ответы к тестам 1 - 3
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку по теме

Яна Александровна Лусинина

00001 00002 00003


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Предварительный просмотр:


В данном задании все глаголы нужно поставить в форму прошедшего времени, кроме прямой речи.

Get – got

Be – was /were

Find – found

Take – took

Go – went

Come – came

Sit – sat

Leave - left

Say – said

Остальные глаголы являются правильными. Форма прошедшего времени у них образуется с помощью добавления суффикса –ed.


Put the article where it is necessary

  1. Mike has got a dog. …The dog is strong and brave.
  2. This is …a big and nice picture.
  3. I would like to read an… English book.
  4. It is healthy to eat … apples.
  5. Can you see … apples in the garden?
  6. It is the  longest river in our country.
  7. Sunday is …the first day of the English week.
  8. Give me …a pen, please.
  9. He is from … Russia.
  10.  And his friend lives in the USA.
  11.  This is a nice dress.
  12.  Look! It’s the longest pencil.

What question is wrong?

  1. What does he write?
  2. How does he write?
  3. What has he write?
  4. How can he write?

Choose the right question to the answer: It’s healthy

  1. Do you like milk for breakfast?
  2. What do you like for breakfast?
  3. Who likes milk for breakfast?
  4. Why does Mike like milk for breakfast?

Begin the question with the right word

… envelopes has your brother got?

  1. Who
  2. How much
  3. How
  4. How many



  1. Fill in a, an or some, where necessary
  1. We booked a room in the Grand Hotel.
  2. The police found some glass from the broken window on the ground.
  3. There is a room for five people in my car.
  4. She usually drinks a glass of orange juice in the morning.
  5. There was … hair in my soup.
  6. I need some paper to write my letters on.
  7. Her … hair is long and blonde.
  8. The Eiffel Tower is made of … iron.
  9. He decided to buy a paper to read on the train.
  10.   I have got an iron, but it is very old.
  1. Underline the correct word.
  1. How many biscuits was/were there in the tin?- I don’t know
  2. These trousers is/are too long. – You must have bought the wrong size.
  3. My hair is/are a mess today. – Don’t be silly. You look lovely.
  4. I need some new socks. – There is/are a new pair in that bag for you.
  5. What happened to that escaped criminal? – The police is/are still looking for him.
  6. Did you see Steve at the party? – No. There was/were too many other people there.
  7. Do you like my new shoes? – Oh yes. My shoes is/are very similar, actually.

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