Сборник тестовых заданий по профессионально направленному разделу дисциплины "Иностранный язык" для студентов СПО
учебно-методическое пособие (11 класс) на тему
Сборник тестовых заданий по профессионально направленному разделу дисциплины «Иностранный язык» предназначен для студентов средних профессиональных учебных заведений по профессиям: 23.01.03 Автомеханик; 15.01.05 Сварщик (электросварочные и газосварочные работы); 13.01.10 Электромонтер по ремонту и обслуживанию электрооборудования (по отраслям); 09.01.01 Наладчик аппаратного и программного обеспечения; 09.01.02 Наладчик компьютерных сетей; 19.01.17 Повар, кондитер.
Сборник содержит профессионально ориентированные тестовые задания.
Цель сборника – закрепление профессиональной лексики по указанной тематике.
Рекомендуется преподавателям английского языка для проведения текущего контроля знаний студентов.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Бюджетное учреждение профессионального образования
Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа - Югры
«Нижневартовский политехнический колледж»
Кафедра «Общественно-гуманитарные и социально-экономические дисциплины»
Сборник тестовых заданий по профессионально направленному разделу дисциплины «Иностранный язык» для студентов СПО. Нижневартовск: Бюджетное учреждение профессионального образования Ханты- Мансийского автономного округа - Югры «Нижневартовский политехнический колледж», 2016г. – с.25
Составитель: Мельник Н.В., преподаватель.
Рассмотрено на заседании кафедры общественно- гуманитарных и социально- экономических дисциплин. Протокол заседания № 9 от 17.05.2016г. Рекомендовано для студентов и преподавателей английского языка.
Введение | 4 |
Components of the automobile | 5 |
Welding. Arc welding | 9 |
Conductors and Insulators. Transformers | 13 |
А Personal Computer | 17 |
Setting the table. Menu | 21 |
Список литературы | 25 |
Сборник тестовых заданий по профессионально направленному разделу дисциплины «Иностранный язык» предназначен для студентов средних профессиональных учебных заведений по профессиям: 23.01.03 Автомеханик; 15.01.05 Сварщик (электросварочные и газосварочные работы); 13.01.10 Электромонтер по ремонту и обслуживанию электрооборудования (по отраслям); 09.01.01 Наладчик аппаратного и программного обеспечения; 09.01.02 Наладчик компьютерных сетей; 19.01.17 Повар, кондитер.
Сборник содержит профессионально ориентированные тестовые задания.
Цель сборника – закрепление профессиональной лексики по указанной тематике. Рекомендуется преподавателям английского языка для проведения текущего контроля знаний студентов.
