Презентация по теме "The USA" к тексту "Country and People"
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The mighty Mississippi River is nearly 6400 km.
The Mississippi river begins in the north of the country and ends in the Gulf of Mexico
The Canyon looks different at different times of day and in different seasons. The Colorado river formed The Grand Canyon over millions of years. It is one mile deep and 200 miles (320 km) long.
The Colorado river rises in the Rocky Mountains that stretch from Alaska down to the south of the country.
The Appalachians in the east run from north to south.
The U.S. is often called "the Great melting pot" in which different cultures, languages and religions combined to provide a single people - Americans.
http://tour.travelkey.vn/images/hanhtrinhdenmy/usamap.jpg http://yourcitymap.ru/ssha/karta-vashingtona/gorod-vashington-na-kartessha.jpg http://file2.answcdn.com/answcld/image/upload/w_760,c_fill,g_faces:center,q_60/v1401071988/zgvd4gzpyv79o0v8zoaf.jpg http://svoipravila.ru/data/_uploads/2013/ Отдых/Интересно%20отдыхаем/25%20самых%20на%20земле/Гранд-Каньон%20в%20США/7_Гранд-К http://cs608927.vk.me/v608927065/cf6a/QwelzmqCzYc.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/ihRUA6VEwyE/TwJtZ7N4WcI/AAAAAAAAAEc/bxV9icHLYZc/s1600/appalachian-trail-map_lrg2.jpg http://www.ratc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/McAfee-iconic-300x223.jpg http://fce-study.netdna-ssl.com/2/images/upload-flashcards/54/80/33/6548033_m.gif http://1-news.net/uploads/posts/2014-12/medium/1418389274_los-angeles.jpg http://www.ibc.org.ua/images/blog/tipy_predpriyatiy_v_ssha.jpg Использованные интернет-ресурсы https:// s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/8a/52/68/8a5268f85149a7ca0ea26704186fbf20.jpg
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