Интегрированный урок-путешествие "Lets go to Travel"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Интегрированный урок-путешествие по английскому и испанскому языку в 7 классе.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Гимназия № 4
Интегрированный урок-путешествие
по английскому и
испанскому языку
в 7 «Д» классе
по теме :
"Lets go to Travel"
Кучмезова Ж.Ю. – учитель исп.яз.
Иванова Ф.Х. – Учитель англ.яз.
г.о. Нальчик, 2013г.
по английскому языку
в 7-м классе по теме :
"Lets go to Travet"
Цели урока:
- образовательная: расширение языковой и коммуникативной компетентности, формирование лингвострановедческих и социокультурных знаний учащихся;
- развивающая: развитие интеллектуальных, познавательных способностей, повышение мотивации и интереса учащихся к изучаемому языку в процессе игры, драматизации на уроке;
- воспитательная: формирование у школьников уважительного отношения к культуре и народу страны изучаемого языка.
Место урока в системе уроков данного раздела: Урок завершает раздел «Межнациональные путешествия»
Межпредметные связи: объединяет предметы как: английский, испанский языки, география.
Формы работы: работа в группах, критическое мышление.
Девиз урока: ’The world is a book and those who don’t travel, read only one page’. St. Augustine
Оснащение урока: презентация, книга регистрации в гостинице, микрофон, пилотка стюардессы, фуражка пилота.
Ход урока
1. Начало урока. Warm up.
T: Dear colleagues. I’m glad to see you on this unusual day for me. Glad to see you – nice women, handsome men, interesting teachers, young teachers, serious teachers. Today you’re my guests at my lesson. You’ll see my pupils, rest and meet old and new friends.
Buenos dias ninos. Estoy alegre de veros en nuestra leccion. Hoy aqui estan muchos huespedes. Vamos a saludarlos. Nuestra leccion es muy extraordinaria. Espero que esta leccion sea util e interesante.
2. Вступительное слово учителя, объявление плана урока, обсуждение цитаты.
T: OK. Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. It’ll be a trip to London. (На экране появляется вид Лондона). We’re going to talk about travelling, sights of London, visiting public places.
Como he dicho nuestra leccios es singular. Hoy iremos no solo a London sino tambien a Madrid. Vamos a hablar sobre ese viaje, sobre los lugares notables en Espana y London.(
T: St. Augustine once said: ’The world is a book and those who don’t travel, read only one page’.That’s why we’re going to travel today.
T: What ways of travelling do you know? What is your favourite method of travelling?
P1: We can travel by boat, by car, by coach, by train or by plain.
P2: The quickest way is by plain, so we’ll choose this kind of transport.
Take the badges, please. (Жеребевка, выбор пилотов и стюардесс. Группирование.)
3. Драматизация ситуации на борту самолета. Приветствие стюардессы и пилота.
T: Let’s dream a little. Imagine that you are tourists. You’re on board the plane. The pilot is going to take off and the stewardess is ready to speak.
(На экране борт самолета, высвечивается ‘Fasten Seatbelt’ внутри самолета).
Stewardess: Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Fasten your seatbelts, please. The pilot is preparing to take off. Once we’re in the air, we’ll be serving a light snack and some drinks. Thank you.
Pilot: Ladies and gentlemen! This is the pilot speaking. I’d like to welcome you aboard British Airways Flight 62, non–stop to Heathrow Airport in London. We’re flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters. Enjoy the flight, please.
(Выключается табло ‘Fasten Seatbelt”).
4. Активация ранее изученной лексики по теме «Путешествие»
Puzzle (English) – Chain word (Spanish)
Now let’s repeat some words, which are connected with the countries and traveling. On your tables you can find an English puzzle and Spanish chain word. I give you just a couple of minutes to make it. Than, we’ll check it.
N | T | I | C | K | E | T | O | N | C |
P | O | W | I | N | T | E | Y | W | I |
L | L | C | O | U | N | T | R | Y | T |
A | U | Y | E | A | T | H | A | R | Y |
N | G | G | A | G | E | V | I | M | P |
E | X | H | Z | V | B | J | L | O | R |
D | R | T | C | N | O | W | W | K | I |
Y | S | E | A | T | B | E | A | L | T |
L | A | P | R | I | L | H | Y | M | Q |
E | A | T | B | S | U | M | N | P | O |
As soon as we’re done with puzzle We offer you to be ready with Spanish chain word.
