Итоговая контрольная работа
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Итоговая контрольная работа


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 Итоговая контрольная работа для 10 кл. УМК  New millennium English.   Итоговая контрольная работа для 10 кл. УМК  New millennium     English.

            Автор. ГрозаО.Л., Дворецкая О.Б.                                                                                    Автор. ГрозаО.Л., Дворецкая О.Б.                          

         Variant-I.                                                                                                              Variant-II.

I.  Write using the present simple active or passive voice.                                              I.      Write using the past simple active or  passive voice.

In some countries, the first day in April, which 1. ____(call) April Fool’s                          One of the most famous April Fool’s Jokes of all time 1._____(play)

Day, is a traditional day for playing and practical jokes on your friends.                      by a TV station many years ago/. The station _2.__(make) a program

People 2. ______(like) to try to make others believe in things that are not                about Italian spaghetti trees. In the film, Italian farmers 3____( show)

True. Newspapers also 3. _____(join) in the fun and, in Britain, made-up                  picking the pasta from spaghetti trees, and the film 4.___(explain) how

stories 4._____(print) in almost every newspaper. Of course, everybody                   the pasta 5.____(leave) in the sun to dry before being packaged and

5.______(know) that some of the news reports are ‘hoaxes’, and so it’s                    sold. The film was a great success and millions of people 6.___(believe)

probably the only day when the papers 6.______(read) carefully.                               the story completely.

II. Rewrite these statements in reported speech beginning     Jack said…                    II. Rewrite these statements in reported speech beginning    Bob said..  

  and   Mary asked…..                and       Jane asked…

      1. I’ve always wanted to be a pilot.                                                                             1. We flew to the USA last year.

      2. We are going to fly to Australia for our summer holidays.                                  2. I shall tell you all about it when I get back.

      3. Are you still keen on flying?                                                                                       3. Did your family have a good holiday

      4. How long have you been back?                                                                                 4. Where are you going for your next holiday?

III. Open the brackets using the types of  Conditional  1_2_3.        III.        Open the brackets using the types of  Conditional  1_2_3.

1. If we lived in a well-built house, we _____(not/be) in danger.                            1. The car ___(not/roll) back as long as you put the brake on.

2. If I ___(know) that you were ill last week, I’d have gone to see you.                 2. I’d have sent you a post card , If I ___(have) your address.

3. Tom _____(not/enter) for the examination, If he had known it would             3. It’s good that Ann remind me about Tom’s birthday. I ____(forget)

     be so difficult.                                                                                                                if she hadn’t remind me.

4. If I _____(know) her number, I would phone her.                                                 4. I ______(not/buy)that coat if I were you.

5. If computer had outdated, new technology _____(take) it’s place.                  5. If students ___(rely) on computers, they wouldn’t have jogged their  brains.                                                                                                                                                      

       Keys: I.  1.   is  called        Keys: I.     1. was played

                     2.    like                                                                                                                        2. made

                     3.    join                                                                                                                        3.were shown

                    4.     are printed                                                                                                             4.explaned

                    5.     know                                                                                                                      5. was left

                    6.     are read                                                                                                                  6. believed

II. 1. Jack said that he had always wanted to be a pilot.                                          II. 1. Bob said that they had flown to the USA last year.

    2. Jack said that they were going to fly to Australia        2. Bob said that he would tell me about it when he

                      for their summer holidays.        get back.

                3. Mary asked if I was  still keen on flying.                                                               3. Jane asked if my family had a good holiday.

                4. Mary asked how long I had been back.                                                                  4. Jane asked where I was going for my following holiday.


          III. 1. wouldn’t be ,  2. had known ,         III.   1. won’t roll, 2. had had

        3. wouldn’t have entered        3. would have forgotten

                4. knew,  5. would have taken.                                                                                     4. wouldn’t buy,  5. had relied

 Используемые литературы:


1. Английский язык. 10 класс: поурочные планы по учебнику О.Л.Гроза и др. «New Millennium English», автор Л.В.Васильева. Учитель. 2007 г.

2. Ю.Б. Голицынский. Английский язык. Сборник упражнений. 2009г. Издательство КАРО                                                              

 3. Н. Гичева, О. Дворжец. Л. Черкашина.  1200 тестов по английскому языку. 2010г. Издательство Айрис-пресс

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