Present Perfect или Past Perfect?
методическая разработка на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Практическая работа № 3
Present Perfect или Past Perfect?
Задание 1. Внимательно прочитайте пары предложений и решите, в каком случае употребляется Present Perfect, а в каком – Past Perfect.
- build
a) Look at this concert hall! They ... it recently.
b) They ... most of the cathedrals before others came to their land. - be married
a) By the time their first baby was born, my friends ... for 5 years already.
b) I ... never ... . - know
a) Last week I was introduced to George. I ... him before.
b) Michael is a cool guy. I ... him for ages. - work
a) When my father was promoted to a senior position, he ... at the factory for 20 years.
b) I ... with her since my first day in this company. - leave
a) Mary ... just ... the office.
b) By the time the bell rang, everyone ... already ... .
Задание 2. Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильном времени – Present Perfect или Past Perfect.
- Mary and John are such a lovely couple. I ... always ... them. (like)
- My aunt is in poor health. She ... in hospital since Monday. (be)
- Parents ... to their children before the party, so they behaved quite well. (talk)
- I didn't introduce Katie and Ann to each other, they ... already ... before. (meet)
- I am going to the library to return this book. I ... it already. (read)
Задание 3. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя Present Perfect или Past Perfect.
- Его лицо было таким знакомым. Я точно видел его раньше.
- Мы не видели Чарли с момента нашего последнего разговора.
- Она уже была в отпуске в этом году.
- Вчера, когда я им позвонил, они уже забронировали билеты.
- Они никогда не были в этом ресторане. Давай пригласим их в это место!
Задание 4. Исправьте ошибки в употреблении времен. Правильные предложения отметьте словом "RIGHT".
- This is not their first argument. They had argued before.
- When I came back home, I realized that I had left my keys at work.
- Your son has grown so much since last time I saw him.
- I hadn't visited this place since last time I was there.
- Yesterday when I knocked on their door, nobody opened it. They have gone out already.
Задание 1.
- a) have built
b) had built - a) had been married
b) have never been married - a) hadn't known
b) have known - a) had worked
b) have worked - a) has just left
b) had already left
Задание 2.
- have always liked
- has been
- had talked
- had already met
- have read
Задание 3.
- His face was so familiar. I had definitely seen him before.
- We haven't seen Charlie since our last conversation.
- She has already been on holiday this year.
- Yesterday when I called them, they had already booked the tickets.
- They have never been to this restaurant. Let's invite them to this place!
Задание 4.
- have argued
- haven't visited
- had gone
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