Bueno. Ahora ninos en vuestras mesas hay puzzle en ingles y chineword en espanol. Encontrad por favor las palabras conocidas en sopa de letras:
5. Работа над текстами.
Well done, Ladies and gentlemen! And now, please, find the texts on English and Spanish. You are to read them and find the information about London and Madrid. As you know London is the capital of Great Britain and Madrid is the capital of Spain. So, I give you five minutes to look through the texts.
Como sabeis London es la capital de Inglaterra y Madrid es la capital de Espana. En las mesas hay textos sobre los lugares notables. Vamos a recordar que lugares notables hay en Espana. Teneis cinco minutos para ver esos textos.
Corrida de toros
La corrida de toros o toreo es un espectáculo que consiste en lidiar varios toros bravos, a pie o a caballo, en un recinto cerrado para tal fin, la plaza de toros. En la lidia participan varias personas, entre ellas los toreros. Es el espectáculo de masas más antiguo de España y uno de los más antiguos del mundo. Como espectáculo moderno realizado a pie, la corrida finaliza con la muerte del toro.
Museo del Prado
El Museo Nacional del Prado, en Madrid, España, es uno de los más importantes del mundo, así como uno de los más visitados . Singularmente rico en cuadros de maestros europeos de los siglos XVI al XIX, su principal atractivo radica en la amplia presencia de Velázquez, El Greco, Goya, Tiziano, Rubens y El Bosco, de los que posee las mejores y más extensas colecciones que existen a nivel mundial
El flamenco.
El flamenco es una mezcla de folclore arabe, judio y gitano que se expresa en canto y baile. El sonido de las castanuelas es un acompanamiento esencial del baile flamenco. No es solo el ritmo de las castanulas y la guitarra lo que acompana al baile flamenco, sino tambien el cante y el sonido de las palmas de las manos y del zapateado. El baile comienza lentamente y luego va acelerando su ritmo.
Monumento a Miguel de Cervantes
El Monumento a Miguel de Cervantes se encuentra en la Plaza de España, en el Barrio de Palacio de Madrid (España). Las figuras de honor en el monumento representan a Cervantes, sentado bajo un pedestal, con las estatuas en bronce de Don Quijote y Sancho Panza cabalgando respectivamente sobre Rocinante y su acostumbrado jumento, en la base del monumento principal.
6. Физкультминутка.
I see you are tired a little bit. And before we’ll check your answers I offer you to stand up and do a little exercise.
(Двиения под музыку)
7. Выполнение упражнения на соотнесение названий достопримечательностей с их значением в истории.
G: Now we’re coming to the centre of London. The heart of London is the City. It’s the oldest part of London. You can visit some interesting places in the City or near it.
T: Dear students, I wonders if you know about some famous landmarks of London and I want to test you. You should match proper names with their definitions.
St. Paul’s Cathedral | is a bridge which rises in about one and a half minutesand gives the nice view of London |
Buckingham Palace | is the geographical centre in London |
Trafalgar square | is the official residence of the Queen |
Tower Bridge | is the castle, which served as a citadel, a palace, a prison, a mint, a treasury, an observatory in the history of London |
The Tower of London | is the church where many great people were buried |
Westminster Abbey | is the greatest church in Britain |
8. Тест на соотнесение названия и картинки на испанском.
Vamos a ver como habeis asimilado nuestro tema. Teneis que escribir las palabras de ese tema en Espanola qui y en ingles aqui.
9. Систематизация знаний. Mind-map.
Рефлексия. (.
10. Совершенствование навыков изучающего чтения.
So that to know how much you have learnt about London I’ll give you a quiz.
Answer the questions, please.
1. What river does London stand on?
A) The Thames B) The Severn C) The Clyde
2. What’s the name of a man the monument to whom stands on Trafalgar Square?
A) Chaplin B) Nelson C) Cromwell
3. What is Big Ben?
A) A clock tower B) A clock face C) A bell
4. The traditional English Drink is
A) Coffee B) Cocoa C) Tea
5. What are the famous guards of the Tower of London Called?
A) Bobbies B) pearlies C) beefeaters
11.Домашнее задание. «Выход На таможню.»
Pilot: Ladies and gentlemen. This is the pilot speaking. We’re about to touch down in London, at the international airport of Heathrow; it’s 10 a.m. The temperature outside is 20 degrees C. Thank you for flying British Airways. Bye! (аплодисменты пилоту).
