Урок-игра «Happy Chance» по теме “The United States of America”
методическая разработка на тему
Оснащение урока:
1. Написано название урока-игры “Happy Chance”
2. «Бочка» для проведения раунда “Puzzles out of the Barrel”
3. Фишки с номерами вопросов для проведения раунда “Puzzles out of the Barrel”
4. Карта США с изображением 50 штатов/
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Предварительный просмотр:
МБОУ «Стрелецко-Слободская ООШ»
«Happy Chance»
по теме “The United States of America”
Провела: учитель английского языка
Рунова Н.В.
Оснащение урока:
1. Написано название урока-игры
“Happy Chance”
2. «Бочка» для проведения раунда
“Puzzles out of the Barrel”
3. Фишки с номерами вопросов
для проведения раунда
“Puzzles out of the Barrel”
4. Карта США с изображением
50 штатов
Ход урока
1. Организационный вопрос
Dear boys and girls! Now you will see a competition called “Happy Chance”. Two teams will take part in a game of the most quick-witted and the cleverest.
(Состав команд был определен на предыдущем уроке)
2. Представление команд
The name of the first team is “Vitamins”. The captain of the team is …
The “Vitamins” are fond of sports. Very often they take part in sports competitions as they want to be healthy and cheerful. The pupils take part in the game “What? Where? When? organized at our school. The “Vitamins” enjoy going on hikes. They like vegetables and fruits.
The second team is called “Butterflies”. The captain of the team is …
The “Butterflies” are fond of travelling. Their dream is to go to the USA and improve their English. Very often they take part in the concerts and sing some English songs. The pupils take part in the game “What? Where? When? Organized at our school.
3. Подсчет очков
I have invited a competent jury to count the points. The members of the
jury are …
4. Правила игры
Now I am going to teach you how to play a question-and-answer game c called “Happy Chance”. The game has 4 rounds; they are:
- “Further and Further”
- “Puzzles out of the Barrel”
- “A dark Horse”
- “The Race after the leader”
Each team gets one point for every correct answer. If the answer is wrong, you get no points. In the first and fourth rounds you will have 5 minutes at your disposal. The team which answers the most questions wins. Each team takes turns in answering questions. Each team takes turns in asking questions.
- Ход игры
- “Further and Further”
And now we come to the first round of the game called “Further and Further” “Vitamins” start.
(Истекает 5 минут: “Vitamins”, your time is up!)
- What is America’s symbol of Freedom?
(The Statue of Liberty)
- Who was the founder of Disneyland?
(Walt Disney)
- How long is Broadway?
( about 21 km)
- Who was the “king” of rock’n’roll?
( Elvis Presley)
- A gift from what country was the Statue of Liberty?
( From France)
- What university is the oldest in the USA?
( Harvard, 1636)
- What do the fifty stars represent on the American flag?
( 50 states)
- Where are laws made in the USA?
( In the Capitol)
- What is the oldest public building in Washington?
( The White House)
10)How many senators are there in the Senate?
( 100)
11)Who was the first American President?
(George Washington)
12)How many rooms are there in the White House?
( 132)
13)Who is the chairperson in the House of Representatives?
(The Speaker)
14)Who played the role of Rhett Butler in the screen version of the
novel “Gone with the wind”?
(Clark Gable)
15)What was the first name of New York?
(New Amsterdam)
“Butterflies” start.
1) Who is known as the “king” of juzz?
( Louis Armstrong )
2) What is the flag of the USA called?
( “Stars and Stripes )
3) Who created Donald Duck?
( Walt Disney )
4) What place is the center of the American film industry?
( Hollywood )
5) Who is the head of the state and the government of the USA?
( The President )
6) What is Congress?
( The American Parliament )
7) What is the tallest building in Washington?
( The Capitol )
8) What is the largest library in the USA?
( The Library of Congress )
- What river is the capital of the USA situated on?
( The Potomac )
10)What is America’s national sport?
