Гимназическая олимпиада по английскому языку для учащихся 3-х классов
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку по теме
Олимпиада для учащихся 3-х классов
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Олимпиада для учащихся 3х классов.
1. It's two o'clock _____. l am coming home from school.
a) in the evening
b) in the afternoon
c) every day
d) in the morning
2. ____ do you usually go for a walk with?
a) When
b) Where
c) Who
d) Why
3. Every day Susan takes her dog _______ in the morning and in the afternoon.
a) off
b) for a walk
c) a shower
d) to clean its teeth
4. We say "Goodnight" _____.
a) in the morning
b) when we see our friends
c) in the afternoon
d) when we go to bed.
5. Dogs can't _____.
a) fly
b) run
c) swim
d) jump
6. You are not a good pupil! You don't _____ every day!
a) play snowballs
b) do your homework
c) clean your teeth
d) take a shower
7. The boy is in the tree. He can't go down. He cries: "______!"
a) Help about the house
b) Help
c) Bow-wow
d) Go
8. Who _____ your mother about the house?
a) helps
b) takes
c) has
d) goes
9. My friend likes to _____ books.
a) play
b) do
c) read
d) eat
10. My Granny is usually very happy to ______ me.
a) read
b) see
c) go to
d) give
1. Can you see what game they ______?
a) plays
b) play
c) are playing
d) playing
2. — What are you doing?
a) I go to school every day.
b) I do my homework every day.
c) I'm doing my homework now.
d) I doing homework now.
3. When ____ you usually do your homework?
a) are
b) do
c) is
d) have
4. Do you like to help your Mother ____ the house?
a) in
b) with
c) at
d) about
5. Hello, Peter! Let's go ____ a walk!
a) to
b) in
c) for
d) with
6. My Mother usually comes home at 7 o'clock _____ the evening.
a) in
b) of
c) at
d) with
7. We go to the swimming pool _____ every day.
a) in
b) ---
c) of
d) at
8. It's five o'clock in the afternoon, my friends _____.
a) are walking
b) is walking
c) walk
d) walks
9. What _____ now?
a) do you do
b) are you doing
c) you are doing
d) you doing
10. Who _____ your mother about the house?
a) help
b) are helping
c) helps
d) do help
TWO CAKES (пирожные)
Mother has a lot of work to do at home. She says to her daughters, "Can you help me about the house?" She sees that Mary is reading a book. Little Ann is playing with her toys but she says, "Yes, Mummy, with great pleasure, I'll help you."
When Mother goes, little Ann says to her dolls and toy-animals: "Good-bye, my dear! I must help my Mummy and then I'll play with you. You know, good children help their parents about the house." Then she comes up to Mary and says, "And you, Mary, are you going to help Mummy?". "I'm sorry, I can't because I'm not here, I am in Africa. I am on the river Nile. Oh, how nice!"
So Ann goes to her Mother and Mother says, "Where is your sister, Mary?" "She is reading a book, she says she is not in London, she is in Africa. And I want to help you and then play with my toys." "That's right. You are a good girl. And Mary is not, she is lazy."
Ann helps her Mother about the house. Then Ann's Mother says, "And now let's have dinner." They have dinner and then have tea with cakes. Mother says: "I've got three cakes — for you and for Mary and for me. But your sister is not in London and we don't know when she is at home. So have two cakes, they are for you." "Oh, thank you. I like cakes so much," says Ann.
Then Ann goes back to her toys. Her sister stops reading her book and says. "Now I'm at home. I'm going to have tea with cakes. I know Mother has got three cakes at home." "Nice to see you back at home! But... We haven't any cakes! You were not at home for so long!" says Ann.
1. a) Mary doesn't like to read.
b) Ann doesn't like to play with toys.
c) Ann wants to play with her toys but she helps her Mother.
d) Mary can't read books.
2. a) Ann hasn't got toy-dolls.
b) Mary doesn't help her Mother because she wants to read.
c) Ann says "Goodbye" to her sister and goes to help her Mother.
d) Ann helps her Mother because she doesn't want to play.
3. a) Mary is at home.
b) Mary is in Africa.
c) Mary is from Africa.
d) Mary is reading a book about America.
4. a) Ann wants to help her Mother and then to play with her toys.
b) Mary helps her Mother about the house and then they have lunch.
c) Mother says that Mary is a good girl, she is not lazy.
d) Ann helps her Mother about the house and then they have breakfast.
5. a) Ann hasn't got toy-animals.
b) Mother and Ann have no dinner, but they have tea with cakes.
c) Ann's sister is in London.
d) Ann doesn't say "thank you" when her Mother gives her cakes.
6. a) When Mary comes home, she wants to have tea with cakes.
b) The family have got no cakes when Mary stops reading her book.
c) Mary and Ann live with their Mother in Africa.
d) Mary doesn't like cakes.
7. a) Mother has got a lot of work to do about the house.
b) She has two daughters, but one daughter is in Africa.
c) Mary and Ann are two cousins.
d) Mother is very laze, she doesn't want to help her daughters to play with dolls
8. a) Mary cannot read but she can play with her dolls.
b) Ann hasn't got toy animals.
c) Mary doesn't want to help her mother.
d) Ann likes to read books about cakes.
9. a) Mary likes to read.
b) Mother helps Mary to read a book about the Nile.
c) Ann doesn't like to play with her toys.
d) Mary doesn't like to have tea with toys.
10. a) That day Mother eats three cakes
b) That day Ann has two cakes.
c) That day Mary has tea with a cake.
d) That day the sisters don't help their mother about the house.
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