Рассказ о достопримечательностях Лондона.
I’d like to tell you some facts about the Tower of London. It was built in the 11th century by William the Conqueror. He ordered the building of the great stone tower later called the White Tower. The Tower of London was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the King’s Zoo. Now it is a museum and houses the Crown Jewels. It’s still guarded by the famous Beefeaters, who wear a traditional sixteenth-century uniform.
Not far from the Tower of London is Tower Bridge. It was built across the Thames in 1894. It can be used by road traffic and by ships going up the river Thames.
Now we’re in front of a beautiful church, St’ Paul’s Cathedral. What can you tell me about great churches of London?
St. Paul’s Cathedral is the greatest monument and Church of England. It’s a beautiful building with many columns and towers. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built the Cathedral in the 17th century. It took Sir Christopher Wren 35 years.
Trafalgar Square is in the centre of the West End. It was named in honour of the battle of Trafalgar in 1805, in which Admiral Nelson died. Nelson’s Column is a beautiful sight.
The official name of the building is the Palace of Westminster or the Houses of Parliament. At the north end of the building there’s the famous clock tower, Big Ben. In fact Big Ben is really the name of the bell in the tower not the clock..
The home residence of the Queen of Great Britain is Buckingham Palace, which includes 600 rooms.
The first bus service in London was started in 1829. The first double-decker was built in 1851, but the upper deck didn’t have a roof until 1930. And the passengers were given raincoats to put on if it started to rain.
11. London Quiz
1. What river does London stand on?
A) The Thames B) The Severn C) The Clyde
2. What’s the name of a man the monument to whom stands on Trafalgar Square?
A) Chaplin B) Nelson C) Cromwell
3. Who is the first woman Prime Minister of Britain?
A) Thatcher B) Livingstone C) Scott
4. What’s the name of the Princess of Wales who died in a car crash in Paris?
A) Debby B) Dolly C) Diana
5. Who tried to blow up Parliament on November 5, 1605?
A) Arthur B) Fawkes C) Drake
6. What’s the name of the London underground?
А) Metro B) Tube C) Subway
7. What London street is famous for shops?
A) Oxford Street B) Fleet Street
8. The traditional English Drink is
A) Coffee B) Cocoa C) Tea
9. The oldest university in Britain is in
A) London B) Oxford C) Edinburgh
10. What’s the name of the Queen who ruled the country for the longest period of British History?
A) Mary B) Victoria C) Elisabeth
11. Who build the first bridge across the Thames?
A) The Egyptians B) The Greeks C) The Romans
12. What’s another name for the ‘City of London’?
A) The Square Mile B) the Square Kilometre C) the Centre
13. What is Big Ben?
A) A clock tower B) A clock face C) A bell
14. Who designed St. Paul’s Cathedral?
A) Christopher Wren B) Benjamin Hall C) Indigo Jones
15. When did the Great Fire of London break out?
A) In 1066 B) In 1666 c) In 1766
16 What’s the name of Shakespeare’s famous theatre?
A) The World B) The Globe C) The Universe
17. Which is the largest and oldest museum in Britain?
A) The British Museum B) the National Gallery C) Madame Tussaud’s
18. What are the famous guards of the Tower of London Called?
A) Bobbies B) pearlies C) beefeaters
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
World is a book and those who don’t travel, read only one page st . Augustine.
Fasten seatbealt ¡Abróchense los cinturones de seguridad!
St . Paul’s Cathedral a) is a bridge which rises in about one and a half thousand , gives the nice view of London 2. Buckingham Palace b) is the geographical centre in London 3. Trafalgar square c) is the official residence of the Queen 4. Tower Bridge d) is the castle, which served as a citadel, a palace, a prison, an observatory in the history of London 5. The Tower of London e) is the church where many great people were buried 6. Westminster Abbey f) is the greatest church in Britain
La Sagrada Familia
El alhambra
El museo del prado
Palacio de cristal
El parque guei
Corrida de toros
El flamenco
Country quiz 1. What river does London stand on? A) The Thames B) The Severn C) The Clyde 2. What’s the name of a man the monument to whom stands on Trafalgar Square? A) Chaplin B) Nelson C) Cromwell
Country quiz 3. What is Big Ben? A) A clock tower B) A clock face C) A bell 4. The traditional English Drink is A) Coffee B) Cocoa C) Tea 5. What are the famous guards of the Tower of London Called? A) Bobbies B) pearlies C) beefeaters
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