консультация на тему
The way of meeting the world
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Travelling is the way of meeting the world. When we travel we can see new interesting places, new countries, people. It helps a person to enlarge his or her scope, to understand the world better, to relax and sometimes to escape from reality . Travelling can educate people , because people can get new information about dfifferent places, people, traditions, historical monuments, museums.
People with money can travel abroad to far away place such as Hawaii. They say that Hawaii is a real paradise on earth.
Nowadays travelling became easier than it was some years ago. Many Russian tourists travel to different countries. The most popular are Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain, France, England. Moscow is also a popular place for tourists from different countries. The most popular places of interest are The Kremlin, Red Square, the Tretyakov Gallery.
There are different ways of traveling-traveling by car, by ship, by train, by plane,
on foot ( on feet). Hitch-hiking (автостоп) is also popular among young people, but it can be dangerous. Travelling by car, by train is quick and comfortable. Travelling by plane is the quickest and the most comfortable , but it is expensive. Some people prefer travelling by ship. They can see the sea, they can hear the cry of seaguls (чайки) , they can go on cruise or voyage if they don’t have seasick
( морская болезнь) . As for me I prefer travelling by…
( My dream is to visit Hawaii some day, to sea the ocean, to meet native people. Hawaii is the smallest state in the USA. Its nickname is “Aloha” state.
“Aloha” means “Hello, friend” in Indian. The capital city is Honolulu.
California is one of the largest and most populated states. Hollywood is situated in California, because this place is very sunny and it is near the Mexican border.
Sometimes California is called ”the Land of Gold” or “the Land of Sky”.
Rich people live there. Silicon Valley is located there too. The cleverest people design new computer programmes.)
Travelling connects people, helps them to understand each other better. It can be a very interesting leisure time.
*Cruise-круиз морской
Voyage -вояж, кругосветное и просто морское путешествие, *перелет
Trip-поездка (недалекая )-business trip , экскурсия , рейс, полёт, pleasure trip- увеселительная прогулка
To go on business-в командировку
Journey-поездка, путешествие сухопутное
Seasick, airsick- укачивает
To be sick= to be ill
What is the purpose of your visit to America? –I want to see America and learn American English
Where are you going to stay?- I’m going to stay in Atlanta in my friend’s family.
How long are you going to stay ?- For a month.
Do you have/ Have you anything to declare?-No, I don’t/haven’t.
Open your luggage/baggage, please.- Here you are.
Welcome to America. Have a good holiday/vacation!-Thanks a million/a lot.
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