Открытый урок английского языка в 10 классе "Навстречу Сочи 2014"
план-конспект урока (10 класс) по теме
Открытый урок английского языка в 10 классе "Навстречу Сочи 2014" содержит план-конспект урока, презентацию к уроку, текст для чтения и гимн "Сочи 2014". Цели урока:
- познакомить с лексикой по теме урока и сформировать представление о городе Сочи и подготовке к Олимпиаде 2014 года; олимпийских видах спорта;
- отработать интонацию и произношение в процессе чтения текста;
-развивать навыки устной и письменной речи; формировать социокультурную компетенцию у учащихся;
- развивать умение выполнять исследовательскую работу при решении вопросов по выбранной теме;
- воспитывать интерес к родной стране и зимним олимпийским видам спорта.
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Предварительный просмотр:
I live in Sochi. Our town is situated on the Black Sea coast. High mountains
defend our town from the cold north winds. So the climate is warm and we have no
cold frosty winters here. Our town is very beautiful and attractive for people. Every
year a lot of tourists come in Sochi to have a rest, to swim in the warm sea and visit
interesting places.
Park Riviera is in the centre of the town. It was founded more than one
hundred years ago. It‘s a large park with different plants and flowers. There are
some interesting places in the park. For example, the Glade of Friendship, where
you can see trees which were planted by famous people visiting our town.
In the park you can visit the summer theatre, different attractions for children,
Aquarium with fish from all over the world, the alley of Russian writers and a lot
of cafes where you can try meals of Caucasian people.
Our railway station and sea port are very beautiful and the theatre looks like a
We have a big concert hall near the sea port where you can listen to pop
singers or concerts of classical music.
So every person who comes to our town can find activities for his taste and we
―Welcome to Sochi, the town of Winter Olympic Games.
Task 1 : read the text and answer the questions.
1. Where is Sochi situated?
2. Why is the climate warm in our town?
3. What park is in the centre of the town?
4. What can you see and visit in the park?
5. When will the future Winter Olympic Games be in Sochi?
Task 2 : write if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE.
1. Sochi is situated on the White Sea coast.
2. The climate is warm and the winters aren‘t cold.
3. Park Riviera is not old.
4. There is a beautiful railway station in Sochi.
5. Near the sea port there is a big concert hall.
6. In 2014 there will be Summer Olympic Games in Sochi.mes 2014.
Предварительный просмотр:
План-конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе на тему «Sochi- 2014.»
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Цели урока:
- познакомить с лексикой по теме урока и сформировать представление о городе Сочи и подготовке к Олимпиаде 2014 года; олимпийских видах спорта;
- отработать интонацию и произношение в процессе чтения текста;
-развивать навыки устной и письменной речи; формировать социокультурную компетенцию у учащихся;
- развивать умение выполнять исследовательскую работу при решении вопросов по выбранной теме;
- воспитывать интерес к родной стране и зимним олимпийским видам спорта.
Оборудование: тетрадь, компьютер, проектор (презентации к уроку), колонки.
Ход урока.
I. Оргмомент.
Teacher: Good morning, children!
Pupils: Good morning, our teacher.
Teacher: Sit down, please. I am glad to see you.
Let’s begin our lesson. Who is absent today?
II. Фонетическая зарядка. Teacher: Let’s listening the song. Say what song is it? Today we will speak about Sochi- 2014.
Этап 1.
Введение лексики, употребляемой в тексте о Сочи.
Teacher: You should learn some new words, pupils. Look at the screen and try to match the words and their translations. Now let’s read these words all together.
the town of Winter Olympic Games ,Black Sea coast, High mountains,cold frosty winters, Park Riviera, the Glade of Friendship, Aquarium with fish from all over the world (в городе Зимних Олимпийских Игр ,побережье Черного Моря, Высокие горы, холодные морозные зимы, парк " Ривьера", " Поляна Дружбы, Аквариум с рыбками со всего мира)
Этап 2. Практика чтения.
Teacher: Let’s work with the text about Sochi .
Now let’s read the text.
I live in Sochi. Our town is situated on the Black Sea coast. High mountains
defend our town from the cold north winds. So the climate is warm and we have no
cold frosty winters here. Our town is very beautiful and attractive for people. Every
year a lot of tourists come in Sochi to have a rest, to swim in the warm sea and visit
interesting places.
Park Riviera is in the centre of the town. It was founded more than one
hundred years ago. It‘s a large park with different plants and flowers. There are
some interesting places in the park. For example, the Glade of Friendship, where
you can see trees which were planted by famous people visiting our town.
In the park you can visit the summer theatre, different attractions for children,
Aquarium with fish from all over the world, the alley of Russian writers and a lot
of cafes where you can try meals of Caucasian people.
