Презентация на тему:"The United States of America. The Climate".
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The territory of the US is very vast, so It’s more a continent than a country; Lies within 5 climatic zones; Enjoys different types of climate within 1 zone.
Climate forming factors: The Japan Current (in the Pacific) The Labrador Current (in the Atlantic) The Gulf Stream (originates in the Gulf of Mexico) The Cordilleras
The Arctic Zone Long cold winters; Short cool summers; Light precipitation. Northern part of Alaska.
Arctic zone Several countries in the world enjoys arctic climate
The Subarctic zone Long and cold winters; Short but hot summers; The average January t’ – 25 C; The recorded t’ extreme – 64 C. Central part of Alaska.
The Temperate zone Abandoned rainfall (2000-2500 mm) Winters – long and cold (average January t’ – 10 C… – 5 C) Southern part of Alaska, northern states of the USA proper adjacent to the Canadian border
The Subtropical Zone Mild and short winters Average January t’ – 0 C…+ 10 C Rather long summers Average July t’ – from 16 C to 25 C and even higher in different areas
The Subtropical Zone Interior Plains: The dryness increases from east to west; The tendency – the farther west = the less rainfall; No forests, but prairies.
The Subtropical Zone The climate of prairies – subtropical continental Hot summers; Comparatively cold winters.
The Subtropical Zone Variations in climate in prairies has an effect on people’s occupations: Eastern parts – corn belts; Western parts – wheat lands; Farther west – great ranches (cattle and sheep).
The map of highlighting Corn Belt
The Subtropical Zone The Pacific Coast – milder climate than the Atlantic Coast; Warm and dry summers (average July t’ + 16 C); Mild and rainy winters (average January t’ + 8 C) This type of climate is termed as Mediterranean
The Subtropical Zone Combination of wet winters and dry summers => growing crops. California – the most profitable agricultural industry within the US.
The Tropical Zone Warm winters; Hot summers. Southern Taxes, southern part of Florida, Hawaii (the Tropic of Cancer)
Drought Occur in large interior parts of the country, which are arid; During drought bushfires often occur in the dry underbrush. Midwest, Southwest, Southern California
Drought on the river
Flooding A certain amount – normal in the flood plain of the Mississippi in the spring; Spring flood followed by summer rains => Mississippi Valley covered by flood. Summer of 1993 – the great flood (over 50 people died, 150 billion $ in damages)
Flooding in the spring is quite normal for the Mississippi Valley
Tornado 1925 – state of Missouri – 700 lives and great damage Often in Midwest – Tornado Alley (Taxes, Nebraska)
Hurricane Appear in the western parts of the Atlantic Ocean; Florida – the most susceptible. May occur in any part of the country
The hurricane on the map (Katrina)
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