Кто такой инженер. Роль профессии “инженер
план-конспект занятия (11 класс) по теме
Учебно-методический материал "Кто такой инженер. Роль профессии “инженер”." может быть использован на занятиях по иностранному языку или в качестве самостояльной работы во время отмены занятий на период карантина или актированных дней по профессии 13.01.10 «Электромонтер по ремонту и обслуживанию электрооборудования» или специальности 13.02.11 Техническая эксплуатация и обслуживание электрического и электромеханического оборудования профессионального образования.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Electronic Engineering
prior-1.важный; 2.предшествующий
1. Read the text and translate it
Electronic engineering deals with the research, design, integration, and application of circuits and devices used in the transmission and processing of information. Information is now generated, transmitted, received, and stored electronically on a scale unprecedented in history, and there is every indication that the explosive rate of growth in this field will continue unabated.
Electronic engineers design circuits to perform specific tasks, such as amplifying electronic signals, adding binary numbers, and demodulating radio signals to recover the information they carry. Circuits are also used to generate waveforms useful for synchronization and timing, as in television, and for correcting errors in digital information, as in telecommunications.
Prior to the 1960s, circuits consisted of separate electronic devices — resistors, capacitors, inductors, and vacuum tubes — assembled on a chassis and connected by wires to form a bulky package. The electronics revolution of the 1970s and 1980s set the trend towards integrating electronic devices on a single tiny chip of silicon or some other semi conductive material. The complex task of manufacturing these chips uses the most advanced technology, including computers, electron-beam lithography, micro-manipulators, ion-beam implantation, and ultraclean environments. Much of the research in electronics is directed towards creating even smaller chips, faster switching of components, and three-dimensional integrated circuits.
2. Make the plan to the text and retell it
Mechanical Engineering
goods - товары
therefore – таким образом
efficiency - эффективный
3. Read the text and translate it
Engineers in this field design, test, build, and operate machinery of all types; they also work on a variety of manufactured goods and certain kinds of structures. The field is divided into (1) machinery, mechanisms, materials, hydraulics, and pneumatics; and (2) heat as applied to engines, work and energy, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning. The mechanical engineer, therefore, must be trained in mechanics, hydraulics, and thermodynamics and must know such subjects as metallurgy and machine design. Some mechanical engineers specialize in particular types of machines such as pumps or steam turbines. A mechanical engineer designs not only the machines that make products but the products themselves, and must design for both economy and efficiency. A typical example of modern mechanical engineering is the design of a car or an agricultural machine.
4. Make the plan to the text and retell it
Unit 13
Electrical Engineering
diverse-разнообразный to transmit-передавать
to concern-иметь отношение to distribute-распределять
despite-вопреки to reduce-сокращать
thereby-таким образом
1. Read the text and translate it
Electrical and electronics engineering is the largest and most diverse field of engineering. It is concerned with the development and design, application, and manufacture of systems and devices that use electric power and signals. Among the most important subjects in the field are electric power and machinery, electronic circuits, control systems, computer design, superconductors, solid-state electronics, medical imaging systems, robotics, lasers, radar, consumer electronics, and fiber optics.
Despite its diversity, electrical engineering can be divided into four main branches: electric power and machinery, electronics, communications and control, and computers.
Electric Power and Machinery
The field of electric power is concerned with the design and operation of systems for generating, transmitting, and distributing electric power. Engineers in this field have brought about several important developments since the late 1970s. One of these is the ability to transmit power at extremely high voltages in both the direct current (DC) and the alternating current (AC) modes, reducing power losses proportionately. Another is the real time control of power generation, transmission, and distribution, using computers to analyze the data fed back from the power system to a central station and thereby optimizing the efficiency of the system while it is in operation.
A significant advance in the engineering of electric machinery has been the introduction of electronic controls that enable AC motors to run at variable speeds by adjusting the frequency of the current fed into them. DC motors have also been made to run more efficiently this way.
Communications and Control
Engineers work on control systems ranging from the everyday, passenger-actuated, such as those that run a lift, to the exotic, such as systems for keeping space craft on course. Control systems are used extensively in aircraft and ships, in military fire-control systems, in power transmission and distribution, in automated manufacturing, and in robotics.
International Words and Phrases
2.Translate into Russian the following international words and phrases. Explain
their construction
Implantation, robotics, complex, thermodynamics, exotic, operate, micromanipulator, telecommunications, distributing, control system, vacuum tubes, proportionately, to generate forms, mechanisms, silicon materials, electronics revolution, optimizing,
operation, resistors, information, to integrate, television.
3.Answer the questions
1. What is the electrical and electronics engineering concerned with?
2. How many types is electrical engineering divided in?
3. What do electronic engineers design?
4. What had happened with circuits after the electronics revolution?
5. What kind of control systems do engineers work on?
6. What are two current trends in computing engineering?
7. Can you name any typical example of modern mechanical engineering?
8. How does safety engineering influence on manufacturing and works in different
spheres of production?
4.Match the types of engineering with their meanings
1.Electronic engineering deals a) the prevention of the accidents,
developing with... methods and procedures to safeguard workers
in hazardous occupations. They assist in
designing machinery, factories, ships and
roads, suggesting alterations and improvements
2.Computer engineering involves b) the field of design, test, build, and operate
engineers in ... machinery of all types; they work on a verity
of manufactured goods and certain kinds of
3. Mechanical engineering is c) design and manufacture of memory systems, of
connected with... central processing units, and of peripheral devices.
Engineers try place greater and greater numbers
of circuit elements onto smaller and smaller chips
and increase the speed of computer operations.
4. Safety engineering has as its d) the research, design, integration, and applications
object ... of circuits and devices used in transmission and
and processing of information.
5.Use task 3 as a plan and retell the text “Electrical and Electronics Engineering”
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