Конспект урока «Borodino: the 200th Anniversary».
план-конспект урока (9 класс) на тему
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Предварительный просмотр:
«Borodino: the 200th Anniversary». (9th form)
Технология обучения в сотрудничестве, информационная.
Учитель: Степанова А.С.
Задачи урока: развивать навык аудирования с целью извлечения конкретной информации, формировать навык говорения, чтения с полным пониманием текста, расширять словарный запас учащихся; воспитывать чувство патриотизма, уважения к истории своей страны.
Оборудование. Мультимедийный проектор, головной убор Наполеона, повязка и парик Кутузова.
План урока.
1.Организационный момент, целеполагание.
2. Активизация лексики.
3. Просмотр видеоролика, аудирование.
4. Подбор прилагательных для описания Бородинской битвы и описание битвы с точки зрения М.И. Кутузова и Наполеона.
5. Отгадывание по описанию мест в Санкт-Петербурге, связанных с Бородинской битвой и Отечественной войной 1812г.
6. Работа с песней «Солдатушки, бравы ребятушки». Формирование навыка говорения.
7. Подведение итогов урока и объяснение домашнего задания.
Ход урока.
1. Организационный момент, целеполагание. (Слайд 1)
- Good morning, boys and girls. Glad to see you. Take your seats, please. Today we’re going to speak about one of the greatest events in Russia’s history.
(Перевод стихотворения М.Ю. Лермонтова читает ученик, звучит музыка П. И. Чайковского — Увертюра «1812 год»)
Ученик: – HEY tell, old man, had we a cause
When Moscow, razed by fire, once was
Given up to Frenchman's blow?
Old-timers talk about some frays,
And they remember well those days!
The days of Borodino!
– The Battle of Borodino took place these days 200 years ago. Despite the fact it was so long ago, we still keep this victory in our hearts and mind. Can you tell why?
(Предполагаемый ответ: The battle of Borodino was very important for the victory over Napoleon’s army.)
- It was the most important victory in the Patriotic War of 1812. By the way, the word “patriot” appeared in our language exactly after this war. Today at the lesson you will watch a video about the battle, we’ll discuss it and during the lesson I ask you to think what it means to be a patriot of your country, of your motherland, because at home some of you will have to write a short story about what it means to be a patriot of your country.
2. Активизация лексики. (Слайд 2-3)
Now look at the blackboard. Here you see the words, connected with our theme. Please, match the words with similar meaning.
To force - Leader – To lead - Fight – To fight Adversary – Escape – Defeat – Utter – | Fiasco Commander To head To attack Enemy Retreat Battle, war Absolute To clash, to struggle |
Please, complete the sentences with these words. (Слайд 4)
- Mikhail Kutuzov was the … of the Russian army.
- The French army … by Napoleon Bonaparte.
- The two … Napoleon and Kutuzov first met in 1805 at Austerlitz.
- The … lasted one full day.
- The enemy’s army … in … confusion.
- To lose a … doesn’t mean to lose the … .
3. Просмотр видеоролика, аудирование. (Слайд 5)
- Now you’re going to watch a film about Russian Field Marshall M. Kutuzov and about the battle of Borodino. You will do this task in groups. ( У каждого ученика есть карточка с заданием)
Group 1. Your task is to hear all the information about Kutuzov and answer the questions.
Group 2. Your task is connected with the Borodino battle. You should arrange the sentences in logical order.
- Then you will have some time to discuss your answers in groups. After that we’ll watch the video again and some representatives of the groups will give answers. You may help the other group answer their questions.
Задания. Group1. (Слайд 6)
Answer the questions.
- What was Mikhail Kutuzov besides being a military leader?
- What was the best reward for him for his service to the Motherland?
- What family did Kutuzov come from?
- Who was his teacher on the battlefield?
- Why was Napoleon unable to win a war for the first time?
- When did Kutuzov officially congratulate the army on the eviction of the enemy from Russia?
Group 2. (Слайд 7)
Arrange the sentences in logical order.
- Kutuzov was appointed as the commander of the Russian army.
- The Napoleon’s army retreated in utter confusion and disorder.
- Kutuzov transferred the army from Moscow secretly thus closing all the routes for the French to get food, supplies and forage.
- On August 26, 1812 two huge armies clashed near the village of Borodino.
- In June 1812 Napoleon declared war on Russia.
- For the first time Napoleon was unable to win a war.
- Even nature itself seemed to have taken the side of Kutuzov: Moscow had not experienced such severe frosts as it did in the winter of 1812.
- On January 6, a manifesto was issued marking the end of the Patriotic war.
Текст субтитров.
He had been wounded seriously twice on the battlefield. On both occasions the bullet hit him in the head and went right through. The doctor who treated him remarked, “Providence must be saving this man for something out of the ordinary, because he managed to recover himself from two wounds, both of which would have been fatal.” A military leader, a diplomat, a courtier, he was equally good on the battlefield and in subtle diplomatic affairs. During his lifetime he attained glory, his titles and ranks. But the best reward for him was when the people said, “Here comes a real Russian soldier whose love for his motherland is immeasurable.”
Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov, the future General Field Marshal, and His serene Highness Prince of Smolensk, descended from old noble family. After finishing studies at the engineering school, he took part in Russia’s war against Turkey and proved to be brave and highly capable officer. He received training under the famous military leader Alexander Suvorov and became one of the most famous and recognized Russian generals.
In June 1812 Napoleon declared war on Russia. Alexander I appointed Kutuzov as the commander of the Russian Army, yielding to the wishes of the nobility. Two adversaries, equally matched in strength, met on the historic battlefront.
