Тест для 6 класса УМК "Spotlihgt"
методическая разработка (6 класс) на тему

Шестимерова Виктория Анатольевна

Контроль навыков и умений по модулю №9 УМК "Spotligt" 6класс


Файл test_6_form.docx9_module.docx14.43 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Тест №9 (УМК «Spotlight» 6 )

1 Underline the correct word

1 Add/ melt the butter before you pour it on the popcorn. 2 Dice/ mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. 3 Do you want me to peel/ pour your banana for you? 4 I’ll fry/  add the onions while you make the salad. 5 Would you like me to boil/ melt you an egg for your breakfast. 6 Finally, put/ pour the cake into the oven.

2 Fill in with some, any

1Is there… ice-cream left in the fridge? 2 I usually have… yoghurt for breakfast. 3 There aren’t…biscuits in the cupboard. 4 My brother likes… milk in his coffee. 5 Are there… carrots in the fridge?

3 Fill in with much/ many

1 You put too…sugar in my tea. 2 I think you fried too…bacon. 3 How… apples are left? 4 We haven’t got…bananas in the fridge. 5 He drinks too… coffee. 6 There isn’t olive oil in that bottle.

4 Write the correct form Present Simple/ Present Continuous

My mother usually… (cook) for the family, but today…(be) her birthday, so I… (plan) a special dinner for everybody. My mother … (love) fish, so I… (make) a delicious salmon pie. My father … (hate) fish, though, so I… (prepare)him a hamburger.

5 Fill in the correct word: bread, packet, bananas, oil, juice, cake, chocolate, sugar, jam

1Could I have a… of biscuits, please? 2 Remember to get a carton of orange…. 3 We eat a loaf of … a day. 4 Can you get me the bag of…from the cupboard, please? 5 How can you lose weight if you eat a bar of… every day? 6 How much does a kilo of those… cost? 7 Would you like a piece of… with your tea? 8 I can’t open this jar of strawberry….. 9 Oh, what a mess! I dropped the bottle of olive …on the floor.

6 Correct the mistakes.

1. Steven didn`t went to school yesterday.

2. February is shortest than January

3. He is knowing my father.

4. Is it often rain here in autumn?

5. Mr. Jackson goes to his office on taxi.

7 Open the brackets. 

1. Tony usually (works/ is working) late.

2. Paula   (is cooking/ cooks) dinner at the moment.

3. Pat and Bob ( wash/   are washing) the dishes right now.

4. John   ( does  / is doing ) his homework every afternoon.

5.  Helen   ( is  reading /reads ) a book now.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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