ход урока по теме "Окружающая среда"
план-конспект занятия (8 класс) по теме
разработка урока по теме "Окружающая среда" к УМК "Английский язык" Михеева Афанасьева 8 класс третий год обучения
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Предварительный просмотр:
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема урока: Environment. Problems that it faces.
Цель урока: Активизировать ЛЕ по теме окружающая среда, развить навыки говорения по теме.
Ход урока.
Hello students! I’m glad to meet you. I’ll be your teacher for this lesson. Today we are speaking about our environment. And we touch the problems that our planet faces.
- At first I would like you to repeat some words and expressions after me
Nature, natural , pollute , pollution, polluted, waste , dump , danger, dangerous, pour , environment , environmental .
- Ok. Look at the board. You see two columns: definitions and meanings. Match them.
- For today your home task was to prepare the text «Our environment» for retelling. So you are to answer my questions to the text
- What do people need to be able to live?
- What is the role of plants and animals?
- What do people take from nature?
- How do people pollute the environment?
- So, what is our environment?
Let`s make a cluster
plants animals soil
water air birds
T: Can people live without air? Why?
P1: No, we need air to breath.
T: Can people live without water?
P2: No, we must drink and wash.
T: Can we live without plants?
P3: No, they help to make soil. Etc.
T: Yes, you are right. People can’t live without air, water, plants, and animals. But they pollute the environment. The more people pollute the environment the more animals die. The more forests we cut down the less clean air we breathe. The more factories we build the more wastes we have. The more water we waste the more we destroy the ecology of our lakes and rivers.
So we approached to the problems that our planet faces. What are they? What do you think?
- The next task is in the textbook. Ex 4 p 151 you must read the text, match its paragraphs with its titles. One title is extra. And answer the question: what problems does our environment have?
- Look at the blackboard. Here you see bubbles with people`s activities and the results of these activities. Find the pairs.
- Can you write poems? No? I’ll teach you to write a special kind of poem - синквейн. It hasn`t got rhymes.
It consists of 5 lines.
1 – planet
2 – adjectives - dirty, dangerous
3 – verbs – pollute, pour, dump
4 - phrase – it should express the relation to the subject
5- the Earth
Our poem is ready. Here we summarize all information of the text
- And the last task. Pay attention to this slide what do you see?
Our Don River.
- Your homework. I would like you to write an opinion essay «Environment. Can you hear our planet crying «SOS»?»
- I will give you the structure, how to write an opinion essay. Read it attentively.
- Thanks a lot for your work. How great you are, boys and girls!
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