ответы к тестам 4 -8
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
- Choose the preposition (What is hot with the young Generation)
- The bad image of youth groups is presented … the press.
- In b) of c) by d)with e) on
- Teens do not think much … their future life.
- About b) with c) in d) on e) by
- … the same time a lot of teens think about changing the world for the best.
- In b) on c) at d) by e) with
- The good old times … most of our hippies were the 1970s.
- With b) for c) in d) by e) of
- The first Russian Bike Show took place … 1995.
- On b) with c) in d) by e) about
- Unfortunately, now the hippie community is becoming a place … really hopeless characters.
- Of b) in c) on d) for e) by
- He was coming to the end … a disastrous second tour of India.
- Of b) in c) for d) by e) with
- People in Britain were listening … music, too.
- In b) for c) to d) off e) by
- The name of the music – rock’n’roll changed … ‘rock’.
- In b) on c) of d) to e) by
- Rock’n’roll started in the USA … the great black rhithm’n’blues players.
- With b) on c) in d) of e) at
- It was hard to record the album because I felt a lot … pressure.
- In b) off c) of d) by e) at
- Reggae has always been a powerful musical force … Birmingham, producing acts such as Steel Pulse.
- On b) in c) of d) at e) by
- “To be a fan of something is a hobby, to be hippie, … example, it is a life.”
- Of b) in c) for d) by e) on
- Their behavior and attitudes differ … social norms.
- From b) at c) by d) in e) of
- All persons who ride 2 or sometimes 3 wheeled motorized vehicles and who identify themselves … a particular subculture.
- To b) in c) of d) with e) at
A, an, one, ones
- I’m looking for …a book about animals. Do you have any?
- There was …a book about animals, but the others were adventure stories.
- They saw …an old film at the cinema yesterday.
- I don’t like these boots, but I really like the …ones you’re wearing.
- Tom found …a mouse in the kitchen, so he put mousetraps everywhere.
- one… morning there was a power cut.
- I’m looking for …a bag. I need a large …one
- There were two dresses in the shop I liked, but I only bought …one
- I bought …a set of plates yesterday, but I have broken one… of them already.
- I can have …a dinner party without …a full set of plates.
- one… day, I will buy …a cottage in the country.
- It will have …a big garden so I will be able to keep one… dog.
- I need …a car.
Conditional sentences
- He doesn’t know. That’s why he didn’t speak to her.
…If he knew her, he would have spoken to her…
- He lost his job. He’s unemployed now. If he had not lost his job, he would not be unemployed
- She doesn’t have a mobile phone. That’s why she couldn’t be contacted yesterday. If she had a mobile phone, she would have been contacted yesterday.
- His pet died. That’s why he’s unhappy now. If his pet had not died, he would not be unhappy
- Tom didn’t see the boss earlier. He’s waiting for him now. If Tom had seen his boss, he would not be waiting him
- He is allergic to seafood. That’s why he didn’t eat paella last night. If he was not allergic to seafood, he had not eaten paella
- I lost my map. That’s why I’m asking for directions now. If I had not lost my map, I would not be asking for directions
- She doesn’t speak French. She didn’t have a good time in Paris. If she spoke French, she had had a good time in Paris
- He lost the race. He is not a champion now. If he had not lost the race, he would be a champion
- She didn’t go to the bank yesterday. That’s why she hasn’t got any money now. If she had gone to the bank, she would have money
- They went to a party last night. That’s why they are tired now. If she had not gone to the party, she would not be tired
- I crashed my car. That’s why I’m taking the bus to day. If I had not crashed my car, I would not be taking the bus
B2 Чтение
Часть А. Чтение
Test 1
Read the article and decide whether the statements are true or false.
Take fifteen unemployed young people and a celebrity chef, put them together in a kitchen for a year and sit back and watch the drama unfold. Jamie Oliver is the celebrity chef. His idea was to train a team of unemployed kids with an interest in and a passion for food and to open a first class restaurant in London to be run by them.
Jamie Oliver is a phenomenon in the UK, where his TV series show him on his trendy apartments, cooking fashionable recipes for his cool friends. He is also seen riding his scooter and going shopping at local markets. He became so famous for his lifestyle that the supermarket chain Sainsbury’s offered him a fee of over two million pounds to star in their television adverts. They claim that this has resulted in 20% increase in their profits.
Cooking has also been a part of Jamie Oliver’s life. His farther runs a pub and a restaurant in Essex (South-east England), and, while he was growing up, Jamie helped in the kitchen where he gained valuable experience before going on to train as a professional chef and work in famous Italian restaurants in London. Jamie Oliver is very rich because of his TV shows and adverts and his successful cookery books. However, he remains in touch with his roots, and his down-to-earth style and cheeky humor have made him popular with people of all ages. He wanted to give a little back and help to inspire to others, so he decided to invest in a long-term plan to help disadvantaged young people to learn about the catering industry. He has also used his influence to raise money for the project.
His restaurant is called “Fifteen”, reflecting both the address, 15 Westland Place, London and the number of novices he recruited. They were chosen from 1.000 applicants, and the whole process was filmed for a five-part documentary. It wasn’t easy – the restaurant went over budget, and it looked as if the team wouldn’t learn to be chefs in time. Only ten students survived the training, and viewers saw some of the dramatic moments when individual students broke down, didn’t turn up for work, burned food or when Jamie discussed their progress using his characteristic direct approach.
But the restaurant called Cheeky Chops did open and is still in business. All its goes to a charity. Jamie invested £ 1.3 million in the venture and put his own house at risk to finance it. He wants to set up similar schemes in New York and Sydney. And Jamie’s recipe for success? Determination, enthusiasm, passion and hands on approach.
- In the TV series Jamie Oliver cooks in his new restaurant.
True/False/Not stated
- Sainsbury’s supermarket chain gave Jamie Oliver 20 % of their profits.
True/False/Not stated
- Jamie Oliver trained people in a pub restaurant.
True/False/Not stated
- Jamie Oliver has decided to invest some of his money in helping other people.
True/False/Not stated
- He called his restaurant “Fifteen” to reflect the age of the young people he recruited.
True/False/Not stated
- TV viewers could watch the training of the chefs in a five-part documentary.
True/False/Not stated
- All of the original fifteen trainees became professional chefs.
True/False/Not stated
- Jamie Oliver received £ 1.3 million from the new business.
True/False/Not stated
- Jamie Oliver has the intention of opening more restaurants like “Fifteen”.
True/False/Not stated
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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