Fears and phobias
презентация к уроку (9 класс) на тему
Презентация, содержащая дополнительный материал по теме 9 класса
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Подписи к слайдам:
Common fears Heights Thunderstorms The dark Spiders Bees, wasps & snakes Flying Going to the dentist Needles (injections) Being alone Taking exams Making public speech
What is Fear? Fear is one of the most basic human emotions. We need it to survive. Fear helps protect us. It can be like a warning, a signal for us to be careful. The brain reacts instantly on danger, sending signals that activate the nervous system. Blood pumps to muscle groups to prepare the body for physical reaction – Fight or flight
What is a phobia? A phobia is an intense fear reaction to a particular thing or situation. Some phobias develop when someone has a scary experience and every time a strong fear reaction is triggered. Having a phobia isn’t a sign of weakness or immaturity. It’s a response of the brain In an attempt to protect the person.
Agoraphobia Agoraphobia is a fear of being in crowded places or open spaces
Claustrophobia Claustrophobia is a fear of being in enclosed spaces
Aviophobia Aviophobia is a fear of flying
Arachnophobia Arachnophobia is a fear of spiders
Mysophobia Mysophobia Is a fear of being contaminated
Xenophobia Xenophobia Is a fear of strangers
Overcoming phobias People can learn to overcome phobias by gradually facing the fears . As somebody gets used to a feared object or situation, the brain adjusts how it responds and the phobia is overcome.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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это конспект урока, который был моей зачетной работой на курсе повышения квалификациисовсем недано обнаружила, что его можно прекрасно адаптировать для моих учениковурок вводит прекрасные ЛЕ по теме (...
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