( Baseball )
11)What is the capital of the United States?
( Washington, D.C. )
12)What is the address of the White House?
( 1600, Pennsylvania Avenue )
13)What is the largest American state?
( Alaska )
14) Who created “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”?
( Mark Twain )
15)Who is the chairperson in the Senate?
( The Vice President of the USA )
Let’s ask the jury to give us the results of the first round.
The score is … to … in somebody’s favor.
( рэп “New York” )
- “Puzzles out of the Barrel”
And now we come to the second round which is called “Puzzles out of the Barrel”. Each team must answer 4 questions.
(Участники каждой из команд поочередно достают из «бочки» фишки с номерами вопросов. На одной из фишек изображена подкова –эмблема игры. Если член команды достал эту фишку, вся команда награждается призами )
“Butterflies” (“Vitamins”), you have chosen a prize. These … are yours.
1) Whose portraits are printed on American dollars?
( Portraits of American presidents )
2) Who played the main role in the film “The Terminator”?
( Arnold Schwarzenegger )
3) How many theaters are there on Broadway?
( More than 30 )
4) What does the American company “Johnson and Johnson”
( Cosmetics, cleaning, washing and medical products )
5) Who discovered America?
( Christopher Columbus )
6) How many stripes does the American flag have?
( 13 )
- What was the first capital of the USA?
( Philadelphia )
- How many states are there in the USA?
( 50 )
Let’s ask the jury to give us the results of the second round.
The score is … to … in somebody’s favor.
( the song “Edelwiss” )
3. “A Dark Horse”
Attention, please! Listen to my description of a person who will take part in this round. I want you to guess who the “dark horse” is.
She is a pupil of our school. Her favourite subject is English. Every year she takes part in the competition of English and always wins prizes. She is attractive. She wants to be a teacher of English.
The “Dark Horse” is a pupil …
( Выходит девушка – “Dark Horse”. Она получает памятный подарок. Затем девушка задает несколько вопросов участникам команд.)
1)What is the name of the awards given to the best movie actors and actresses each year in the USA?
( “Oscars” )
2) Name the major US film companies
( “Columbia Pictures”, “Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer”, “Paramount”, “20th Century-Fox”, “United Artists”, “Universal” )
3) What is the difference between American football and soccer?
( American football is played with an oval-shaped ball. The players
can hold the ball in their hands. Soccer is played with a round ball.
The players are only allowed to kick the ball, they cannot hold the
ball in their hands.)
4) Why is the United States called a “mixed salad”?
( because people from all over the world have mixed together to
create modern American society)
Let’s ask the jury to give us the results of the third round.
The score is … to … in somebody’s favor.
( the song “Chirpy” )
- “The Race After the Leader”
It’s our last round.
1) Who chose the place for the American capital?
( George Washington )
2) Are there any skyscrapers in Washington?
(No, there aren’t )
3) What kind of state is the USA?
( a federal republic )
4) Where does the American President live and work?
( In the White House, Washington, D.C. )
5) Where is Hawaii?
( In the Pacific Ocean )
6) What currency is used in the USA?
( The American dollar )
7) What is the official language of the USA?
(English )
- Does Washington, D.C., belong to the state?
( No, it doesn’t )
- Which star of American silent-movie is called the “Little Tramp”?
( Charlie Chaplin )
10)Who created Mickey Mouse?
( Walt Disney )
11)Where is the Statue of Liberty situated?
(In New York )
12)What does the company “Procter and Gamble” make?
( Washing powder and cleaning products )
13)Who played the role of Rambo in the film of the same name?
( Sylvester Stallone )
14)Give the nickname of the USA government )
( Uncle Sam )
15)Who represents the legislative branch in the USA?
( Congress )
16)Who represents the executive branch?
( The President and his Administration )
Let’s ask the jury to give us the results of the fourth round.
The score is … to … in somebody’s favor.
- Подведение итогов.
Let’s add up the score of the game.
The score is … to … in somebody’s favor. The team … is the
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