Тестовые задания для профессии 23.01.03 Автомеханик
Components of the automobile
Вариант 1
Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
1. The main basic parts of the automobile are …
a) car wheels, springs and clutch
b) the power plant, the chassis and the body
c) the power plant, gearbox and heater
2. The mechanism used for changing the speed is …
a) clutch b) brakes c) gearbox
3. The power plant or engine includes …
a) brakes, electric and steering systems
b) electric, fuel, cooling and lubricating systems
4. Most automobile engines have … cylinders.
a) six or eight b) one or two c) nine or ten
5. The chassis includes …
a) cooling and lubricating systems
b) electric and fuel systems
c) brakes and steering system
6. The instrument measuring the speed of the car is …
a) heater b) lights c) speedometer
7. What is the function of the clutch?
a) changing the speed
b) freeing the engine from the gearbox
8. When the driver pushes down on the brake pedal, brakes are applied and the car …
a) drives b) moves c) stops
9. Most braking systems in use today are …
a) air b) hydraulic c) cooling
10. The upper limit of the piston movement is called …
a) the bottom dead centre
b) the top dead centre
11. The four- cycle engine requires …
a) two strokes of piston movement
b) four stokes of piston movement
12. The mixture of air and gasoline is delivered into the cylinder on …
a) the power stroke b) the exhaust stroke c) the intake stroke
13. On the compression stroke the inlet valve is …
a) opened b) closed c) burnt
14. The engine is called a two- cycle engine …
a) when the entire cycle of events is completed in two strokes
b) when the entire cycle of events is completed in four strokes
Components of the automobile
Вариант 2
Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
1. The mechanism used for stopping the car is …
a) clutch b) gearbox c) brakes
2. The accessories of the automobile are …
a) the heater, lights, radio, speedometer
b) the power plant, the chassis, the body
3. The chassis consists of …
a) a power train, body, lights and radio
b) engine, speedometer, the heater
c) a power train, frame with axles, wheels and springs
4. The mechanism used for connecting (or disconnecting) the engine from the gearbox is …
a) brakes b) clutch c) steering system
5. The unit carrying the power from the engine to the car wheels is …
a) power plant b) power train c) chassis
6. The power train contains …
a) the clutch, gearbox, cardan shaft and the final drive
b) the clutch, chassis, wheels and springs
c) engine, radio, lights
7. Brakes are used …
a) to measure the speed
b) to slow or stop the car
8. Braking systems are operated by …
a) frame with axles b) springs c) the brake pedal
9. The power plant or engine is the source of …
a) speed b) brakes c) power
10. An internal combustion engine is called so because gasoline is burnt …
a) inside the combustion chamber
b) outside the combustion chamber
11. The lower limit of the piston movement is called …
a) the top dead centre b) the bottom dead centre
12. The four strokes are …
a) intake, compression, power and exhaust
b) intake, stop, compression and burn
13. On the exhaust stroke the exhaust valve is … to exhaust the residual gas.
a) opened b) closed c) burnt
14. Four strokes are …
a) four crankshaft revolutions
b) two crankshaft revolutions
Тестовые задания для профессии 15.01.05 Сварщик (электросварочные и газосварочные работы)
Welding. Arc welding
Вариант 1
Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
1. Welding is a process of joining together … parts by heating.
a) plastic b) metallic c) rubber
2. … is a process when two metal parts are joined by force from a power hammer.
a) thermit welding b) arc welding c) hammer welding
3. In … welding, it is necessary to use a mixture of two gases.
a) gas b) arc c) resistance
4. … is a process when two metal parts are melted by an electric arc.
a) thermit welding b) arc welding c) hammer welding
5. In order to create the arc, a powerful electric … must be provided.
a) gas b) oxygen c) current
6. The current must be at least …, otherwise the arc will not create enough heat.
a) 100 A b) 60 A c) 80 A
7. Resistance welding process forms a whole group consisting of many types of welding such as…
a) hammer welding, b) arc welding, c) spot welding,
thermit welding gas welding butt welding
8. In arc welding the workpieces are melted by …
a) a flame b) an electric arc c) gas
9. The transformer is used for …
a) supplying the necessary current b) creating flame c) joining metallic parts
10. The earth clamp is attached to the …
a) transformer b) holder c) workpiece
11. The … must be moved continuously, otherwise neither the electrode nor the workpiece will melt.
a) earth clamp b) electrode c) arc
12. Then the … flows around the circuit and the arc appears.
a) transformer b) current c) flame
13. An electrode rod provides the … to join the workpieces.
a) filler metal b) surface quality c) electric circuit
14. The tip of the electrode melts and falls onto the …
a) cable b) arc c) workpiece
Welding. Arc welding
Вариант 2
Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
1. Welding processes are classified according to the source of … employed for heating.
a) heating b) cooling c) energy
2. … welding is a process consisting of a chemical reaction.
a) thermit b) arc c) hammer
3. Electric … welding process forms a whole group consisting of many types of welding.
a) gas b) arc c) resistance
4. In gas welding a combustible gas must be mixed with…
a) hydrogen b) oxygen c) methane
5. Hammer welding is a process in which two metal parts are joined and fused by force from …
a) a chemical reaction b) a power hammer c) an electric arc
6. … is a process of joining together metallic parts by heating the place of contact to the fusion state.
a) welding b) heating c) cooling
7. Thermit welding is used in repairing … sections such as rails, frames.
a) small b) middle c) large
8. In arc welding the arc is created by …
a) a powerful electric current b) a combustible gas c) fusion
9. For thicker workpieces, the current may be …
a) 80 A b) 150 A c) 250 A
10. An earth clamp is used for …
a) supplying the necessary current
b) completing the electric circuit
c) joining metallic parts
11. If the earth clamp is not securely attached to the workpiece, an arc will appear between …
a) the electrode b) the transformer c) the clamp and
and the workpiece and the earth clamp the workpiece
12. To strike the arc, … should be switched on first.
a) the earth clamp b) the transformer c) an electric current
13. The electrode holder contains …
a) an earth clamp b) an electrode rod c) an electric arc
14. A welder should know … of metal while choosing an electrode type.
a) type and thickness b) pressure and source c) fusion state
- Тестовые задания для профессии 13.01.10 Электромонтер по ремонту и обслуживанию электрооборудования (по отраслям)
Conductors and Insulators. Transformers
Вариант 1
Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
1. … are materials having a low resistance.
a) transformers b) insulators c) conductors
2. The most common conductors are …
a) metals b) plastics c) air
3. … is widely used to produce wire conductors.
