          - Thank you.

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