Our railway station and sea port are very beautiful and the theatre looks like a
We have a big concert hall near the sea port where you can listen to pop
singers or concerts of classical music.
So every person who comes to our town can find activities for his taste and we
―Welcome to Sochi, the town of Winter Olympic Games.
Task 1 : read the text and answer the questions.
1. Where is Sochi situated?
2. Why is the climate warm in our town?
3. What park is in the centre of the town?
4. What can you see and visit in the park?
5. When will the future Winter Olympic Games be in Sochi?
Task 2 : write if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE.
1. Sochi is situated on the White Sea coast.
2. The climate is warm and the winters aren‘t cold.
3. Park Riviera is not old.
4. There is a beautiful railway station in Sochi.
5. Near the sea port there is a big concert hall.
6. In 2014 there will be Summer Olympic Games in Sochi.mes 2014‖
Этап 3.
Проверка дом. задания.
Teacher: Now let’s check your homework, girls. Tell me please about Winter Olympic Games Sochi 2014. (ученики поочередно защищают свои проекты)
Teacher: Thank you very much. It is very interesting.
Домашнее задание. Teacher: Your homework is a composition about Sochi.
Подведение итогов.Teacher: I hope you liked our lesson, children. I think you will be able to use this information. Your marks for the lesson are… The lesson is over. Good bye!
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
The Winter Olimpic games 2014
City organizer Sochi Participating countries 85 Number of athletes 2750 It is played medals 98 sets in 7 sports Opening ceremony February 7, 2014 Closing ceremony February 23, 2014
“Sochi – the host city for the 2014 Winter Olympics”. 1 st group – Sochi. History. In the resort small town Sochi there are many well-known places and buildings. For example, Winter theater. The winter theater is constructed in 1937.
2 nd group – Sochi. Environment. Krasnaya Polyana Krasnaya Polyana — the popular center of mountain skiing and a snowboard. At the beginning of 2007 near The structure of the first stage includes 6 ropeways and 18 routes.
3d group – Sochi. Culture and Entertainment. Sochi – one of the few cities of Russia where people of several various nationalities on a footing of equality get on. Here in a uniform family in peace there live representatives more than 108 nationalities .
10 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT SOCHI Sochi is the largest resort region of the Russian Federation. It has 4 administrative districts. Sochi is often referred to as the “Russian Riviera”. It has the most northern subtropical climate. Mount Elbrus in the Russian Caucasus is considered the highest mountain in Europe.
6. The average summer temperature is +26 C and -3 C in the winter. 7. The air quality is considered the best in the world. 8. Sochi is a city with more than 400,000 inhabitants representing over 100 nationalities. 9. Sochi has over200,000 hectares of forests, 4,000 of which are within Sochi Center. 10. The Sochi tennis school became the launching pad for the careers of many Russian stars, including Maria Sharapova and Yevgeny Kafelnikov
Competitions Fifteen winter sports disciplines, united in seven Olympic sports included in the program of the Olympic Winter Games in 2014.
Games will take place in two locations : Coastal cluster, or Olympic park Mountain cluster, or Krasnaya Polyana Near Krasnaya Polyana will pass competitions of "a mountain cluster " sled sports; skeleton; bobsled; double-event; skiing; biathlon; jumps on skis from a springboard. And other competitions will take place in the Olympic park.
The Olympic oath : " On behalf of all athletes I promise that we will participate in these Olympic Games, respecting and observing rules by which they are led, in truly sports spirit, to glory of sports and for the sake of honor of the teams."
Biathlon Bobsled Mountain skiing Curling Skating sports Skiing Sled sports Skeleton Snowboard Figure skating Freestyle Hockey Short track
Evgeny Plushenko - the Olympic champion of 2006 and the silver prize-winner 2002 and 2010, the triple world champion, the sevenfold champion of Europe and the tenfold champion of Russia in man's single to driving. The deserved master of sports of Russia .
Results will be made around 1300 sets of awards. Each medal on the front side will have the image of Olympic rings on the back of the English language will be cast kind of competitive Olympic program, and shows the official logo of "Sochi-2014". Medals
In the Winter Olympics three characters , Polar Bear , Leopard and White Bunny . Talismans
Arrow-white bunny . Active Bunny manages everything : sports , she most loves ice skating
White leopard Barsik - strong , hardy animal that lives in the mountains of the Caucasus . White leopard - a connoisseur of mountain slopes and a great climber .
White teddy bear named Pole-docile and kind nature , he is a symbol of the best friend of children , giving them their care and respect .
We wish good luck to our athletes! Also we will support them certainly.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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