a) copper b) rubber c) paper
4. One of the common functions of wire conductors is …a voltage source to a load resistance.
a) to decrease b) to connect c) to disconnect
5. Metals increase their resistance …
a) when the temperature increases
b) when the temperature decreases
6. Carbon has …
a) a positive temperature coefficient of resistance
b) a negative temperature coefficient of resistance
7. Copper conductors are widely used since they are much … than silver conductors.
a) cheaper b) more expensive
8. A transformer consists of …
a) cores only b) the primary and c) a core and the primary
the secondary windings and the secondary windings
9. The function of the primary winding is …
a) to prevent the change of voltage b) to supply energy c) to receive energy
10. A step- up transformer is used …
a) to step down or decrease the secondary voltage
b) to step up or increase the primary voltage
11. A transformer with an iron core is used for …
a) high- frequency currents
b) low- frequency currents
12. In a step- up transformer
a) the number of turns of the secondary winding is greater than the number of turns of the primary winding
b) the number of turns of the primary winding is greater than the number of turns of the secondary winding
13. The primary winding of a transformer is connected to …
a) the load resistance b) the voltage source
14. A transformer should be substituted …
a) in case it has an open in the winding
b) in case it has a slow speed
Conductors and Insulators. Transformers
Вариант 2
Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
1. … are materials having a high resistance.
a) transformers b) insulators c) conductors
2. Current passes through conductors …
a) easily b) with great difficulty c) slowly
3. The most common insulators are …
a) metals b) silver, copper c) rubber, plastics
4. In case a high voltage is applied to an insulator …
a) it does not conduct current
b) it conducts current
5. Carbon decreases its resistance …
a) when the temperature increases
b) when the temperature decreases
6. Metals have …
a) a positive temperature coefficient of resistance
b) a negative temperature coefficient of resistance
7. A transformer is used …
a) to store charge b) to prevent c) to transfer energy
the change of energy
8. Electric power is transferred at a high voltage and reduced to any value due to …
a) resistors b) capacitors c) transformers
9. The function of the secondary winding is …
a) to receive energy b) to supply energy c) to transfer energy
10. A step- down transformer is used …
a) to step down or decrease the primary voltage
b) to step up or increase the secondary voltage
11. A transformer with an air core is used for …
a) high- frequency currents
b) low- frequency currents
12. In a step- down transformer …
a) the number of turns of the secondary winding is greater than the number of turns of the primary winding
b) the number of turns of the primary winding is greater than the number of turns of the secondary winding
13. The secondary winding of a transformer is connected to …
a) the load resistance b) the voltage source
14. Common troubles in transformers are ….
a) great difficulties b) an open in the winding, a short between turns
- Тестовые задания для профессий:
09.01.01 Наладчик аппаратного и программного обеспечения; 09.01.02 Наладчик компьютерных сетей
А Personal Computer
Вариант 1
Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
1. Computer is а ... for processing information.
а) device b) car с) board
2. Without … instructions hardware doesn't know what to do.
а) hardware b) software с) printer
3. The basic job of the computer is the ... of information.
а) drawing b) processing с) translating
4. With ... you can type instructions and commands for the computer.
а) mouse b) screen с) keyboard
5. Yоu can move the ... on the screen with the help of the mouse.
а) button b) cursor с) key
6. ...is а hand-held device connected to the computer bу а small саble.
а) drive b) mouse с) character
7. You can type letters and other … using this keyboard.
a) buttons b) angles c) characters
8. Тhе ... can rеad and write on diskettes.
а) system board b) drives с) contents
9. … is the term used to describe the instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task.
а)software b) application с) procedures
10. How many letter ... are there оn this computer keyboard?
а) keys b) manuals с) dot
11. Computer hardware can be divided into four categories: input hardware,
processing hardware,… output hardware.
a) storage hardware b) memory hardware c) software
12. There are two types of computer memory: …
a) RAM and RIM b) RAM and ROM c) RUM and ROM
13. Scanner is used to …. texts and graphics.
a) output b) read c) input
14. Printer is a ….
a) processing hardware b) input hardware c) output hardware
15. …. collects data and converts them into a form suitable for computer processing.
a) processing hardware b) input hardware c) output hardware
16. Information in the form of instruction is called a ….
a) program b) command c) memory
А Personal Computer
Вариант 2
Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
1. Computer has по intelligence until ... is loaded.
а) software b) hardware с) scanner
2. Software are the programs that tell … how to perform а task
а) modem b) software с) hardware
3. There are four elements of computer system: hardware, software, … and data.
а) diskettes b) procedures с) purposes
4. The ... displays text characters and graphics.
а) mouse b) keyboard с) monitor
5. The large metal bох that is the main part of the computer is called the...
а) case b) screen с) arrow
6. The kind of input hardware designed for typing letters and numbers is …
а) keyboard b)monitor с) mouse
7. Thanks to computer we can ... information millions of times more quickly.
а) process b) plug in с) slide
8. Of course the device is not working, if you have not ... it.
а) reduced b) plugged in с) processed
9. The purpose of …. is to store computer instructions.
a) input hardware b) storage hardware c) processing hardware
10. Nobody expected that the ... of this device would bе so wide.
а) application b) pointer с) screen saver.
