ответы к тестам 1 - 3
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
В данном задании все глаголы нужно поставить в форму прошедшего времени, кроме прямой речи.
Get – got
Be – was /were
Find – found
Take – took
Go – went
Come – came
Sit – sat
Leave - left
Say – said
Остальные глаголы являются правильными. Форма прошедшего времени у них образуется с помощью добавления суффикса –ed.
Put the article where it is necessary
- Mike has got a dog. …The dog is strong and brave.
- This is …a big and nice picture.
- I would like to read an… English book.
- It is healthy to eat … apples.
- Can you see … apples in the garden?
- It is the longest river in our country.
- Sunday is …the first day of the English week.
- Give me …a pen, please.
- He is from … Russia.
- And his friend lives in the USA.
- This is a nice dress.
- Look! It’s the longest pencil.
What question is wrong?
- What does he write?
- How does he write?
- What has he write?
- How can he write?
Choose the right question to the answer: It’s healthy
- Do you like milk for breakfast?
- What do you like for breakfast?
- Who likes milk for breakfast?
- Why does Mike like milk for breakfast?
Begin the question with the right word
… envelopes has your brother got?
- Who
- How much
- How
- How many
- Fill in a, an or some, where necessary
- We booked a room in the Grand Hotel.
- The police found some glass from the broken window on the ground.
- There is a room for five people in my car.
- She usually drinks a glass of orange juice in the morning.
- There was … hair in my soup.
- I need some paper to write my letters on.
- Her … hair is long and blonde.
- The Eiffel Tower is made of … iron.
- He decided to buy a paper to read on the train.
- I have got an iron, but it is very old.
- Underline the correct word.
- How many biscuits was/were there in the tin?- I don’t know
- These trousers is/are too long. – You must have bought the wrong size.
- My hair is/are a mess today. – Don’t be silly. You look lovely.
- I need some new socks. – There is/are a new pair in that bag for you.
- What happened to that escaped criminal? – The police is/are still looking for him.
- Did you see Steve at the party? – No. There was/were too many other people there.
- Do you like my new shoes? – Oh yes. My shoes is/are very similar, actually.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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