On August, 26, 1812, two huge armies headed by Kutuzov and Napoleon clashed near the village of Borodino. The severe battle lasted one full day. Both armies suffered heavy losses. The Russians retreated but retained the fighting spirit. Napoleon for the first time was unable to win a war as a decisive victory eluded him. The calculations of the genius general proved to be correct. The Napoleon’s army entered the deserted Moscow. But their victory turned out to be a defeat. Kutuzov transferred the army to the South of Moscow secretly, thus closing all the routes for the French to get food, supplies and forage. Several bloody clashes convinced Napoleon that the road to the South, to the rich districts had been cut off and he would have to retreat by the ravaged Smolensk way. The food and forage stores were exhausted. Thousands of horses died, and there was a drastic deterioration in the areas of discipline. Partisan’s activities in the rear were in full swing, and nature itself seemed to have taken the side of Kutuzov: Moscow had not experienced such severe frosts as it did in the winter of 1812. The Napoleon’s army retreated in utter confusion and disorder. On December 21 Kutuzov officially congratulated the army on the eviction of the enemy from Russia and on January 6, a manifesto was issued marking the end of the Patriotic war. )
4. Подбор прилагательных для описания Бородинской битвы и описание битвы с точки зрения М.И. Кутузова и Наполеона. (Слайд 8)
- Now you see the word BORODINO. Try to name adjectives beginning with letters of this word, describing this battle, this victory.
B (brave, bloody, brilliant…)
O (obvious…)
R (respectful...)
O (outstanding...)
D ( difficult…)
I (invincible, intensive...)
N (noble...)
O ( offensive, objective...)
And now using these adjectives describe the Patriotic war of 1812 or the Battle of Borodino as if you are Napoleon or Kutuzov. Just in several sentences. You may use Napoleon’s hat or this wig, if you are Mikhail Kutuzov.
5. Отгадывание по описанию мест в Санкт-Петербурге, связанных с Бородинской битвой и Отечественной войной 1812г.
- I hope you know that there are some places in Saint-Petersburg connected with the Patriotic war of 1812. Now read descriptions of them and name them.
1) This monument was designed by the French-born architect Auguste de Montferrand, built between 1830 and 1834 with Swiss-born architect Antonio Adamini, and unveiled on 30 August 1834. The monument — the tallest of its kind in the world — is 47.5 m tall and is topped with a statue of an angel holding a cross. The face of the angel bears great similarity to the face of Emperor Alexander I. The column is a single piece of red granite, 25.45 m long and about 3.5 m in diameter.
(The Alexander Column) (Слайд 9)
2) When Napoleon invaded Russia in 1812, the famous general Mikhail Kutuzov asked Our Lady of Kazan for help exactly here. In 1813 it has become the place of burial of the field marshal Michael Illarionovich Kutuzov. In 1837, Boris Orlovsky designed two bronze statues of Kutuzov and Barclay de Tolly in front of this building.
(Kazan Cathedral) (Слайд 10)
3) This portrait gallery is a setting for 332 portraits of generals who took part in the Patriotic War of 1812. The portraits were painted by George Dawe and his Russian assistants Alexander Polyakov and Wilhelm August Golike. The gallery was opened in a solemn ceremony on 25 December 1826. Less than ten years after its completion, it was destroyed by fire in 1837. The fire burned slowly and Dawe's portraits were saved from the flames. Architect Vasily Stasov recreated the hall exactly as it had been before.
(The Military Gallery of the Winter Palace) (Слайд 11)
6. Работа с песней «Солдатушки, бравы ребятушки». Формирование навыка говорения. (Слайд 12)
- Do you know what Russian folk song was popular among Russian soldiers during the Patriotic war of 1812?
- It is a famous song “Soldatushki”. Now listen to it and say what it is like and what you imagine when you hear it.
(Звучит песня «Солдатушки, бравы ребятушки» в сопровождении видеоряда.)
(Если ученики затрудняются, на доске появляется «облако тегов», в котором представлены слова, описывающие музыку.) (Слайд 13)
- Do you find this song patriotic? What does it mean to be a patriot? Work in pairs, discuss and write down your ideas.
(Ученики предлагают свои ответы, а потом на доске появляются варианты, предложенные лицеистами в ходе проведенного опроса. Те варианты, которые не были названы, ученики записывают в тетрадь. (Слайд 14)
Being a patriot means:
- be ready to defend your motherland
- love your country and the place you live in
- protect nature
- respect the history of your country and be proud of it
- respect all citizens of your country and be tolerant
- know and respect national symbols
- connect your future with the future of your country)
7. Подведение итогов урока и объяснение домашнего задания. (Слайд 1-16)
- So, today we spoke not only about the battle of Borodino, not only about the Patriotic War of 1812 but about being a citizen of your country, of being a patriot. We’ve done some activities. What tasks were interesting for you? Which of them seemed rather difficult? Which of them were interesting for you?
- Today you will have a chance to choose your home task. I offer you 3 variants.
1) Make an oral report “Kutuzov - a real Russian soldier whose love for his motherland is immeasurable.”
2) Make an oral report “Napoleon’s defeat”.
3) Make an oral report “A patriot: who is he?”
- Thank you for your work. Good bye.
Использованные источники информации.
- http://vk.com/video3890082_163563241 - основное видео.
- http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Отечественная_война_1812_года
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Borodino
- http://militaryhistory.about.com/od/napoleonicwars/p/Napoleonic-Wars-Battle-Of-Borodino.htm
- http://www.stihi-rus.ru/1/Lermontov/11-1.htm
- http://www.learnrussianlanguage.ru/battle-of-borodino-1812
- www.sch10tr.narod.ru/diachkova/klasschas2.doc
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Avp2nR4OtDs&feature=player_embedded
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZgEkMMIXR4&feature=player_embedded
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