Сценарий языкового погружения "Angry Birds"
материал (6 класс) по теме

Гукасян Инна Араратовна

Языковое погружение является самым действенным методом обучения иностранному языку, при котором весь учебный процесс осуществляется посредствам изучаемого языка. В отличие от традиционных методик обучения иностранному языку, которые рассматривают изучаемый язык в качестве цели, а не средства, при языковом погружении иностранный язык служит в качестве инструмента, средства обучения, «погружающего» учащегося в языковую среду. 

Вашему вниманию предлагается сценарий языкового погружения на тему "Angry Birds". Мероприятие рассчитано на учащихся 6-11 классов, уровень владения языком elementary-upper-intermediate.


Microsoft Office document icon pogruzhenie_angry_birds.doc167 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


Age, number, level of students: elementary- upper- intermediate, 12-17 years

Topic: Angry birds

Time: 160 min

Aim: by the end of the plunge students will be able to speak and to express their opinion on different topics

Objectives: integrate speaking skills, revise previously taught vocabulary and grammar structures,  give a less-controlled practice of a language point(to practice freer speaking), to promote interest in the culture, to create a comfortable atmosphere where students are not afraid to speak and enjoy communicating

Language: space, personality adjectives, common verbs

Equipment: CD player,




Patterns of interaction/equipment


5 min

15 min

5 min

15 min

5 min

15 min

5 min

15 min


15-20 min

5 min

20 min

5 min

15 min

5 min

10 min

5 min


Main part

  We are glad that you came today to our….. But for you to get into another reality you need make your way through the web. (When Ss enters a room they take a balloon of their level colour. Elementary- green balloons, pre-intermediate- red, intermediate- purple, upper- orange. Inside every balloon there is a card with a picture of a bird or a pig. But! Ss don’t break them.)

Before we start our competition, we’d like you to have some warming-up!

Listen to the riddles and answer:

  1. Which is faster heat or cold? (answer- heat, because you can catch a cold)
  2. etc. questions in card №1

When students finish making the puzzle, we ask : “Do you like playing this game? Let’s play “Angry Birds”! We need 2 teams! Now you can break your balloons and divide into teams!  But please remember!!!! If you speak Russian or brake rules during the game, we’ll give you rotten eggs and write off your scores which you get after each game!!!!

 To knock down the pigs you need shells (balls), but you have to gain them!!! And your task is the following:

  1. Draw it! (teams play simultaneously) You will be able to gain first shells if you can understand each other in your teams! First we need one person from each team. (teams send the 1st players) Please, take one card (Teacher offers a box with cards, Students take one). You are to draw the word to explain to your team! You can’t tell anything!!!! Your team can ask you questions or give answers and you only draw! Then second students come to a teacher, take cards, draw, etc. every player in a team will draw his/her word! When a team guesses the explanations of the last player, the competition stops!!!

(winners get shells/balls and try to knock down pigs)

  1. Yes/No  First task was very easy for you as we can see!  This time you’ll have to guess words with the help of Yes/No questions. Choose one card (teacher offers two cards with some topics face down). Your rivals will get cards with words related to the topic. You have 5 min to ask questions to the other team and guess the words. If you can’t guess a word, you can tell “next” and continue asking and guessing other words

(winners get shells/balls and try to knock down pigs)

  1. Create a gadget  “ Apple” creative directors are beating their heads about a new gadget which will bring a profit and benefit, and they are asking for your help!!! Choose 4 cards with pictures of things we use every day! Go to another room and get ready to make a presentation of your new gadget which contains functions of all the things in a card!!!

In your presentations you should answer the following questions:

  1. How does it look like?
  2. Who can use it?
  3. How much does it cost?
  4. How often can you use it?
  5. What for is it used?

(winners get shells/balls and try to knock down pigs)

  1. Body Language   What languages are there in the world? (Ss give ideas: English, Russian, German, etc. and if they don’t mention Body language, Teachers ask leading questions:  What language do people use when they communicate without words?) We want to check how well you can use your body language in the literal sense of the word! Take a piece of paper out of a box, but don’t show it to anyone!!!! (Teachers offer 2 boxes to the teams. One box for one team. There are as many cards in each box as many students in a team, BUT there are only three cards with words,  all the other cards are empty. If student takes a card with a word he/she shows it.  If he/she takes  a card without a word on it, he/she doesn`t show, so there are 3 students in each team who will show the words with their body) Those of you who have words on your cards, you have to spell it together with the help of your bodies (arms, legs, hands) and your  team guesses!!!  We’ll note the time! The team, which will guess words faster,  wins!

(winners get shells/balls and try to knock down pigs)

  1. Complete the sentence  So you are good at using your body language! What about English? Can you speak English? Every member of your teams will have to say as many sentences staring with the phrase he/she chooses from the magic box as he/she can in 1 minute. The team with the biggest number of sentences in total wins!!! No prompts!

(winners get shells/balls and try to knock down pigs)

  1. New Angry Bird What’s your favourite bird in a game? What characteristic has it got? Today you have a chance to create a new angry bird to win the pigs! Take paper, carton, scissors, glue and a card with the list of words and make a model of it! In 15 min you’ll present your bird!!! Mention: What is the bird’s name? What can it do? How does it look like? But!!! The characteristic of a bird must include all the words from a card!

(winners get shells/balls and try to knock down pigs)

  1. Debates  There is still a question which is better: birds or pigs??? It’s high time to find out!!!  You’ll have to prove that!  Each member of a team will give his/her ideas! Team can help speakers with ideas, but the speaker makes a full answer him(her)self!!!

(winners get shells/balls and try to knock down pigs)

At the end of the game Students drink tea with two big cakes  and play “angry birds” outside!


Cards with questions №1

Mp3 music

Cards №2

A magic box

Board + felt-tip pens


Cards №3

In a group

Cards №4

In a group

In a group

Cards №5


Cards №6

paper, carton, scissors,  glue and a card with the list of



for each correct answer students get parts of a puzzle (a picture of an angry bird)

Background: sound tracks from “Angry Birds”

We need to prepare one  set of cards for each team

Students can`t show the words in the air! Just using their hands and body!

Card 1


1)When is the best time to have lunch? (after breakfast)

2)Some months have thirty days and some months have thirty-one days. How many months have twenty-eight days?( All twelve months have 28 days. Some have more as well.)

3)How many legs does an ant have?(Two, the same as an uncle.Hint: ant = aunt.)

4) What can't be used until it's broken?(An egg.)

5) What letter of the alphabet has got lots of water?( The C).

6) What do you call a fish that only cares about himself?(Selfish)

7) They travel all over the world but end up in the corner, what are they?( Stamps)

8) Johnny's mom had 5 kids, January, February, March and April. Who was the fifth kid? (Johnny)

9) A blue man lives in a blue house. A green man lives in a green house. Who lives in a white house? (The President)

10) Why do lions eat raw meat? (Because they do not know how to cook.)

Card №2 draw it





















Card 3 guess (Yes/No questions)

Star wars












Card 4

















Card 6 Complete sentences

In future I want to…….

In the morning I usually……..

When I was a child I…………..

If I were rich I would……

What makes me happy is……….

When I have free time I ………..

I am good at………….

Learning English is important because…………..

If I were famous I would…………

When I`m in a bad mood I ………..

I will never……..

My dream is to…….

I want to have a new mobile because……

I can`t live without…….

I get tired of people who…….

Money is important because…….

Being a child is great because you can…….

Always smile because……

If it is sunny tomorrow ….

I hate when …..

Card 7 characteristic for angry bird















-life vest








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