Олимпиада по английскому языку. Задания для 5-6 классов.
олимпиадные задания (5 класс) на тему
Задания на олимпиаду по английскому языку (5-6 классы).
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Предварительный просмотр:
5-6 Forms
Participant's name_____________________
- Write about the place where you live. (1 point for each correct sentence) Use these words:
a lot of | houses | cars | factories | hotels |
some | offices | cafes | farms | flats |
Not many | parks | cinemas | theatres | hospitals |
a few | schools | lorries | bikes |
no | shops | trees | buses |
| fields | libraries | gardens |
________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Read the story and circle the right answers. (5 points)
Flag of Alaska
The state flag of Alaska was designed by 13 year-old Bennie Benson from Chignik, Alaska in 1926. In
1926 there was a flag-designing competition for Alaska schoolchildren. Bennie’s design was chosen from 142 designs. Benny drew three flags. One had a dog sled and two dogs on a bright green field. Another one showed a large mountain and the yellow sun. The third one had stars on a blue field. This one became the winner.
It became the official flag in 1959 when Alaska became the 49th state of the USA. The blue colour means the blue sky and the forget-me-not, an Alaskan flower. The flag also has the North Star because Alaska is the north of America. Bennie’s prize was 1000 dollars and a watch with the picture of his flag on it. In 1963 Bennie gave this watch to the Alaska State Museum and it is still there.
- Bennie designed the flag of Alaska at the age of ...
a. eleven. b. twelve. c. thirteen.
- Who took part in the flag-designing competition?
a. Children from Alaska. b. Children from all over the USA. c. Children from all over the world. 3) How many flags did Bennie draw for the competition?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3
4) What does the state flag of Alaska look like?
a. A large mountain and the yellow sun. b. Stars on a blue field. c. A dog sled and two dogs. 5) What can we see in the Alaska State Museum?
a. Bennie’s watch. b. The first flag made by Bennie. c. Bennie’s picture of the flag.
Use of English
- What is Karen interested in? Look and write.(1 point for each correct sentence)
tennis | animals |
American football | travelling |
computers | climbing |
swimming | films |
space | planes |
She’s very interested in pop music. Look at her cassettes!
- Plan an exciting New Year Party for your family/your class/your friends. (1 point for each correct sentence)
-where and when you will give the party; how you will make the place look nice;
-whom you will invite; what kind of music you will play, what songs you will sing;
-what food you will prepare, what other guests will cook and bring with them;
-what you will wear (this may be a costume party);
-what nice surprises you will have for your guests;
-what presents there will be for everyone.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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