11…. is a display screen for viewing computer data, TV programs, etc.
a) monitor b) mouse c) case
12. CPU is a kind of …
a) output hardware b) processing hardware c) storage hardware
13. Modem is an electronic device that ….
a) prints the texts and graphics b) transmit the data from c) input graphics
one computer to another
14.CPU is the … of the computer.
a) brain b) head c) memory
15. The examples of output hardware are …
a) keyboard b) CPU c) monitor
mouse RAM printer
scanner ROM modem
16. Processing hardware directs the execution of …. instructions in the computer.
a) software b) hardware c) data
- Тестовые задания для профессии 19.01.17 Повар, кондитер
Setting the table. Menu
Вариант 1
Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
1. … are placed at the left side of the serving table, tines pointed up.
a) spoons b) forks c) knives
2. Put the butter … on the bread plate.
a) knife b) spoon c) fork
3. … used for the main course.
a) salad bowl b) dinner plate c) soup bowl
4. … used for cutting meats.
a) fish fork b) steak knife c) fish knife
5. … used for bread and rolls, also for cheese.
a) soup bowl b) small plate c) salad bowl
6. … stimulate the appetite and are served at the beginning of the meal.
a) soups b) desserts c) appetizers
7. The… is the most substantial course of the meal.
a) dessert b) soup c) main course
8. The… in the classical French menu is a course served between the fish and the main meat courses.
a) dessert b) entrée c) soup
9. The most popular … is ice cream.
a) entrée b) main course c) dessert
10. Marinated herring is a kind of …
a) soup b) appetizer c) beverage
11. Mutton chop is a kind of …
a) side dish b) main course c) dessert
12. … is a group of menus, which are repeated in a certain cycle.
a) carte du jour b) a la carte menu c) cycle menu
13. The dishes in this menu are served on this day only.
a) carte du jour b) a la carte menu c) cycle menu
14. A menu having individual dishes listed with separate prices.
a) table d’hote menu b) a la carte menu c) cycle menu
15. … is usually used in hospitals, on airlines and in works canteens.
a) table d’hote menu b) a la carte menu c) cycle menu
16. … means dishes “according to the card”.
a) carte du jour b) a la carte menu c) cycle menu
Setting the table. Menu
Вариант 2
Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
1. The … also may be folded and placed on the service plate.
a) knife b) napkin c) spoon
2. The blades of all … must face left.
a) spoons b) forks c) knives
3. Put the wine … in front of the main knife.
a) spoons b) cups c) glasses
4. … used with salt-cellar.
a) place knife b) fish fork c) salt spoon
5. …used when a fish course is served.
a) place knife b) steak knife c) fish knife
6. … used for cream soups.
a) salad bowl b) dinner plate c) soup bowl
7. …may be thick potage or thin consommé.
a) soups b) desserts c) appetizers
8. … is the sweet course at the end of a meal.
a) dessert b) soup c) main course
9. When chefs design menus, they usually start with the … .
a) appetizers b) main course c) dessert
10. Coca-Cola is usually served as …
a) dessert b) beverage c) appetizer
11. Mashed potato is a kind of ….
a) side dish b) main course c) dessert
12. Sturgeon in aspic is….
a) sandwich b) fish snack c) dessert
13. … usually offers a limited choice of dishes.
a) table d’hote menu b) a la carte menu c) carte du jour
14. This menu allows the customer to choose the number and type of dishes.
a) table d’hote menu b) a la carte menu c) cycle menu
15. A menu offering a complete meal at a fixed price.
a) table d’hote menu b) a la carte menu c) carte du jour
16. A menu having different dishes every day.
a) table d’hote menu b) a la carte menu c) cycle menu
Список литературы
- Агабекян И.П. Английский язык (Среднее профессиональное образование): Учеб. пособие. - Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2012.- 318с.
- Агабекян И.П. Английский язык в сфере обслуживания: Учеб. пособие. - Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2012.- 377с.
- Луговая А.Л. Английский язык для студентов энергетических специальностей: Учеб. пособие.- М.: Высш. шк., 2008.- 150с.
- Фишман Л.М. “Professional English”. Учеб. пособие. – М.: Инфра – М, 2014.- 118с.
- Шевцова Г.В. Английский язык для специальности «Автомобили и автомобильное хозяйство»: Учеб. пособие – М: Академия, 2011.- 320с.
- Щербакова Н.И. Английский язык для специалистов сферы общественного питания: Учеб. пособие - М: Академия, 2011.- 320с.
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